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Posts posted by Revelationjp

  1. As far as the idea of force choke being a "dark side" power, it's true that the power itself is not what determines it, but the use. However, consider that force choke, by its very nature, would only have the use of torture, inspiring fear, and killing in a very painful manner. Really, the same with force lightning. That's why Jedi tend to not use them. It's not that they're evil in and of themselves, but they're only real purpose would be evil really. In the case of Luke in Jabba's palace, he could have simply made the guards sleep or mind tricked them. Perhaps he wasn't strong enough to, but either way, he did the equivalent of placing his hands on their necks and strangling them. It's hard to argue that that was a "good" alignment choice.
  2. Well your post made it sound as if just the relationship led to the darkside, when its the consequences of the relationship that lead to it. It was more of trying to clear it up, for anyone who would have taken in the wrong way is all.


    Yes but if he doesn't have that power, and writers are able to do whatever they want....then things would get out of hand rather quickly.

    No, i'm just saying that the idea that 'outlawing' relationships in general was a shortsighted teaching, and may have contributed directly to Anakins fall.

    I'm also not saying that Lucas shouldn't have veto power over th EU, any creator should certainly have that. I'm just saying that I tend to ignore things he says in interviews and such when there's 30 years of additional material that has been approved by his company.

  3. So a creator of a franchise, shouldn't have control over what goes on? To the other point, relationships not leading to the darkside huh?....Well I know of two that their relationships did lead them to the darkside.


    Qui-gon and Anakin, now Qui-Gon didn't fall to the darkside mind you but it was a close call and he pulled himself back. The relationships don't lead to the darkside, per-say but rather what leads to the darkside in relationships is what happens within them. Notice how with Anakin, he seems perfectly fine with Padme, he is going to have a child, everything seems to be going well for him...and then what happens? He starts getting visions, of seeing Padme dying, that is what sent him down his dark path wanting to save her.


    So its more of the consequences in the relationship, that can happen rather then just the relationship itself that can lead one to the darkside.

    You're kinda proving my point for me here. It wasn't his relationship that led to his fall, it was his lust for power. In his arrogance, he felt that he, alone in all of the universe, should never have to deal with the death of his loved one, and thus sought the power to prevent it. Then also in arrogance, fell for the lies of Palpatine, who led him to believe he could teach him to stave off death. It could even be argued that if the Jedi had sanctioned his marriage to Padme, he could have gone to the council with his visions and concerns, and his fall would never have happened.


    As for your point about the creator of the franchise having control, I would normally agree, but in the case of 30+ yrs of expanded universe, in which LA has has veto power on everything with the SW name, regardless of what he says, the SW lore is much bigger than Lucas today.

  4. I dislike it when anyone says that what George Lucas says is Canon. He may have invented the initial story, but over the last 40 yrs this has gone so far beyond him that it's simply just not his alone anymore. It belongs to all of us fans. The story has literally hundreds of books, comics, games and other hings that have expanded the universe to the point where Lucas is only trying to aim a snowball he sent rolling down a mountainside.


    That being said, I've always felt that Luke had a better idea of the true Force because of his lack of a lifetime of training. The old Jedi order really made a mess of things. They were so embroiled in their politics that they failed to see what was right in front of their noses. "Trust your feelings, but abandon everything that's important to you". Mastering your emotions does not equate having no emotions. I always felt like the old Jedi order had over time perverted their own teachings, and that the "balance" that Anakin brought, was really the cleansing of both sith and Jedi, and a renewal to a more... lenient? idea of the Force. In the new Order, Luke allowed loved ones to be around, even Marriages, with no ill effects. The idea that relationships lead to the darkside in and of themselves were a perversion of older Jedi teachings, IMO.

  5. Most of the people I've grouped with in game are, I guess you could say, unsatisfying. You all seem to think you're more fun to hang out with than you actually are. No offense intended (though I'm sure I'm being a little offensive; it's an unfortunate by-product of speaking the truth), I'm just saying I very rarely come across anyone I'd actually want to socialize with outside of the context of "let's do this Heroic."


