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Posts posted by Revelationjp

  1. I spent a few hours farming outlaws den and didn't think the ROI was good enough so I quit. Your mileage may vary.


    If you find you enjoy farming the den, go for it. It it seems boring to you then I think grinding creds and commendations in WZ or grinding creds in PvE is a fine approach.


    I agree. I tested it out with my main since my alt was coming up on 50, and in 3 hours I had one recruit piece drop. I could've done all the dailies in that amount of time and bought the entire set. Decided it's more efficient to just send the creds to my alt and buy it. It's nice to get a piece or two for free when you get the quest to visit it i suppose, but as far as time invested it seems far inferior. Just to clarify, I was alone in the den the entire time, so I wasn't even fighting over chests.


    I honestly laugh when my pure Dark assassin makes some choices as it comes off like she's a raving psychopath.


    This is exactly what I was laughing about in my first post! sometimes the choices seem to come down either acting like a kindly kindergarten teacher or Charles Manson! "You lost your entire strike force because you made a stupid decision and then ran away? That's ok, I'll take care of it for you. Alone. You stay here and rest that sprained ankle." or "You haven't taken over this entire planet yet? Even though you have 20 guys to help you? Let's see if getting thrown into the rancor motivates you some!" It's honestly not something that bothers me much, I just laugh about it a lot.

  3. The more fair way to do it is by age of character. If I created my name at launch but need to move to a new server (through no fault of my own) I've lost a major benefit of pre-ordering if I lose my name to someone who created yesterday. That said, this argument will go on forever, because those people who don't understand why some of us take our names seriously will never understand it. To them, the name doesn't matter. To us, it's a digital identifier, with a reputation, friends, allies, enemies, and everything that goes along with your real life name. That seems silly to those who don't understand it, but it's the case for us nonetheless.
  4. No need for that, the *:p* at the end was my indication of not being serious either.


    Oh, I wasn't getting huffy with you, just answering your question about how NPCs ought to know I'm a heart-of-gold sith who buys lunch for hobos and calls my Grandmother at least once a week.

  5. How would a random NPC know you've done this? When a Sith Lord who sits on the council approaches... you don't say "hey man, whad up?", no, you cower in fear, hoping you are too insignificant to murder. :p


    I get your point though, but, I also understand the reason from a feasibility standpoint. Adding an alignment variable in a meaningful way would bloat the game by a huge margin.


    "My Lord! you're reputation precedes you! we've heard all about you from the millions of people you've helped all over the Place" This kind of comment is given all the time in game. I don't expect a "whut up? and of course they should be respectful to a Sith Lord, but the constant "please don't tear my eyeballs out with a spoon, I didn't mean walk by you too fast" is what gets to me.


    Lol, I've spent too much time being serious. I wanted to make a joke about the silly LS/DS choices, but I've fallen flat on my face there, so I'll bow out gracefully and return from whence I came.

  6. As a JK, Satele tells you that you've fallen to the dark side and thus cannot be made a master at the conclusions of the story if you're below neutral. As a Consular, you get told pretty much the same thing. As a SW, if you're light, Jaessa is a completely different person and you get told by many that you are too noble and good for a Sith and that the dark council will destroy you. As a SI, many encounters with the force apparitions are vastly different based on your alignment, not your choice. So yeah, no, you're just simply wrong. Obviously it doesn't make that much of a difference with the non-force classes because the dark vs light struggle isn't as focal to them, and rightly so, they shouldn't be about good vs evil.


    Agent story is about how both institutions, Sith and Jedi, are destroying the galaxy. BH is about being the best hunter in the galaxy. Smuggler is about the criminal underworld. Trooper is about the grunt work. These aren't about good vs evil by design.


    Oh and there is no need to be condescending about it. I keep my posts relevant and to the point, that doesn't mean I'm angry, sad, happy or cheerful.


    If you felt I was being condescending, I genuinely apologize. I was making a point that my original post you responded to was an attempt at lightheartedness and perhaps to make people a little less serious, because I'm in a good mood today.


    I don't disagree with anything you're saying, but it seems you and I are looking at things from two different perspectives. You're talking about the story line itself, and that's certainly part of it. But once the story is complete, there is a persistent world that is unaffected by anything you've done. Obviously they can't change the control of Corellia or anything like that, But for example every single NPC reacts with fear/loathing to my SI, even though he's spent his whole life rescuing kittens from trees, running soup kitchens, and helping old ladies cross the street. That's the kind of reactions to our choices I'm talking about.

  7. Ok, this is exactly what bugs me with these sorts of complaints. It's not true at all. Many people that you save come help you in various stages in the future or make cameos. Without spoiling anything, in the JK Corellia section, ALL the strong jedi you saved along the way join you and make references to what they been doing since you saved them back in act 1.


