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Posts posted by Revelationjp


    Plenty of players, especially low level ones, don't have the credits to blow on a new cargo hold, etc. Plus there are level restrictions on when new storage is available. Not everyone is lvl 50 and rolling in dough. If you are, the deposit is meaningless anyway.


    I've never really understood the concept of limited storage anyway. Why does it matter if I want to keep all the grey junk drops I find? I'm only hurting myself. I get that there needs to be a cap to limit data base space, and because there may be some OCD people out there that keep everything, but as a credit sink it doesn't fly for me. That said, I'm a packrat and keep every orange and high level mod I find, on the off chance that a guildie or alt may need it someday, as well as (literally) an entire cargo bay of crafting mats for the same reason, and I've never needed more than 2 bays and all but one inventory upgrade. That's not that big a credit investment. Of course, I tend to earn credits as I need them, only keeping a cushion of 300-500k on hand, because I hate doing repetitive content just for credits.

  2. I semi-enjoyed the space game up until the last tier where it seemed to have an inexplicable difficulty spike. I freely admit that I've never been a master of 'twitch' style games, and so i tend to overcompensate with equipment or difficulty level where possible. In this case I always made sure to have the best possible ship equipment as soon as I was of the level to equip it, but even with all purple equipment on my ship I find the final tier missions impossible. I know It's me and not the game, but that doesn't stop me from completely losing interest in it altogether. It's obnoxious to me to be able to take every space daily, beat every mission without breaking a sweat, then not even surviving to complete those final 2 missions. That's just not fun.
  3. Under promise and over deliver ... its the Scotty Way! :)


    Oh wait ... wrong space opera! :eek:




    lol, the Scotty method rocks, regardless of the context. Could've been the Han method of promise whatever it takes to get the job then do whatever the heck they want, later, charm their way out of the consequences. :D

  4. I would never have asked for this change, and it seems on the surface at least to be an effort at catering to the lowest common denominator, myself included in this case. In my badness I constantly forget that my WZ adrenals and relic are there, ready to help me out, and blithely go about using my abilities while neglecting the things that could've won me the fight. (in most areas I'm pretty decent, if i do say so myself.) So, in conclusion, now you all are going to be down to my level of badness, and welcome! I'm King here!
  5. I agree with you, but a lot of the fault lies with us vets. I was in a match last night where a guy with partial BM and level 10 or so valor was doing just as you describe. I /w'ed to him to see what the deal was and he had no idea what I was talking about. He had been playing that long and no one had bothered to help him learn a thing. I asked if he had tried to ask questions and he said that every time he asked he got called a noob and told to L2P so he stopped asking and juts hoped that he'd figure things out. I gave him some pointers and and links to some threads on here that helped me (since I experienced the same thing) and after a couple more matches he was doing much better. Sometimes it would behoove us to remember that we weren't born knowing what we know today, and without someone helping us out we may well have given up.
  6. Seems to me that for all the talk of wanting open world PVP, people just don't do it unless it's forced on them or there's a reward. Other than those who gank low level players anyway. Then when rewards ARE offered, people fight club and kill trade. (ilum anyone?). Even base capture type events don't work as planned. they had that in SWG, and players would just plan ahead, have an opposite faction alt plant a base, then all sit around raking in the reward for the base capture. The basic, #1 fact is that the vast majority of players play the game for the virtual reward, whether it's credits, gear, or whatever. It seems counterintuitive, but it's true. If you took away the gear grind from WZ's, i'd bet rl money 75% or more people would stop doing them. I know I would. They're fun, but not so fun that I'd keep doing them for no reason. And I feel the same about OWPVP. It's fun, but not so fun that i'd be willing to have it interupt what i'm trying to do unless I was going to be rewarded for it.


    However, that said, if you were to give me a reason to care about my faction, I would OWPVP my sentinels huge rear end off. Right now, nothing we do effects anything. One of the few things SWG did right is allow planets/cities to change "ownership". Through PVP you could literally take anchorhead over for your faction. High level player would come from all over the galaxy when there was an invasion. There was no reward other than pride in your faction, but everyone was into it! Right now, we have no reason to even like our faction, much less despise our enemies. We often play an alt of the opposite faction to experience more story. Factions are nothing more than a symbol, with no meaning.

  7. I've played both an arsenal merc and a tankasin since EGA. No one really likes a nerf to their favorite class/spec, but one thing I did like about the one to arsenal merc and now this one is that it tends to run off the FOTM players who play the class only for some perceived "easy mode". I play those classes/specs because I think they're cool and love their respective playstyles, and I enjoy that i'm a little more unique after everyone flees. Like the arsenal merc nerf, this one seems a tad much. I think they'll find they went a bit too far. The armor is prob where the overkill is, a tank needs heavy armor equivalence. My feeling is that in the future we'll see a slight back pedal on this nerf, just like we're seeing now with the arsenal buff. In the meantime, I'll be sticking around, as I'm no easy mode FOTM player, I play this class for the aesthetics/playstyle.
  8. So the relic I spent 200 daily comms to boost my power by 405 is now useless in pvp after 1.3? Which is all I do really. Great. Can I get my 200 comms back please? That's a lot of time spent for nothing now.