    You really have a point here. I've actually had people i'm grouped with for heroics flat out ignore me when I try to chat. They want to complete the content and move on. No time to talk, or get to know other players. Some obviously don't even care about easy social points, because they'll drop group as soon as the boss is killed or whatever and fast travel out. I have 2 50's and 2 mid-level alts and haven't even found a guild yet. (speaking of that, if you're on Vrook Lamar and have a decent guild, send me a PM)

  6. This has been the most amusing thread of the day for sure. I can't imagine why I didn't realize that My Sith Assasins new found inclination to rest between log ins resided with his new tauntaun. It was the only thing that had changed. But then again, I activated it when I got it and promptly forgot about it, because it's small and runs around behind me pretty unnoticed. When I do see him, I remind myself to dismiss him, as it's hardly fitting for a powerful Sith to have a cute and cuddly furrball following him around, but then I get distracted by murders and such.
  7. Slippery slope is always a poor argument. It ignores humans most powerful tool, the ability to reason.


    The slippery slope argument is not a logical fallacy. Reason is humanities most powerful tool, but is often trumped by human nature. People will accept a change in small steps that they would never accept in a single jump. That is the essence of Slippery Slope, and why it is indeed a valid argument. Let's say we accept today that paying for, say, a pet, is acceptable, because it's fluff only. Tommorow, they introduce a piece of orange gear. Well, it's not play to win. It's essentially cosmetic. You still have to put the mods in yourself. Are you still ok with that? And, well, It's really cool gear! and boy that rakata gear is ugly as sin, right? why not pay 1$ a piece for some cool orange gear with maybe augment slots, huh? And why you're at it, instead of just adding the $8 you need for the gear you want to your origin account, you have to add $20, because that's the only increment they let you add in maybe, so you can also buy that neat speeder in the shop that goes 150% instead of your measily 115%. Man, it'd be nice if they put in a speeder that went 200% faster huh? etc.... Slippery Slope

  8. I am not going to go into specifics but there are issues facing dozens of U.S. Servers atm. There are several threads you can discuss those in. I am frustrated that content we were promised was put off, the test server isn't back up, and 90% of the Devs attention atm is Europe, Middle East, and Asia. The rated warzones being pushed back and the servers population status has made this game very unappealing to me atm.


    I am glad the rest of the world is getting to experience SWTOR, but can't help but be frustrated at the lack of communication regarding the game breaking issues facing us here. The only communication we get is vague, "In the Future", "We are looking into it", "Some ways away".


    Hopefully the Devs will make the U.S. server issues their real priority at some point, with daily communication about whats happening with them and what they are going to do to fix it.


    Look, I'm an American, and a Patriot, and I think you're full of it. For one, take a quick look at the CS forums to see for great their Asia Pacific server transfers are going. Poor guys are being tested on is my guess. For another, the same content that we didn't get, they didn't get either, so what does that have to do with anything? Third, the game issues we have are exactly the same in any region you'd like to pick. Or do you honestly think the U.K. edition is somehow more stable than the U.S.?

  9. Did you even read my post?


    Apparently you didn't.


    He did. What he's saying is, if key-binding those 3 things makes things easier, well then key-binding your whole dps rotation is even better! Then a third for you group/AOE rotation, and a 4th for your heal rotation and so-on. The point is that it's the same argument when taken to an extreme, which is what always happens by a certain segment of the population who like to set up an instant win button, and some of us think it's better to just not head down that road at all.

  10. I agree and disagree at the same time. I dislike doing the same quests over and over and over again. But I also understand that the high end gear can't just b given out with a week long series of quests with a flashpoint ending either. I think things like the corellia dailies are really a good compromise. You get them all in one place, can run the circle and do them all in +/- an hour, and turn them all in in the same place. I can log in, do Black Hole, then log into an alt to have more fun for awhile, without getting bored to tears. Yes, it'll take me longer to earn my gear than if I run all 3 planets dailies, but I'm not feeling like i'm going home from work to log on and go back to work either. If future Daily systems are more like black hole and less like illum/balsavis, which require far too much running around, That'd be fine with me.
  11. I stated I did every class quest & side quests I found not "every quest".

    From the posts it is obvious I missed some. Arrogant sod.


    He's not being arrogant (well, maybe a little :D) you asked a question and he answered it. A lot of people have come into this game with a perspective gleaned from "another game" where the accepted rule is to hurry to the end in order to play the end game, and so we find ourselves inundated with threads of "oh no, i'm 5 levels below where I should be, help me please!" So, please forgive people for being a bit snippy, it's just that we've seen 18 gazillion of this same thing before. The game is built perfectly to get you from 1 to 50 almost exactly as you reach the end of your class quests, usually quite a bit before. if you're under leveled, it's because you got in a hurry and skipped some things.