    A BH ending can have massive consequences in the future. I mean, you can get a full pardon from the Republic if you choose the lightside option. Just because the choice doesn't jump out of your screen to shake your hand, doesn't mean it's not there, stop claiming it's meaningless. The whole game is meaningless if you look at it like that, I mean what does pvp really matter? Nothing except fun. That's what the stories, choices etc are, FUN, they aren't SUPPOSED to change the universe, only your place in it.


    First, you're taking what I said waaaaaaaaaay to seriously. Lighten up a bit. and second, those things you're talking talking about are not the result of your light or dark affiliation, they're the result of SINGLE choices. As a BH you can be DS all the way through your story and then not kill (spoiler, you know what I'm talking about obviously) and *POW* you're a great guy and everything's forgiven. It's the complete opposite of games like KOTOR 1, where it took the accumulated total of ALL our choices and then furnished the appropriate ending.


    But our choices really don't matter other than a couple of important ones. In the bounty hunter story, I murdered some guy in cold blood because my son bumped my mouse hand. I regretted that I couldn't save and reload, because I'm an rp'r and that was against my characters nature. But no one in the galaxy gave a crap that I did it. Everyone was scared of my Sith Inq, even though he was full LS. Everyone loved my JK even though he was full DS. My point is that No one in the game cares what you're alignment is, they only care about specific decisions, and those only if they are specifically affected by those decisions.


    I was never intending to say that the choices weren't fun. In fact, I said in my post to the contrary. Fun is, as you say, the only reason to play a game. But having choices matter long term, and having your overall alignment taken into consideration is more fun, IMO, which is what I was saying. I love this game and many things about, and am not one of those people who exist to complain.


    I'm terribly sorry I hurt your feelings though. Forgive me?

  8. At first I really enjoyed the Light/dark choices, but the only real effect they have at all is companion affection and maybe the email you get 20 minutes later. Don't get me wrong, I still find them fun, I just wish they had more long lasting effects on your story.


    Also, some of the choices are silly:


    NPC: "good morning my Lord"


    Option 1) "shut up you noob! leave me alone! (shock him)

    Option 2) "Hi there buddy, good to see you!

    Option 3) "Hello! can I get you a coffee? A chair? Fetch your slippers? Perhaps there's a suicidal mission you'd like to send me on after which you'll pay me a pittance and kick me off your planet because you don't like my type?

  9. look at stickies for PvP. One of the threads (PvP 101?) mentions gear progression.


    Here is a summary of PvP gear progression:


    (1) recruit gear. You can buy a complete set of this for ~310k credits

    (2) battlemaster gear: you buy this with WZ commendations

    (3) war hero: you buy this with ranked WZ commendations (regular WZ commendations can be converted to ranked WZ commendations 30 regular -> 10 ranked) plus the equivalent battlemaster piece.


    If you don't have at least a full set of (1) you are going to be pretty squishy. (ref:expertise graph)


    I found soloing WZ pretty brutal until I got nearly a fully set of BM gear (bounty hunter merc healer).


    For folks that are at level 40 and looking forward to level 50 PvP, you can ding level 50 with a the maximum of the regular commendations (2000) and a fair amount of ranked commendations (I think I had ~2400 on a PvP only toon) and buy a few pieces of BM gear. Make sure you dont waste commendations by hitting your 2k limit. when you get close to this, convert some commendations to ranked WZ commendations.


    When you are examining the BM gear at the vendor, pay attention to which pieces confer a "set bonus" (helm, chest, greaves, boots, gloves) and get these first. To get the set bonus you must have a matching set (e.g. 4 medic pieces).


    This is the best answer for you OP. Listen to him! And while there is debate on the usefulness of recruit, since if you're on a decent server you'll only use it for a short time, don't listen to those that say to skip it. You'll not only hurt yourself in that short time, but you'll be a burden on every one of your teams as well.

  10. At the begining Im not sure if there was a limit on toons. Currenty you cannot have more than 50. So if that Eric wanted to create another toon, he would have to delete a ton of them until he had 49. I have seen complaint posts after this happened saying that they had to delete 80+ toons before they could make a new one. If the devs had any brains, they would force the guy to not even be able to play the game until he was at or below the cap. But that is a big if.


    I'm sure he was joking. I know I was. It's kind of a play on all the "well what if I did this really odd thing that no one could've foreseen" posts that've been cropping up today. I wasn't taking it seriously in the slightest.

  11. I rarely post new threads, though I comment moderately often. The prevalence of discontent prompted me to say this though. I have a fantastic plan for dealing with the nerf, and here it is:


    I'm going to log in and continue playing. If things play a bit different, I'm going to adjust my playstyle appropriately to compensate.


