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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Revelationjp

  1. I understand what they're saying. Still, though, it doesn't address my request.


    I don't want an official response. I just want to see if the helmet clipping still happens after all the post-launch tweaks Bioware made to lekku-headgear interactions.


    With all due respect, it seems you either don't understand or refuse to because you don't like the answer. I went ahead an re-read the entire thread and your question as I understand it has been answered. Sometimes they clip through on the bugged helms, sometimes they don't. If you're wondering if there are plans to make specific lekku friendly models, that I don't know, I doubt it's on the short term list.

  2. I'm just curious as to what actually happens in game. I don't care if it's a bug or not, and unless Bioware tells us one way or the other we won't know.


    I'm just asking what the game actually reflects. In the beta lekku clipped through a Trooper helmet; I'm wondering if that's been changed.


    If you have a relevant screenshot I'd love to see that.


    I think that what people are telling you (a bit undiplomatically, but that's the internet for you) is that the intent is that enclosed helms replace the head model, thus your lekku will get "cut off", however, some helms are bugged, resulting in clipping of horns, hair, lekku, etc... This is my guess from reading between the lines though, and i doubt your going to get an official response from BW answering this question.

  3. Just curious though, where was all the info on Legacy System during the first month?


    Every time you start your game the launcher comes up and it shows the game news. That's about all I paid much attention to and it told me everything i needed to know and I only read it as long as it took the game to update.


    Edit: and just t be clear, I meant in regard to the Legacy name being your surname and applying to all your chars on that server, not the 1.2 update stuff. Obviously We didn't know that in the first month.

  4. I've seen 2 or 3 people in this thread alone who picked their first name as their last name. Really? I'm the last person to insult anyone, and I really don't like people who do nothing but come on these forums and insult people, and you can check my history and verify this. But seriously guys, if you didn't know how the system worked when you picked your Legacy name it was because you weren't paying attention. I'm not trying to be mean. Consider it a little tough love if you will. I'm not saying that it means that there should never, ever be some sort of pay option to change it or something, i'm just saying that a lot of people knew exactly what the system was and what it entailed, and if you didn't, it was simply because you weren't paying attention.
  5. No offense to OP, but everyone is trying to be that special snowflake with this side-changing nonsense.


    If you want to be evil, play Imperial. If you want to be good, play Republic. This isn't a tabletop RPG with a million options, nor are you even carving your own path. You're playing a storyline already written for you, and it's in a narrow trench with few branches.


    This is a bit short sighted. The empire is not necessarily "evil" and the republic is not necessarily "good". You may be able to argue that about sith vs. jedi, but even that argument doesn't hold too much water with a little scrutiny. Even just within this game there are examples of good behavior on the empires part and reprehensible doings on the republics. They are political organisations, they don't have alignments, only self interests, and their morals only stretch as far as their self restraint. As far as a sith making LS choices, take the Inq story line. You're a slave forced into the sith order. Is it really that hard to imagine you might be a good person struggling to continue to be loyal to your own moral code?


    Besides the fact the the game includes LS and DS choices, so obviously we weren't intended to only make DS choices as an imp or LS choices as a Rep, who are you to tell this guy how to play his game? No offense, but he's just making suggestions that would make his enjoyment a little better. Nothing wrong with that at all.

  6. I agree it's an issue, but you realize that the reason there's not a "refresh" button is because there's moderate, abundant, rich etc... reward missions and everyone would just refresh until the rich one came up right? I think they just need to add more resource missions to underworld trading and that would solve the problem.
  7. Now why in the world would someone demand a system (i.e. an engraved invitation) to interact and socialize in an MMO? Why not just do it instead of fabricating reasons why you can't? Help a lowbie or don't help a lowbie ... either way it's up to you - not the game.


    The problem is that even if I wanted to, and I do actually, grouping with someone considerably lower level drops the xp gain for the entire group, hurting the person you're trying to help. So that'd be the reason to ask for a system...


    They are purple (artifact?) quality parts ranging from levels 43-49. They are the only ship parts you can get for those levels.


    Re-reading my question, I realized I didn't phrase it very well. Are you saying that the 4 purple parts I've found up to this point are the best ones and that the blue 5's from the ship parts dealers are the best for the other slots? Or are there purples for the other slots too?

