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Everything posted by Loupe

  1. DDO tried a class specific award/loot filter for questing, It didn't work out for them, doubt itd work here.
  2. Throw another log on the fire and get comfy. Your bug is number... ohh never mind that looks to ominously like a divide by zero moment.
  3. Light / Dark point are ultimately irrelevant because they are not hard set. You can erase them as you reach the maximum. Or at least you are supposed to be able to erase them as you reach the maximum. My Sorc is 9750 Dark 250 Light and I am still waiting for that fix to come in.
  4. I have all the Datacrons for Empire on my Scorc. The truth is that it does help to get the Datacrons which are not in your primary stats. The mechanics of the game to not differentiate between classes and powers. So a Sorc Healer and a Bounty Hunter Healer are using the same healing mechanic, but different main stats powering that heal. However if you look over your character sheet for the healing output you should see sections for the stats you are not focused on included. Thus if you add to those stats you are increasing your potential, if only by a little tiny bit. Aim for a Sorc is useless tho in all cases, because they are always auto hit with everything. But i got them all anyway cept the bugged one you have to walk a light beam to get to, I wasn't willing to beat my head on the workaround that ultimately is a graphical exploit not intended.
  5. You do not designate time investment to your non MMO social pursuits versus time spent in MMO's. thus my statement tends to hold true. I may be a troll, you never really know cept by the accusations of others, and to care in any case would be to give you power you don't possess.
  6. I say close the thread anyways Voice Acting & Story Development? I say after your first 50 get ready for voice content grind as you are forced to repeat 90% of the content and see the same 'story'.
  7. Is that the excuse for crap code we are to accept and be ok with?
  8. Not dissolve, they will sell their interest to someone else who will undoubtedly covert it to a Free to Play model.
  9. I liked the game at first. Tried to ignore all I could for the technical issues for even installing the game, and the glaring bugs in game ( was stuck under a floor for two days requiring 4 tickets and three phone calls ). Then the pains of group finding, the epic drop off of coolness factor of Flash points, after the Black Talon and the general distaste for massively repetitive voice content. I didn't come here looking for problems and game issues, but they are heaped upon me now that I am. I have little tolerance left for how they treat us and our concerns. I want the game to be a AAA title with a long long life. I just don't see that potential anymore.
  10. Meh.. that's pretty much my thinking. BW has failed to cover all that was expected of them. They continue to fail to address the community in an honest fashion. The level on animosity is growing. The positive spin is slowing.
  11. They are reaching rapidly a fault line. I am not giving them much more time or money if I can not perceive a significant change in how issues I see dragging the game down are addressed. Many say the roll out for SWTOR was the best they've seen in years. My response is to watch the movie "Gung Ho" with Michael Keaton, in Particular when the Asian executives come to inspect the work of the car factory. All the cars look done but inside there are no engines. Thats how I feel. I have a pretty box, with all sorts of bells and whistles (which look cool but don't work right if at all), and no engine. Nothing to drive on. The movie ended ok, I do not expect the same will be said of this game.
  12. They could have decided to do a lot of things, they don't seem to care enough to get their act together.
  13. I wonder if we get all the treads to a particular issue on page 1 at the same time the forum mods can pick the best thread to keep and lock the rest.. you know.. so they can ignore us better.
  14. I wonder which master loot fix thread they are going to pick to redirect all user comments into, while locking all the others. So they can more easily ignore us.
  15. I find it interesting the powers that be are fast to comment and lock threads which are redundant, but do not make any comment to the subject in the thread they redirect users to. Oh as to the point of master looter.. Try this, stop making things bind on aquire so they can be sold or traded. There is no doubt that the currant systems are unacceptable.
  16. People with good social skills usually do not spend a great deal of time playing MMOs. Tools help. Give me tools.
  17. I leveled a Sorc to 50 inside of 30 days. Playing some 4-5 Hrs a day on average, completely avoiding heroics and group content. So somewhere between 120-150 hrs total I'd guess. I wouldn't consider myself burnt out, but even Class Story isn't going to compensate for the hours of repeat dialogue I'd have to watch again to follow a different story. I want a skip dialogue option now. Just print to text log and give me my choices screen. I want the choice to listen to the voice content or skip it. Because the conversations are not dynamic to the characters. All interactions are the same, all player convo choices are the same. As for the end game content, PvP is right out (google damncheaters). Beyond that the reports of ongoing bugs and poor quality in the end game content turns me off greatly. Having been warned I'm not even going to bother to try and suffer failure because of bad design. When DDO had event breaking bugs in ANY raid at ANY level, they would just shut down the entire thing till they figured it out. Black Abbot one of the most Dynamic and Popular Raids in the game, dropping some of the most coveted loot in the game, was shut down for almost a year while they tried to solve bugs that developed. Given that they are Free to Play, that was a completely acceptable experience. Players were not complaining about the bugs, only whining about when it would be reopened. Given the wide array of bugs in so many areas, following that logic, the SWTOR game release should have been delayed another 4-6 months. For evaluation you take total investment for development, subtract pre order and first week sales ( not counting Subs at all ) then divide the remainder by total number of subs, and thats how much money they need to milk out of us before they can generally say 'We don't give a krap about this title anymore! Time to push and hype a new one'.