    I know that people like to get everything they can out of their class, and it sucks to get hit with something that makes you weaker. I play an arsenal merc as my main, so believe me, I understand the frustration. But just like with the arsenal merc, I think they've gone a little far, and they'll learn it soon enough and back pedal a bit. Particularly in the armor category in our case. A tank needs heavy armor equivalence. But no MMO is ever going to be perfectly balanced, and the circle of nerfs and buffs goes around and around, one day you're on top, and one day your on bottom.


    Edited to fix a misspelled word that was driving me crazy.

  12. I'm not sure how people miss this but each point of expertise you give up give you considerably less than 1 point of mainstat or 1 point of endurance, or a WH character with 17K HP and 1300 expertise means you could have 30K HP with 0 expertise (+1300 endurance) as a DPS in PvE gear or 3000+ mainstat which is downright impossible.


    But even trading 1 point of expertise for 1 main stat is favorable for expertise in realistic situation, and you never get that kind of trade outside of the crystal slot.


    You give up 300 expertise you only get about 70-80 mainstat/endurance back. That's not going to make up the 3% bonus you lose no matter what.


    Point for point you're right, but I believe the diminishing returns on expertise is where the debate starts to come into play, plus, expertise influences EVERYTHING you do, where main stat is damage and crit, end is health, etc.,., so you have to consider that the fraction trade is not exactly correct either.

  13. Same thing happened to me. I think OP is trying to say....He is going to unsub unless BW implements character/guild transfers.


    That doesn't make sense. What does transfer have to do with it? His entire guild is still there, they just mutineed. Leaving behind him and half the members I might add, leading me to believe that more is going on than we are being told. Guild politics FTL.

  14. Drama Queen alert.


    Yeah. When everyone has the same disadvantage, there essentially IS no disadvantage. It will require a change in tactics for a couple classes, no doubt, but I can see how it brings things more in line with how it should be. My arsenal Merc main as it is can only be effective if everyone else is too dumb to notice me at all. 'Course in those cases, he's VERY effective. Right before the 1.3 info was released I noticed so many threads about how TTK was too short, and now suddenly it's too long. I've come to believe (I kinda did already really) that a considerable portion of people are just looking for something to complain about, and once one thing is scratched off the list they just complain about the opposite.

  15. Really? Is that the common usage of the term "transfer" in MMOs - we're going to move everyone from several servers onto one server?


    In the real world where there's still some honesty in words and their meaning, those used to be called server "mergers."


    It doesn't matter to me because I agree with most of the board - they needed to do mergers, not transfers, because actual transfers would cause all kinds of disruption. I'd just wish they'd be honest about what's going on.


    Um, in the real world, words mean things, and the definition of the word "transfer" is to move to another location and nothing else. People who like to be prepared for things disregard what the common perception is, and focus on what is said, and what was said is that there would be transfers. Nothing more, nothing less. Being mad that you took what they said and assumed they meant that the industry usually means when they use that word, is silly and a waste of effort. It is what it is.

  16. Can we dispense with the "transfer" euphemism?


    A character transfer implies the user has a choice to move to another server.


    This is NOT a transfer - it's a merger with a half-*** opt-out. You can only go to one server - the one your entire server is being merged with - and if you don't go you're going to remain on a somehow even more dead server than you have already - until they turn the lights out.


    That sounds like a merger to me. To be considered a transfer they'd have to give you some choice - however restricted - of more than one destination server. I know they don't want to call it what it is because "server mergers" have negative PR, but it bothers me when people just bend the language to the point of breaking. These are the mergers a lot of the forum-goers were asking for, but they're going to be semi-voluntary so they can gauge how many takers they get in the initial rounds.


    All that said OP, it sounds like your server won't be anywhere near the front of the line when this process starts rolling and you might be a candidate for a destination, rather than an origin. I wouldn't worry about it until the day comes.


    "Transfer" just means to move from one location to another, and nothing else was ever "implied". Just because you had a preconceived notion of what that meant to you before they announced anything doesn't mean that their definitions are somehow inaccurate. There were a hundred threads on this board warning people to not guess at what was meant because all the ACTUAL information was vague at best, but here we are, with people crying about what was "implied". Holy crap, you'd think that common sense had gone completely extinct.

  17. I also have questions about how you receive the box. They said "quest", but that could be as simple as talking to an npc once, and in that case, why sell the recruit set at all? If it's a quest line that takes time, it seems like it would actually encourage people to to rely on getting the the free set over time, thus giving us MORE people with little or no expertise joining warzones, negating the purpose it's set up for.
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