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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Revelationjp

  1. better players will use los and stuns which kill our dps no matter what. So when you get off 2 tracers and then stack ED/tracer/HS/unload (in that order and quickly) the crits are enough to take out most anyone, i love it when they run around the corner to break unload and the ED/tracer/HS hit them anyway because they were cast before LOS was broken.


    I definitely dont beleive it is 10%, doubt it is 5% but hard to say without a parse or combat log with time stamps.


    Once we have more data i will adapt to the numbers but from where i stand i get around 50% crit on my tm and unload with 38% on everything else with a 1.78 multiplier, it is some serious damage... because those are my two primary attacks... lets say 80% if i can "turret" then (.5+.5*1.78)*.8+(.62+.38*1.78)*.2 is 1.37 so i am adding 37% to my dps from crits

    I'm looking forward to having some sort of log in order to get the math 100%. As I said, on paper, it looks like 5-10% for me, i'm at work and can't duplicate my math here, but I will when I get home. There are so many variables that it's difficult to know for sure right now anyway. But i'm starting to see what you're getting at. As it stands, I've run with both stacked crit and with power, and my IG results were enough for me to go power.

  2. if you didnt read my post, crit/surge = burst which is king in pvp... as far as average dps it might be a wash or even slightly better for power, but it isnt enough advantage to hamstring your pvp fights.


    i only have like 180 power currently and I can pull agro off the tanks in any single target OR aoe fight in pve too.


    crit/surge til 30%/85% then start stacking power is my opinion


    personally i go for 35% crit but the math everyone is theorycrafting calls out a soft cap at 30%


    I see what you're saying here. Again, with no hard numbers available, it's hard to nail down, but on paper,(for me at least) my average DPS is aprx 5-10% higher stacking power over crit. I'm not following you on your burst damage argument though. Of course crit is going to give higher burst damage, but why is that good if you can't target it? If you're just saying that random huge bursts are what you want, why is that? It just seems to me that reliably higher output with every attack beats out random huge bursts. I know that sometimes that huge burst is the difference between winning and losing, but if it's random (for lack of a better term) you're hoping luck steps in and wins your battle? If my average DPS = yours, for instance, why would you prefer yours in bursts rather than in reliable output? I'm not flaming, truely trying to understand.

  3. When did it suddenly become gospel that crit/surge beats power? I ran with each and seemed to do much better with stacked power. In groups I'm constantly pulling the aggro from the tanks because i'm out dps'ing them too much. It's hard to tell for sure without hard numbers available, but I wasn't aware that the National Mercenary Board had declared crit/surge > Power. :D
  4. I haven't had any trouble with any class quests/bosses at all, as a dps arsenal merc. Kiting is difficult with our skill structure, But we have a good selection of melee escapes for stuations like this. Talented rocket punch + jet boost tends to keep him away while you're hitting him with your hard attacks. Having Mako geared and on med watch keeps you healed really well. I can't remember what level you are around that area, but my normal rotation for a gold melee attacker who starts close is: rocket punch and jet boost for damage and distance + slow, tracer till he's in melee range again (3X or so), rocket punch once it's off cd, then unload (more slow), tracer 2 more times, rail, all the time using rocket punch and jet boost whenever they're off cd. Throw in electro shock whenever you can, and keep the tracers going. They do great damage and build those debuffs. If you're anywhere around the wuest level you shouldn't have any trouble at all. With our damage output and makos healing, we should very rarely have to kite, and our abilities make that a losing prospect in a long fight anyway, since our best damage moves root us for extended periods.
  5. Good discussion! In general, I prefer actual combat to emoted combat, mostly because it limits the overacting factor, and, let's face it, when you're roleplaying, whether it's D&D or TOR, you have stats attached to your character for a reason. They represent how "good" you are. No GM is going to let you walk into his game and rp a god who has the power to slay all around him (unless that GM wants his tires slashed) because it limits the fun for other players. Same principle applies here. When you're a level 12 sith assassin, "i'm a extra powerful force user who no one can beat" only flies as far as the first gold mob that pounds you down. I know my examples are extreme, but (in my experience) the more you let your group stray from the 'core' ruleset, the closer to my examples things tend to get. Now, that being said, things like barfights mentioned above, or things worked out ooc in advance i have no issue with at all.
  6. Both arguments are irrelevant. I'm enjoying the game, and will play until that is no longer the case. You can tell me the ship is sinking, but i'm staying on board until the fun is gone. Conversely, If i'm not enjoying a game, you can say all day long that the ship is unsinkable and i'm still gonna jump over board.
  7. I think you are having issues understanding something. If it's a failure to me...it's a failure to me. And to me that's all that matters. Whether it's a failure to you or anyone else doesn't really matter to me, now does it?

    I'm sorry friend but you're not understanding something. "Failure" is not a subjective term. To "fail" means that something did not meet it's objective. There's no "maybe it's not a failure to you, but it is to me". I'm sorry, but words mean things, and you clearly do not understand the meaning of the word you are using.