  18. Go DDO style, all drops show up in a chest. Within that chest players who are awarded items can choose to give that item from within the chest to another player before looting. Done and Done.. its like these people never played other MMOs.
  19. I dont like waiting longer to get a group to do a flashpoint, than it takes to do one. In my mind the whole game should have been designed around team based mission from the get go. Focusing for Heroics, FP's and AREA stuff to be mandatory Team based while letting everything else be easy sauce solo content is a bad plan, and I think that is showing more and more here.
  20. The Raiding I miss most is Dark Ages of Camelot. When you'd go get I dunno.. THE WHOLE SERVER, and go Raid the Relics in a Vast Open RvR area spending hours trashing other players. Including defending/repairing/upgrading forts and defensive locations, plus the building of siege engines to attack said fortifications. Also breaking off into special Ops groups to harass the enemy or engage in a tactical diversion to draw away forces needed elsewhere. Dynamic, engaging and completely unrelated to Questing. Winning the Relics provided global bonuses for everyone in your faction server wide. Further in a later update they released open PvP areas in which your faction could only access if they controlled the Relics. So as the RvR fight raged the lower levels reaped the rewards. However the funny parts were when access control changed and you couldn't get back in after the other faction came in a wiped the zone clean. Those fights were pretty epic as well but if no reinforcements were coming it was a loosing game, but an acceptable loss as your faction went down swinging. Now locked out however a new force could join the RvR! Reclaiming the relics, do unto others as they had just done to you. Warhammer: Age of Reckoning (WAR) Also had fantastic design for what real raiding should be for Two Faction conflict, ultimately failing because of their early success and over crowding causing the server to crash daily. However in their open world zones, not only did you have the basics as stated above, but sub quests that directly impacted others in the realm. To give bonuses to those on your team or take away bonuses from the enemy. The best aspects of Raiding in EQ1, had to be Town Raids. Getting the guild together and rolling over a Town in EQ1 was truly epic and satisfying on so many levels. Questing Raids were fun and engaging as trying to keep that many people organized without ANY voice over IP ( Haden't been invented yet) was the challenge more than anything. And when you succeeded, 24 man Raids and Up, you were happy with the chance at loot, but the pride of accomplishment meant more than anything. Dungeons & Dragons Online (DDO) Raiding was not near so Epic as the limit was 12 man. However every 12 man quest encounter was truly Dynamic. Every adventure had its own story with ties to the global story. Every adventure had a unique environment, no recycling of architecture design. There were traps to disarm, fights to avoid, puzzles to figure out. Raiding in every case required much more than button mashing and cooldown watching. SWTOR offers no pride of accomplishment at anything.
  21. Ok sure I get that. Where are the non heroic quests here that prepare you for it? Where are the quest and story hints of elements that might tell you what to expect? Or the plot conversation choices which may have some impact on how a fight proceeds? My biggest annoyance with this game is that with a vast majority of content available (90%) you need only be a solo button masher. This would also include most of the heroics, area's and FP's which do require a group, but otherwise just button mashing and action bar cooldown watching. There is nothing dynamic or engaging about the Questing. Its either easy sauce, or overtly difficult beyond expectations. If player communication is so important to overcome the 'hard stuff' why was voice over IP not built into the game? As for the comment that it's about strat and precision, you are not fully correct. Given enough equipment and exposure to the quest they too will become button mashing boing content like the rest.
  22. Could someone compile a list of FPs that actually have conversation points within them? Those of us interested in Social Points, or more importantly 'Story' would like to avoid the FP's that are a complete waste of time beyond loot and XP. If all I wanted was loot and XP I could just level to 50 ASAP and 'Start' my game there. In my experience there are glaring design holes where 'Story' seems to have been omitted in many FP's
  23. What the hell is up with Severin in Battle of Ilum? Random kill people for no reason or warning with full health powers are FREAKING AWESOME! Can I haz those please? 4 man group, 2 Ranged DPS a full Tank and a full Healer, with a backup healer. We kill the defender, duck for cover and he just blips in and out as he pleases, we try and manage agro and keep heals up, and boom , we all just fall over dead no graphice, no feedback, no warm up, just dead.. If I continue to encounter such krap you betcha I'll be beck in here giving you an ear full. I Didn't do any flash points because you designed the game so as one can completely ignore them till end game. Experiencing them now, my amusement and enchantment with the system is fading fast. It is simply lazy slack programming that makes it ok to super charge NPCs with effects and abilities that far over compensate for what players have. It is not fun to constantly get handed your head by an NPC using abilities you had never seen in the entire game till then. Using special 'plot' related powers is barely tolerable because if you are going to follow that route there had better be some conversation option or item in the zone to assist with making it actually balance and fun. If this is all I can expect and more of it, I think I may go back to DDO. Least they know how to write and design an instanced dungeon, and its free to play.
  24. Why should I care? Not like more equipment wont arrive later and the effort to get the ones we have now will be diminished at that time.
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