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Posts posted by Revelationjp

  1. I usually encourage such imagination in people, but SW already has an established lore and it has many rabid followers. (of which I am one :D) Even if it wouldn't seriously cheese us off to do these things, LucasArts would never allow it. They've already taken extensive liberties in order to make this past era more recognizable to those whose only familiarity with SW is the movies.
  2. So far I've managed to stay out of these threads, because I never really saw the point in arguing. But enough is enough man! It's apparent at this point that nothing is going to satisfy the hardcore crowd. OP, you may or may not consider yourself part of that group, but I do. I've played since Beta. I have 2 50's, and several alts, and I've never felt for a second that I have nothing fun to do, and I haven't even been grinding dailies or WZ's or OP's yet! honestly I'm still finding content I've never done before! You get out of the game what you put into it. I enjoy the story, which is how the game was designed. I know it's not what you want to hear, but if story is not what you're looking for, you're playing the wrong game. Far be it for me to advise someone to stop supporting a game that I love, but I'd rather that than they change it to cater to a group that already has several viable options out there that fit their playstyle better.
  3. I don't know what my favorite planet is.


    I just hate Belsavis. I think I've enjoyed every other planet quite a bit, but I just cannot stand doing the story on Belsavis. I rushed my BH through it but my agent and SI have been there for about a month because I just do not want to put myself through it.


    I also disliked Quesh because it seemed so pointless.


    I know I liked Ilum, Corellia, and Hoth quite a bit. Maybe those are my favorites, but I couldn't really tell you.


    EDIT: Balmorra and Corellia, the war-torn planets. Those are the two I like the most. I like the feel of war in a game, and only these planets offered that feeling. Taris didn't feel like that for me, but I can't place my finger on why.

    I liked Belsavis. The BH story there was pretty forgettable (of course It all was once you got rid of Blood), but the planet story was pretty cool,

    uncovering the republic experiments and rescuing the ancient Sith guys (can't remember their names right off).



    All in all, i thought it had one of the better stories. Certainly more unique than the normal "help your faction get the upper hand in the battle" stories of the other planets.

  4. My favorite part: "1.25 million by March of 2013."


    It's funny how everyone who quotes this article omits the fact that this is a "prediction" for the state of the game one year from now!!!


    And of course that doesn't (and can't) take into consideration sub/resub spikes that will happen from content patches like 1.2. Who knows what will happen in the course of a year? We've seen two content patches in +/-4 months, 1 more announced. At that rate, we'll have 2 or 3 more before a years up. The likelyhood of an expansion is low, but not unheard of as well. The whole idea of guessing the sub rate a year into the future is pretty absurd when you get right down to it.

  5. see I do not look at it as a nerf, i think on the fly thinking is fun, and my dps is overall higher overall both pve and pvp...


    we were made more difficult to play i agree, but my 3 year old nephew could have played us before the changes lol!


    we are stronger, but more complicated... women folk like that in a man :D


    more pew pew :wea_01: is a good thing


    I think you;re misunderstanding me. Based on what you're saying here, we agree completely. I use the term "nerf" simply out of convenience, because that's the common conception for what happened to us. Go back and see my original post in this thread.

  6. missile blast? wow, worst heat/damage ratio ever, i would never use this thing better to cycle darts and fusions in imo...


    Agreed, the only reason it works is because it's mop up on groups and the heat usually dissipates between fights. I've cycled explosive dart back in too, which I had also ditched before. The point is that the nerf forces us to change tactics, and use otherwise redundant abilities, as well as think on the fly and switch things up as the situation calls for it.