  9. I could get on board with our ships as our 'homes' if they were more than just a hub for travel. The 1.2 update is actually doing a lot towards this with the vendor droid, mailbox etc... although these things are going to be pretty expensive. All that's lacking is the ability to modify a little. Let us hang a nice weapon we're not using any more on the wall because it looks cool. Let us change the color scheme. In other words, let us make our ships not look like every other ship of the same class.
  10. I do think the lack of chat bubbles creates a lack of social behavior. I ran by a guy the other night and only saw several moments later that he had said "hey do you have a moment for a couple questions?" he was talking to me, but i was watching the environment around me, not the chat box. He probably thought I was being rude, when I would have happily stopped to help him. Chat bubbles would have ensured this didn't happen. And as someone else said, if you're in a group of people you don't recognize by name, picking out who is saying what gets difficult if the conversation is flowing. Add this to other people in the area talking about last nights 'dancing with the stars' and is it really any surprise that people give up and just turn chat off except for guild and group?
  11. I did Cyber and never regretted it. making your own armor mods and mod slots means you only have to get your barrels and enhancements from the comm vendors which is a heck of a lot easier since you'll eventually have a bunch more orange armor than weapons, and armor mods and barrels are the more expensive mods. Others may disagree though, it all comes down to personal preference.
  12. You are the only other person I have seen comment on this. I don't, or at least I don't try to spam TM. I hit Unload every time it is up, after 1.2 my rotation will probably be:


    Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload > Tracer > Unload


    You're definitely hurting yourself if you're trying this. Heat seeker is getting additional damage too, and even if it wasn't it should already be in your rotation, as should rail shot. A good opening rotation would be 3 tm's, UL, HS, 2 more TM's, RS, then UL, HS whenever they're off CD with only enough TM's spaced in to keep your Debuffs on and when nothing else is off CD. I only have to worry about heat in long fights usually, and Vent is all it takes. Of course you've got a lot of cool tricks for different circumstances, but for most stuff this works great. It's really not any different than before, except HS will hit a little harder and barrage will proc more often, so more unloads.

  13. I don't like skadge personally, but I do appreciate him on my crew. One thing Bioware excels at is the archtypical "ragtag group of companions drawn together from different walks to a common purpose" meme, and I've always liked it. I didn't feel like he was forced on me, Gaul either. The way i remember the conversation was pretty much much, "I'm good at lifting heavy things and hitting people, get me off this rock and I'll do those things for you". My LS BH took him along with the stipulation that I'd be keeping an eye on him, and he hasn't caused a problem yet. He's even been amuzing somewhat. And given that his rep increased when I showed concern for torian when he went AWOL, I think he's a lot softer than he likes to appear, or at least values loyalty, kinda like Jayne from Firefly if you've seen it.
  14. Why I agree in a matter of lore, in a pragmatic sense, this argument is the same as "why can't BH's use carbine's". it's a matter of game mechanics. BH is essentially in game terms the empire trooper, and the smuggler is the republic agent. Of course one could also argue that the Empire has troopers and the republic has agents, but then why mirror classes at all? why not just make 6 base classes (force warrior, force wizard(for lack of a better term), trooper, smuggler, BH, and agent, and then choose your faction from there, and have the adv classes branch off from that choice? Wait, now I really like this idea.
  15. Actually this is a good idea. Apartments on space stations... or on a place like Nar Shaddaa... would give people the chance to have a home that is permanent and decorated, without the devs having to do a bunch of retro-fitting of the worlds.


    Yeah, when I saw how the planets were built I knew we'd never see player housing without a total overhaul, but his would be a decent compromise. I really like the idea of a space station with apartments though.

  16. I see what you're saying, but personally, I love the side quest voiceovers. Everyone who says they're just "kill x of y" covered up is blowing smoke to to hide that the game design just isn't their cup of tea. The imperial Balsavis line alone was awesome, the freeing the Dread masters thing was much more than just "kill x of Y". You can boil anything down to anything if that's what you want.
  17. I swear this is a new award winner for silliest argument ever. some of you people must have really busy lives, constantly bugging your corner grocer for how he spends the money you pay him for your cornflakes, and emailing the cable company for their business model after you pay your HBO bill, and then calling up amazon.com to make sure you approve of the way they handle the cash they get after you bought the first season of Game of Thrones online. I'm sure your neighborhood florist had no problem showing you her checkbook after you bough your girlfriend flower during valentines day in February either. I applaud your dedication to consumer awareness.
  18. It's an interesting question, and one I hadn't really thought about. My main is arsenal merc, and pretty much Mako is the only companion who functions for my build very well, so I don't bother gearing any of my others. My first suggestion would be to keep an eye on green drops, I seem to get a huge variety, and they're already leveled to where you are, so i'd guess you could keep your whole crew fairly decently kitted out out that way. Just a guess though, never tried it. Course they'd all be in pretty mis-matched gear that way.
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