    Well, you shouldn't have been using a PVE relic anyway. You would've been better off using a PVP relic and a Matrix cube.

  9. PvP



    •New introductory level 50 PvP missions that reward a choice of lockboxes that contain Recruit PvP gear have been added to the game. Players who already have Recruit gear can elect to receive a Recruit Credit Redemption Token, which can be sold for the purchase price of a set of Recruit gear.



    Maybe I'm missing something, but wouldn't this have the effect of encouraging people to NOT get the recruit set at all, and instead rely on these missions to get the pieces for free? Seems to me the net result would be MORE people entering WZ's with less expertise.

  10. Hey there folks,


    We've gone ahead and done a bit of cleanup in the thread.


    We get that you might get a bit spirited and passionate about your opinions, especially when they disagree with others in the discussion. However, we ask that you leave the rude comments and insults out of your posts and respectfully disagree with each other. Please note that threads that insist on discussion that is rude and disrespectful are closed, so let's keep things a bit more civil if we can.


    Thanks for your understanding.


    I understand why you had to clean up the rude posts, (just to be clear, I didn't report the rude fellow, I don't get offended by strangers calling me names on the internet). But by deleting his posts, and by extension, mine, (since he often quoted me, and I him) rather than editing them, you've essentially rendered my remaining posts unintelligible to any readers of this thread. Since I was quite polite and never resorted to any sort of rudeness, I find this unfair and counter productive to any sort of intelligent discussion. You, of course, have every right to do this given the rules of this forum. However, I would think think that any forum moderator would strive to encourage discussion rather than be a hindrance to it.

  11. 1) turning the camera and strafing: the second I turn the camera, I've lost sight of anyone who may be incoming, thus rendering my position as lone guard useless.

    2)speed: once again, in a situation where speed has no bearing, why would I sacrifice view of incoming enemies for speed when i'm traveling a total of less than a second? Yes, strafing is faster. So what?

    3)I'm not a keyboard turner. Backpeddling is simply another keybind that has it's place just like my AOE. I don't use DFA for every attack, even though it's a really cool ability that I love to use. Because it has it's time and place.

    4)backpeddling a little = probably backpeddling a lot: another generality that may apply to some people that genuinely ARE bad, but certainly not to all of us. The difference between people who use backpeddle as a normal movement option and those who use it when it has a genuinely appropriate use is a real one. By pretending it's otherwise simply shows you have a closed mind and are not open to strategies you didn't read about in your MMO guide of choice.


    I guess some people just get so vested in a statement that they make that they're unable to admit that it's even remotely possible that someone has discovered a use for something they weren't aware of that and are pride locked into defending it to the death.

  12. I've never been one to advocate for "participation" trophies in rl, however, In a computer game, you simply have to give some reward to everyone who participates, or people who start late don't bother learning and getting better, and instead stop playing. That said, I've seen the type of situation the OP descibes, and it does suck. But others are right in that it's not difficult, even in a shut out game, to get enough medals to be rewarded. If you're DPS you should be able to manage a 2.5k crit at least once in a match, even in recruit. Same for a healer with a heal crit, or a tank with enough guard for the medal, and those would be totally uninfluenced by even a totally overwhelming opponent team. I'm pretty sure those medals are put there for that very reason. Only other thing they could do is give a "left the spawn zone" medal. Heck, when I first started PVP'ing on my arsenal merc, the first two medals I would get (sometimes the only) were the 2.5k hit and the 2.5k heal. Even not slightly heal specced, I would use my class heals on myself instead of the free heal during lulls, and would crit 2.5k on that. Free medal.
  13. The one and only reason that backpeddling may not be ideal is it's slower speed. However, sometimes speed takes a back seat to some other situational need. For example, I'm guarding the door in voidstar alone, fighting off a lone attacker who moves away and I follow a short way to get the kill shot. Backpeddling allows me to return to my post while keeping an eye out for incoming enemies. Speed is not a factor, I'm in no hurry to travel that 10 meters back, but if I turn around I lose sight of the field, possibly allowing an incoming group to get closer before I can call for reinforcements.


    I tend to automatically disregard anyone who says "anyone who does so-and-so is is bad no exceptions" not because they're necessarily wrong in a general sense, but because that statement is born of an arrogance that is often misplaced.

  14. people often use language to feel superior to others.

    Like spelling/grammar has anything to do with intelligence *sight*

    If you can't understand what the other person is trying to communicate then by all means ask him/her to clarify.

    Language is mostly about repetition and mindless gaping (no offense intended), I could ask you if p=np in return.


    Do you understand this? "I has problem wit this bos can u help me"

    I'm guessing most of u do, so whats the freaking problem?