  7. The only thing the DFA nerf did did to me is make me put missile blast back on my bar. Before, I could wipe a group of trash mobs with a single DFA and a follow up sweeping blaster or two. Now, I start with a fusion missile, then hit DFA, and missile blast whichever are still grouped. I changed my tactics a bit, and found myself having more fun too. In hindsight, we really did have it too easy. Same with TM, too many people would stand there pressing one key over and over and got spoiled with it. Those of us who were using unload and HS and RS and taking advantage of the barrage proc didn't have to make any adjustments at all and saw our dps go up. Instead of endlessly whining about the "nerfs", why not listen to people who are doing well and take their advice?
  8. At the risk of this developing into a philisophical discussion, society has trained people today to react this way. Hurt yourself because of stupidity? Sue and get a million dollars. Don't like your grade in english 101? have Mommy and Daddy threaten the school with lawsuits. Least valuable player on your t-ball team? Here, have a trophy anyway. Every child is taught he's the best at everything, that he deserves to be catered to. Then when real life hits, they have no idea how to deal with it other than screaming and crying, because that always worked before.
  9. To be perfectly honest, if people want to quit, they'll quit. Ok, you like the game, thats great. But they're paying money for a service, if they don't like it, they'll leave. Its as simple as that. I'm sticking around on TOR and if people want to leave, I wish them the best and move on. I don't say 'haha, you're such a whiner, no ones gonna miss you, laters'. Someone choosing not to renew their subscription is their choice and their choice alone for whatever reason they like, not a personal insult to anyone who chooses to continue playing. Why the hostility?


    The hostility comes from the constant barrage of "you're not really having fun playing this game, you're just a fanboi/bw employee/paid shill, etc... that happens everytime someone says they like this game. It comes from being constantly inundated by the negativity of people seeking to have their own dis-satisfaction validated. And it comes from the frustration of watching the generation of "me first, now, and always" feeling the need to drag everyone else around them down to their own level of misery.

  10. I thought this was weird as well. Went to the legacy class vendors last night to check it out after getting my inheritance construction kit. All the inheritance weapons are decent for their level, but they're not orange, so what's the point? Every class gets an orange weapon when they pick their AC, so by the time the alt you want to give it to meets the level requirement you've most likely got better mods anyway. From the looks of things, I'll use those vendors to get the orange belts/bracers, since they're cheaper than the GTN, but that's about it. Maybe I'm missing something in how it's supposed to work?
  11. Over one hundred pages now, I think it's time we realize that we're not all going to see things the same way, and aren't really accomplishing anything. The people who feel insulted aren't going to stop feeling that way because you call them babies. The people who don't see the big deal aren't ever going to understand no matter how many analogies you use. And the people who don't care are not going to start caring. I think we can all agree that calling level 50 players the "most valued" was in poor taste. But no company is going to intentionally insult any of their customers, so I think we can safely assume it wasn't a purposeful slight. BW will either make an apology or they won't, and we as customers have to decide what's acceptable to us personally.
  12. I can see why some people would feel slighted. I got the email last night telling of how i'm one the "most valued customers" and so on, and I assumed it was because I had pre-orderd, played in the beta, early game access, and have stayed subbed for the entire life of the game. Then to find out it's only because I have a lvl 50 character (which I only achieved this last weekend btw.) While BW/EA is free to hand out rewards however they wish, and I wouldn't have been bothered one way or the other, I can certainly see why people would see this as a slight against them. If nothing else, the "most loyal and valued customer" wording was probably the wrong way to go about it, given that there are people ( I know a couple personally) who have only been playing a very short time, but managed to get to lvl 50 and therefore received this reward for being loyal.
  13. I'm not asking about the legacy vendors. I'm asking about the new vendors that are called out specifically for Sentinels/Marauders and not for any other class in the Vendors section. The same section that says they're located on the fleet.


    If they were just referring to the generic legacy vendors, they wouldn't have a seperate entry for Sentinels/Marauders and no other class.


    What you're talking about are the legacy vendors. Each class gets their own the way I understand it.

  14. I think as time goes on and more people have access to the neutral GTn on their ship, we'll see the neutral GTN overtaking the faction GTN's as the auction house of choice. 1, it'll be more convenient, just go to your ship. 2, both factions can buy and sell. I Like the idea myself.
  15. So the guy on his phone and my office both have a magical website fixer that repairs all the terrible code as it travels in from our ISP's and enables it to work perfectly for us and only us? I guess you better go buy one of those then. Well, the site works great at the house too, come to think of it, so my wife must've picked up the magical website fixer at wal-mart at some point too. She didn't mention it, so it must have been pretty cheap, and easy to install too, she's not very tech savvy.
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