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Everything posted by Revelationjp

  1. Wrong. Sorry, but your schedule is your choice. you make your own choices. You pay to play an mmo. They inform you in advance when they're going to shut down servers. If you decide it's worth it to call in sick to work or ditch school, or tell you're mommy you'll take out the trash later is all your call. See, I pay for Internet access. the other night, a lightning storm caused caused my access to be out. I got no warning. It was during my SWTOR time. I was a little cheesed. But I played Sorry with my daughter and had a lot of fun. What an amazing thing. Being mad gives you cancer. Being happy gives you cookies.
  2. If you're skipping all the dialog you're buying a lamborgini, painting it puce and putting a fiero motor in it. Not that this is a Lambo, but you're not using it for it's intended purpose is my point. No wonder you're disappointed.
  3. Haven't played Sentinel, but what spec are you playing? some companions play to the weaknesses better than others.Also, you may try the light side vendor to round out your orange set and find a buddy or several to help outfit you with good mods. This can keep you gear much, much better than what you're getting as class rewards. if you're still having problems, go back to an earlier planet and do some heroics. good xp, credits, and though gear will be useless if you followed my above advice, belts and armbands may need upgrading, not to mention implants. relics will increase stam, increasing survivability, and if all else fails, ask someone for help. You'll be surprised how many helpful people are out there, minding there own business until someone calls for aid
  4. I agree. The ratio of gift and fabric missions to metal seems way off. It may be misinterpretation i suppose (i ALWAYS have gault on a trading mission) but it seems that way. Perhaps it's intended, if so i'd like to know why. I usually only get 3-5 mats anyway.
  5. I've never run into this. My experience has always been: get to hub, pick up 4 or 5 quests, go out and complete those quests, with some nice bonuses if i feel like killing enough mobs,(usually don;t even have to try, would have had to anyway), return to hub and turn in all quests. Personally, I hated WoW's endgame, that's where I dropped off. Had a blast leveling and playing with other people, trying other classes to pick the one i liked best, etc. the grind pissed me off, (which, btw, is nothing like this game, i've never had to stand in one spot killing one group of mobs because i was too low level to move on to the next area) then i got to the end game and thought "wait, what? all I do now is run the same dungeons over and over to prove i'm awesome or something and get good gear, and stand around posing and maybe gank some noobs? I might as well play one of those godawful team fps's on ps3 with my 9 yr old nephew.
  6. I haven't either, but I lol at the one's that have the 6page online application, interviews, and screening process. I already have a job, thank you. I play games to enjoy myself.
  7. Just for everyone's information, if you use you words "fanboy", "biodrone" "how much does bioware pay you" or any other similar stuff you only succeed in making yourself look like a child and completely invalidate any otherwise valid point you may have. I'm sorry that other people do not have the same opinion as you. I'm sorry that what seems like the end of the world to you may only be a mild irritation to someone else. Myself, the biggest issue is successful companion missions coming back with failure audio, and vise versa. Bugs the crap outta me. But i sure don't pretend that every one should care, or that BW should drop everything to fix it. Relax and enjoy the game.
  8. This is quite possibly the most awesome thing I've read this week. Nominated for post of the year. If it wasn't so long, i'd ask your permission to make it my signature. You, sir, are a geek god.
  9. I played SWG for 5 yrs, and i met exactly 1 other persson other than myself who ever even looked at the forums. I learned a long time ago to take anything said on these things with an entire Sams club Piano of salt. ( i make up units of measurement when none seem to quite fit my current euphemism, and i quite like that one.) I would like to add my own kudos to the op's, and BW, keep up the good work!
  10. As a rp'r, a can see your point. As a techie, i know that problems can often outweigh the simplistic view a lot of people have.Yes, phasing could be used. But consider that this is still a young game. If it were me making the calls, I would say to my peons "hey, lets leave it all open for now, and when we have enough population going to support a lot of phasing, then we'll go full tilt." I can hear the cacophany of "fanboy" already, but all i'm doing is shutting down my selfish "i want it now" reflex for 5 seconds in order to look at things from their perspective. You only have yourself to please. They have 2 million people to please. and every flippin 1 of them has a different top five list.
  11. Pros: The stack of work on my desk might get smaller Cons: My coworkers would be mad that instead of outperforming them by 10% i'd be outperforming them by 50%. Or maybe i'd just read memebase more. Yeah, that's prob more likely.
  12. Me too. Course it makes me wonder whats wrong with me. I spend half the day in meeting with rl trolls, then i log on the internet and figuratively bash my head head against a wall with more.
