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Everything posted by JackNader

  1. The window is now so short that gore is best used with devestating blast and vicious throw. Neither of which are going to be shutdown by a knockback.
  2. Dunno why anyone would play anything other than carnage. Carnage is the least affected by spamming predation over berserk. It's the tankiest of the 3 specs. It also has the least required buttons and is the most streamlined of the 3 specs.
  3. Changes I would make * Defensive forms should be a passive * Unbound dropped back to 70% Pred ( powertechs sonic the hedgehog version removed from the game) - Clears roots/ snares from only yourself and grants root immunity to only you for 4 seconds. * A method of splitting berserk and predation. Marauders are the only class in the game that are forced between choosing damage and surviving. Predation is vital for survival. Without it they can't get to their targets and are essentially free kills. They also need berserk to do proper burst damage to fullfill their role as a DPS. The meta is forcing marauders to choose pred 9 times out of 10.
  4. Not possible. Those PvE heroes will then have much better stats than full brut and the expertise to boot. The system itself needs to bolster PvE Top end gear DOWN to just below first tier PvP while giving them full 2018 expertise.
  5. It's player vs queue more than anything else. The guys who are ranking highly are gaming the leaderboards. It's not a measure of skill, it is a measure of how well they can exploit the system to their advantage. That's a big turn off for me and the #1 reason I stopped queuing.
  6. Ranked 8v8 didn't run for years. It didn't even last 1 year. For my guild, bubble stun ruined 8v8.
  7. Bionoobs bolster system needs a good revamp.
  8. I'll take his clicking and keyboard turning over most of the scrubs I keep getting any day.
  9. The best guilds are any that don't stack FOTM specs and healers just to win vs pugs. Hmmm... nope... no good guilds come to mind.
  10. Exactly this. AP PT and hatred push the bulk of the classes out of the format.
  11. Reroll. Unless you are stupid good you will not do well with sniper in ranked. The class isn't built for it.
  12. Dude... the guys skank tanking have tank gear and they are doing it when they lose the first round. It ALWAYS turns the game to their favor unless someone on the opposition skank tanks as well. It is absolutely a problem. Nobody gives a **** about lowering their damage. The reason people do it is because AOE heals are leveraged drastically by guard. A healer with a guard vs a healer without one has vastly greater survivability and a far easier time healing not only themselves but everyone else as well.
  13. PVE 162 in every slot but main hand and offhand which must be less than 162. Do not mix PvE and PvP mods in the same shells or that item will NOT be bolstered at all. Ensure you are running expertise crystals if you have a PvP main hand and offhand or power crystals if you have a PvE main hand and offhand.
  14. If you have less than 2018 expertise while wearing PVE gear, then you are NOT being bolstered. This is the biggest mistake that PVEers make. They rock up into warzones wearing raid gear and think they will be ok... You're not OK. You take more damage, do less damage and are healed for much less than someone that is either in pvp gear or being correctly bolstered. If you insist on wearing PvE gear... take off all your raid gear and replace with 162 or LESS in every slot but mainhand and offhand which must be less than 162.
  15. You can either AOE to pull them out of stealth or If you have any class with an AOE taunt you can use this to put the stealther in combat. The radius is 15m which is pretty damn large. Failing that just keep capping till your full resolve which will force the stealther out into combat if he wants to prevent you from capping. Either way if the match was as you say... you guys got played. Learn from it.
  16. *Ravage root utility needs to go across the board. Especially for vengeance * Shoulder cannon should be 1 second with the 7 missiles put into pyro * Creeping terror should not be able to be dot spread. * 12s CC immunity talent should not exist unless its for the tank spec ONLY * 45% sonic the hedgehog Hydraulics should not be a utility * Predation should NOT clear roots for anyone other than the caster and its movement speed should be set back to 70%
  17. Uh.... the dot spread exhibited by the other classes is so inferior to hatred / madness it's laughable. That's why nobody is ************ about it.
  18. No... assassins are not fine. Their dot spread pressure outstrips AOE healing by a good measure. Cleaving is why they are so strong. In 4v4 meta with everyone bunching up, esp melee, trying to kill each other asap, cleaves win. Cleaves have always won. Smash, dong cleave, and now DOT spread.
  19. ^This. It's also extremely rough for DPS operatives for the exact same reason. Their DCD's are meant to roll and evade. You can't evade **** when you're being rooted and rubberbanded by a bunch of retard jugs spamming ravage root. I've said it before and i'll say it again... jugs NEVER ever needed a ravage *********** root. Sins never needed 17 seconds of stun immunity. Powertechs never needed 10 seconds of zomg rotfl sonic the hedgehog, etc, etc
  20. Good job massively overstating the usefulness of an ability. Sorry but reality would like to have a word with you.
  21. Concealment has 1.5 seconds of immunity after rolling. Concealment is pretty hardy if they can roll about. However that advantage disappears so fast if they get rooted to the spot. A rooted concealment operative explodes.
  22. Couldn't give a stuff if people macro or not. The more people automate, the sloppier they get. Predictability isn't an advantage.
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