  8. While I agree with the "no" answer, your reasoning kind of leaves the people that play the game for the storylines annoyed, since this would require playing the same content over again just to change one decision.

    It's not changing one decision, it's essentially rolling another class. Assassin and sorcerer are completely different and so are mercenary and powertech. They may share their early abilities, but they're different classes. That they're picked at lvl 10 instead of 1 is irrelevant, the argument is still the same as "I picked a bounty hunter, now i'm level 25 and want an agent, i should be able to change."

  9. yeah, that's a great solution. Instead of me and my buddy saying "think we can take that thing?" "I dunno, but let's try!", we get "ooh that thing looks scary. We best wait for bob and Mark, and maybe have John and Ben on standby just in case." It doesn't add strategy, it adds fear and unwillingness to try something new. It's why every MMO that had death penalties eventually got rid of them. (at least to my knowledge). The death=fast travel trick has been around in many games, and in reality it doesn't really mean that much. Why does it hurt your feelings that some idiot self immolated and transported to the medic? He lost some credits. You didn't lose anything.
  10. What I find so funny about all of this is that this was always advertised as being a huge component of the game. I'd bold that but it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm so tired of these types of posts because there's only one answer and you won't listen: This is obviously not the game for you friend. I'm sorry. It's just not. You can accept that and move on, or you can sit around whining and making yourself and everyone else around you miserable.
  11. My disagreement with a full, open combat log isn't that the stats themselves are open. I consider myself pretty good. What I object to is turning my one opportunity at the end of the day to have a little fun turned into more work. When guilds and groups start demanding x stats because that's what the "A" list raiders are doing, then suddenly I have to Spend my time grinding mobs to get my stats where someone who is not me wants them to be, regardless of what is actually needed to accomplish the raid/heroic/fp/boss/whatever. I get that wiping because someone made a dumb mistake is frustrating. I've seen great players make a stupid mistake and get their group wiped. Crap happens. We're playing a game to have fun, and what you guys want just simply kills the fun for myself and lot's of people like me.
  12. I really like the space missions, but i agree that you duplicate maps are a bit much. It would be one thing if there were 25 maps or so that were re used, but so far there's only like 5 and each used twice from what I've seen. It's not a game breaker for me, but certainly obnoxious. And speaking about obnoxious, gamers have hated escort missions from the beginning of time, why do devs feel compelled to torture us with them lol? :confused:
  13. Re: naming rules...


    I am an RPer first and a gamer second. I started playing MMOs for the RP opportunities (and also fell in love with MMO gameplay, but that's irrelevent).


    But naming rules are a TERRIBLE idea.


    I remember joining a Star Wars MUSH years back and creating a character with the first name Lexi. A day later I was banned for "not having a Star Wars name" (even though the main character is named Luke).


    In TOR, my character's name is Alexandria Beltane. Both of those words are real life words. While most people wouldn't bat an eye, someone else could see my alt named Beltane and be disgusted for naming my character after a seasonal festival instead of some made up Star Warsy-sounding gibberish name.


    Furthermore, someone named Pixiesticks might just get involved in RP if they're exposed to it instead of met with an elitist wall. I have actually RPed with people who had silly names but went by a serious name IC. Pixiesticks could go by Pix IC, for example.



    I was going to say that the person earlier who said that we as a community don't often know what we want is right. To me, lack of chat bubbles is my biggest impediment to rp. Others think it's sitting in chairs, which is something i could care less about. Someone earlier went on walloftext rant about naming that made me want to call him out as an rp nerd, and i am one! Personally I think naming rules and their enforcement are one of the biggest community killers ever invented. Just in this one thread there's been about a dozen different ideas, and for everyone who agrees with one there's someone who doesn't. So how can we expect the devs to put any credence in our requests if we ourselves can't agree on what we want. It's not a matter of being loudest, but having a well thought out and reasonable list of requests. I'd say let's put together our list of top 5. Start a new thread, let it run it's course, and make a list a top5 most reasonable and easily implemented fixes for the rp community.

  14. The companions are part of the "story based" mmo experience that BW has created.I really think that some people just don't like the game as it's been designed. Nothing worng with that, people have different tastes. I happen to love the focus on story, and feel that the companions are an integral part of that. What I don't get is why people who don't like the game continue to complain about it, instead of finding one they do like. I've run into plenty of games i ended up not liking. They end up getting shelved and not touched again. I don't write letters to the makers demanding they remake them.
  15. See, being a working guy, husband, and dad,my schedule doesn't lend itself to hours spent online at any given time. Now the occasional sat night after everyones asleep may find me sitting my comp, with time to group and do fp's and heroics or just level with friends, but otherwise i'm limited to a few half hours here and there. So I really appreciate how easy it is to play without the normal MMO bs I experience in other games. But I never have a problem finding people to play with when i can. Sounds to me like you guys just want the game to force you to group, and that's the kind of mmo crap that's kept me out of the genre up until now.
  16. If you're speccing dps, reflex mods are the way, aim>end. tanking or healing seems the consensus is commando, end>aim. Power vs. crit is another story, and you'll find about 50/50 in each camp. For dps i favor power, my calculations seem to give me a slight edge over staking crit, though that's hard to tell for sure atm. I haven't run into any moddable belts, though i've heard people talk about them, and i'd love to have one, so if you do get some info, pass it along!
  17. Sweeping Blasters are somewhat superfluous anyway. If I'm looking for crowd control, not much is left standing after DFA followed by fusion missile and explosive dart.