    The problem with this argument is that it's used more and more often to cover up laziness. In addition, you're only doing yourself harm by not bothering to spell or punctuate properly. No, improper grammar or spelling doesn't mean you're stupid. Everyone makes mistakes, particularly in a place such as an internet forum where you're aiming to get your thought across as fast as possible. However, it can make you APPEAR stupid. And I can promise you, as a manager, that if one of my employees wrote something like " has problem wit this bos can u help me" he'd either shape up fast or be gone. Weather I understood his meaning or not, that phrase tells me one of two things: He is too lazy to form a coherent sentence, in which case he's probably too lazy to be doing a good job; or he's not smart enough to be doing anything more complicated than flipping a hamburger. Weather it's right or wrong, weather we like it or not, you are going to be judged by how you communicate. You can champion the cause of "grammar and spelling don't matter' all you want, but you're only going to hurt yourself by refusing to learn basic spelling and grammar.

  15. The problem with giving too much hard data to the community is that we have too many armchair developers here. For example, let's say that they release those numbers you're talking about, and they show that 90% of arsenal mercs win their fights 100% of the time. (I know, just go with it for a second) Many of the people here would infer from that that arsenal mercs are over powered, when in fact it could mean that the only people left playing arsenal merc are legitimate PVP gods who would win regardless of the class they were playing. Hard data only goes so far, and way too many people would only use it to back up their pet QQ. Statistics can be used to show anything, and we're truly better off not having those numbers, in my not-so-humble opinion.
  16. As a mediocre player I like to think I learn a bit more about classes and pvp in general when I play good players. I think that is more of the point Izola was trying to make. Not so much loosing your edge but not truely having to test yourself.


    If this actually what he's trying to say, then I retract my "instinct to mock" comment, though I feel the rest of my post is still relevant. The OP just really struck me as a passive aggressive "I am so awesome but I need to preemptively make excuses for my losses to better players" post, and those annoy me greatly.

  17. I'll answer you in all seriousness, even though my instinct is to mock you. Play at your best all the time regardless of the situation. Letting yourself become spoiled to winning versus bad players is your own problem, and only you can help it. If it's that prevalent the "Seal Team Sith" team you fight against must be facing the same thing, so if they can avoid losing their edge, so can you.
  18. This is a lot like the folks who afk to get their dailies. It's inferior to actually trying to win the right way, but they think they're smart in gaming the system. I'd say that they're only hurting themselves, but of course in these days of only getting a WZ pop every 20 minutes to an hour it ruins the play for the rest of us. I suggest reporting it. Not much else you can do.
  19. You left out one of the bigger reasons that people dont queue for WZ's on other planets and thats because of load times. You load back into the fleet almost faster then any other planet.


    At least I know that when im doing PVP thats why I stay on the fleet primarily.


    Yup. One of the reasons I stopped playing my main and started leveling an alt. I didn't like sitting bored on fleet waiting for wz's, so I started doing dailies while waiting. Soon enough I realized that the huge loading times combined with the low WZ pop rate would sometimes cause me to miss the pop completely, and there went my one wz for that hour.

  20. Where is this information coming from. I'm pretty good about reading Dev tracker and haven't read about x-server in 1.3. Somebody link this alleged information please.


    They've actually said the exact opposite. As in "X-servers are a last resort option we're not looking at right now because it's too technically difficult for as at the moment."

  21. The music in this game is awesome. It's just that it doesn't loop. I arrive on Balmorra, epic music starts playing, and I am all excited. But after that 2 minutes I spend the next hour questing in utter silence.


    This is the issue exactly. What's so funny to me in this thread though is that some people think there's no soundtrack, some people have no problem, and so the obvious solution is to ignore what each other has to say and start insulting each others mothers. After all, we're on the internet!

  22. atually my Bount Hunter got the bonus 10 presence from Skage at about 9600


    People forget that there's also a bonus attached to affection that affects crafting crit and speed. They're only talking about the combat bonuses that come from companion story progression. Technically, both are right.

  23. I feel your pain OP. You're right, but for the wrong reasons. With the population problems, forming your own premades is not near as simple an option as people here let on. I don't know the reason, hopefully it's just not understanding things on our side of the fence rather than a desire to continue their ability to farm us pugers all day long with little effort. I've been playing since EGA, but have always been a PVE player, and thus joined a PVE guild. I recently tried out PVP and became totally addicted. I soon found out however, that the good PVP guilds didn't want me because I'm known as a PVE'er, and the PVP guilds that are advertizing are doing so because they were started by a 12 yr old 4 minutes ago. So, even though I've earned almost my entire BM set in 4 weeks, am at valor 45, have nearly 1000 kills under my belt and 52 MVP votes, none of that matters and I'm queueing solo night after night. I do it because I'm still having fun and I'm stubborn, but I find myself looking around at the start of every match, hoping to see a premade on my team, because at least then I know that some other people know what the heck they're doing.


    That said, it's not the fault of the premades. In my case anyway, it seems to be a combination of pop problems and elitist attitudes from veteran players. Let's face it, PVP in this game is a skill, but it's not rocket science. Anyone with a little brain power and the desire to learn can do it, and do it well. Pretending that your guild is Delta Force because you're good at PVP is simply childish egocentrism.


    If PVP'ers really were concerned about the fate of PVP, and really did want a challenge in other premades, rather than only wanting to farm medals from pugs, They'd be more willing to take newbies under their wing and teach them the ropes, and open their guilds to new PVP'ers. Few players are as stubborn as I am, and would have given up after seeing the responses I have.

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