  12. It's never bothered me to see trading in general. The problem with a specific trade channel is you have to be actively using it to find something, and that's boring. While I don't WTS in General myself, I've found some great stuff from random WTS spam in general.
  13. I wish people would think farther than 3 feet in front of their nose for a second. If everyone were to buy one and use it instead of the fleet GTN's, then the neutral would be then be a)more convenient, because you don't have to go back to the fleet to use it and b) have MUCH more on it, because both factions are using it. Stop whining for a minute long enough to think through the advantages for goodness sake!
  14. It unlocks the race specific features for the opposing faction. That is what you're thinking of, i believe. For example, you can't make a Jedi zabrac with a red face, but if you level a sith zabrac, then you'll be able to. it doesn't however, allow you to give the zabrac tatoos to a human, which seems to be what you're thinking.
  15. How do you look around if you're not mouse turning? I'm not trying to be offensive, but I thought pure keyboard turners went away with doom 2. I actually use a combination, depending on the situation. Since you have to aim AOE's with the mouse, i"ll use the kb to look around while doing so. But the mouse is far superior, since you can raise and lower the camera at the same time, keeping a much better view of the field of battle.
  16. I'm of two minds about this. On the one hand, PVP shouldn't be forced on someone who doesn't want it. On the other, the guy states he had a vaccine that he decided not to pop, so he knew what was going on and the event wasn't a surprise to him. Given that 1) he knew of the event. 2) there are other world bosses. and 3) He apparently didn't have any friends grouped with him (since they didn't help in the fight) this obviously wasn't a guild planned event or something. I have to wonder if it isn't a case of "staged martyrdom", where he intentionally placed himself in this position in order to draw attention to it. I don't know that that's the case, but a lot of the facts he mentions just don't seem to stand up to scrutiny IMO.
  17. How about having PVP sides based on alignment rather than faction ?


    So its bascially Dark side v Light Side...this way you can have people rolling a light side imp agent fighting alongside light side jedi's. Obviously people who are Grey/Neutral Alignment would just be put on whichever side was low on numbers.


    Only problem with this is that i still think you cant speak to a player on a different faction so communication would be difficult unless they open this up just for the pvp game then this would work well.


    PVP is the only time faction balance is an issue really, so, at least give opeople the chance to roll a Light Side Sith and fight alongside Jedi. The story side of it could then be explained as they have joined the light side and vice versa for dark jedi.


    This wouldn't work because the war is not between light side and dark side, it's between the republic and the empire. Just like in reality, there are individuals who are good and individuals who are evil, but the war is a political one, not an ideological one.

  18. I did this as an arsenal merc with mako and didn't have any problem. Hard to say what your issue is. If you're getting killed in 3 shots, somethings not right for sure. A couple suggestions, some are obvious, so please don't take offense. You didn't say what spec you were, but this is for arsenal:


    1) make sure Mako is in Med watch. Some people say turning off her attack specials make her heal more, but I've never had a problem with that.

    2) make sure you're using all you're tricks You have a stun, reactive shield, heroic moment, etc... for a reason. Also take advantage of barrage proc! Unload hits hard! So does HS.

    3)If things are going bad, don't be afraid to Concussion missile, heal up, cool off, and restart the fight. sometimes things will just go better.

    Hope this helps.

  19. I couldn't see the point either. The orange gear is too expensive for what they are, though the belts and bracers are stuff I'll buy because on my server those are hard to find and they're easily 2-3X that price on the GTN.


    In addition, the construction set stuff seems useless too. It's green, min lvl 14-15. Every class has an orange weapon by then for free, and mods that beat the legacy weps are easy to come by, either crafted or comm vendors. So to take the legacy system seriously, you've got a guy saying "here son, is my lightsaber that I'm passing down to you." "Um, thanks Dad, but I already have one that's much better than that one."

  20. What doesn't help is imperial version of mirrored items look way better.


    A good example is the empire and republic pilot outfits. Empire is well drawn texture of blues and blacks. Republic is a bland and ugly orange. Another is consular and inquisitor gear. Another is the fleet station, imperial is bright, colourful and tasteful, republic is bland, brown and ugly.


    In fact, you can sum up either faction in a single word; Imperial - colourful, republic - brown.

    You have a point here. My Sith Assassin makes me feel cool and dangerous and but i kind of shudder when i see the huge shelf-butt on my Sentinel. I expect Sir-Mix-a-Lot to peek out from around every corner.

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