    Sweeping blasters is the AOE to be used after all that, and in the unlikely event that anyone is still kicking after the aforementioned conflagration, its one guy with 2 points of health that I can just finish off with rapid shots.


    See, i disagree. I almost always follow up my dfa with sweeping blasters. It's instant, spammable, and if everything goes down sooner than expected it's interruptible so i can move on to my next target or group. It's a niche ability for sure, but not superfluous.

  18. Not at launch...

    It came out as an expansion one year later, and had major issues at launch.


    And that's what I said earlier, I could see them adding it as an expansion that you pay for.


    Though later on it was all in the same package as the game began to slide downhill.


    That's all true, but not really my point. What i'm saying is that people don't really know what they want. They think they want something, but when it happens it just scares them. Someone mentioned X3 earlier. That is probably the single most well designed game in history, one that i've put 100's and 100's of hours into. Yet most people have never even heard of it, and the people I know who have were so put off by the learning curve they never gave it a chance. Games today are more often than not pointed towards the lowest common denominator, and if you want more than that, you're mostly out of luck because it's the lowest common denominator who spend the most money.

  19. You guys realize that SWG actually did this? A real, total blending of mmo and space sim. dozens of diff ships, completely upgradable, free flight, combat, everything you're talking about. I loved it. Many people complained that it was trying to be too many things. People are always clamboring for new and unique, but when it happens they crap their pants and run away. You know, like so many threads on here about how this game isn't just like all the others out there...
  20. I don't get it... Do you folks have personal stock in these companies? I'm no WOW fan, tried it 3 times over the course of it's life at friends urging, and could never get into it. Yet they're obviously doing something right to still be around after so long. I'm loving SWTOR. Seems to be a completely different game catering to a completely different player base. So why does everyone feel the need to constantly explain how one is going to kill the other, or one is better than the other, etc... It just seems to me that both can exist and those who like WOW can play WOW, those who like SWTOR can play SWTOR. Just because they're both MMO's doesn't make them the same genre.
  21. this is from the SI description on the main page:


    "Asserting power and authority is one of the highest priorities for the Sith Inquisitors. Their choice of attire reflects this strategy, as they often prefer dark, high-contrast robes to express their sophisticated tastes and ambitions for political control. Nonetheless, despite regal appearances, great attention is given to ensure all their attire allows the flexibility for stunning acrobatics in Lightsaber combat. Of course, some Inquisitor outfits take expression to the highest extreme—designed to inspire sheer terror in those the Inquisitor comes into contact with."


    Now, nothing there says that you can't wear pants, though if you pay attention to the styles, rich, powerful people wear robes. Hence, the prevelant style for sith inquisitors, and yes, we're still inquisitors, just more specialized, is robes. Not arguing against pants, for the record, just throwing more information out there.

  22. actually, it's not a bad idea. I tried to have a conversation with someone just passing by last night, and we had a heck of a time sorting through general spam to get through. then a third person joined and it all went to hell. It's be nice, particularly for rp'ers, to just have a conversation with the people around them.
  23. What would be the "rules" for posting on a server's forum?


    Do you have to have a character on the server?


    Does it have to be a certain level?


    Does a forum post link all your characters and name to promote a healthy environment?


    I can already see posts overrun by lvl 1 trolls and people sock-puppeting their own posts.


    This is silly. Every other mainstream MMO has server forums. They essentially police themselves. People get to know each other, because they play together. People who troll get run off or ignored. It works well, I've seen it and so have many others. The bottom line is they don't need special 'rules' because the trolls don't have any fun there because everyone else knows each other. It's really very simple and I can't think of any reason not to have it.

  24. That actually doesn't make sense.

    That's like saying "Instead of running the Boston Marathon in 26.2 miles, I did it in 10!"

    The assumption is that the Kessle run is a specific route/distance. If you do it in a shorter distance you're not doing the same run, hence you can't measure the success of it in terms of length.

    Sure it does. The kessel run was a smuggling run where one whould go to kessel, pick up a load of spice, then take it to the originating port (i forget where). So the theory goes that Han had found a unique route that gave him an edge over his competition, thus the "make the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs" line. It's not cheating, it's being a better smuggler.

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