  13. No, my point is that it's not a grind. Unlike the other mmo's out there, the quests are fully fleshed out, with cut scenes, voices, stories, and reasons for doing them. there is no grind. I partner with random people who are doing the same quest, or who are just passing by in the same area. I'm saying that if you come at this game with the expectation that it's something that it's not, of course you're going to be disappointed. See, I hated WOW. I hated being told to go kill 80 random creature x's for their random drop because... well, some guy needed them. i was bored, it felt like work. this game doesn't feel that way at all. it feels that way to you folks because 1)you expect it to. and 2) you deliberately skip the feature that make it not feel that way! and then you whine that's it's not exactly like another game. It just flat out floors me.
  14. So wait, a game is advertised for 5 yrs as being totally story based with full cut scenes and voice overs and then it's released and it's totally story based with full cut scenes and voice overs? My God in Heaven! /sarcasm off Myself, it's not that the stories are particularly spectacular or anything, but they are pretty decent. What's great about them is that they serve to develop a connection between you and you're character. Most MMO players aren't reall'y interested in this aspect, which is why all the hate on SWTOR. They expected the usual, ie: rush to 50, raid, pvp, get the best gear, etc... but this game isn't really about that. It's about the journey, not the destination. I think this is where so very many people are getting caught up honestly. SWTOR wasn't designed with the classic 'end game' keeping players. instead, what is supposed to keep players is the continual addition of additional story. Veteran MMO players are apparently subconsiously resisting this.
  15. Sorry, you folks are missing my point. I'm not saying that once you reach 50, start another toon. I'm saying that those who rushed to 50 and are disappointed with what's there missed out on the best parts of the game. We as a gaming community constantly complain that no on e is making anything new or unique or inovative. Now when someone has, all we here is "but it's not just like that other game!" We're all hypocrites! We resist change while we clamor for it! SWTOR isn't about the 'classic' end game (pvp, raid, etc...) it's about story, immersion, all the things Bioware is good at. Those people who want a WOW clone with blasters are going to be disappointed and i'm sorry, you may as well leave now. We are going to see more planets with more story. That's what SWTOR is about, and what it was always advertised to be about.
  16. So the argument is that because someone disagrees with you on what is or is not a "serious" issue, their opinion is less valid than your own? I'm replying to those who're throwing the term "fanboy" around, like some of us believe that somehow BW can do no wrong or something. You seem to completely ignore the possibility that perhaps we just don't think things are near as dire as you seem to. That doesn't mean that we think BW is run by Jesus. It just means that we have differences on what is more serious to us as individuals. I don''t see anything wrong with that.
  17. The game hasn't even been out a month, even counting early access! This is a completely different brand of MMO, catering to a completely different brand of player. A story driven game, with spectacular voice acting and cut scenes yet people space bar and power level to 50 then complain that there's nothing there. My answer is this: "That's because you skipped it all!" Modern MMO's have taught us that the end game is all there is. SWTOR is trying to reinvent that. The journey IS the destination. In this case, it's not just a saying. Re roll, relax and take your time. Honestly, this is my answer. You will be surprised how much you enjoy yourself.
  18. I have no problem with people raising valid issues. The issue is that with 2 million players and counting (hopefully) each and every one of us are going to have a unique handful of problems that are our biggest ones. Just because yours aren't the same as mine doesn't make yours less valid, and just because I haven't experienced the same 'bug' you have doesn't make me a 'fanboi'. (whatever the hell that is). We all have to get over our entitlement mentality and remember that we're a community first and foremost. We play this game because we like it, and we all want it to succeed. Other than those trolls over there of course, and I like to feed them as much as all you guys do for some reason. Masochism i guess. BW wants to make us all happy, but that is simply not going to be possible, so they're going to do what they think is closest to that. Unfortunately, that's going to piss some people off, and those people are going to be the ones who come on here and blow up the forums. This is simply the nature of humanity.
  19. You do realize that absolutely no one here can do anything at all for you right? So there are really only 2 explanations for this thread. 1)You are trolling. Or 2) You are a 15 yr old whose parents won't pay for you to keep playing so you're trying to build cred for you're online 'friends', to explain why you dropped out. Regardless, many people are enjoying the game, myself included. So kindly back off and let us have our fun. BTW, before you come back with your apparently standard response of 'well why aren't you playing right now', well, some of us have awesome, well paying jobs where we sit behind a computer and can surf the net, but unfortunately, playing SWTOR would certainly be frowned upon. That you didn't consider this is yet another clue that you are probably a kid with little idea of the real world.
  20. QFT Exactly! We're not soldiers who are given standard issue weapons, our weapons speak to who we are! A Bounty hunter uses every tool at his disposal. His carbine at range, a rocket barrage when appropriate, flame thrower and upper cut to the chin, yes, even pulling his trusty pistols when things get down and dirty. The game has done great in utilizing a variety of different attacks/gadgets etc..., but why limit weapon choice?
  21. True Dast, but maybe a bit misleading. I've never run across gear that has more than one primary stat attached, so there would never be a reason for a BH to use cunning gear. He should ALWAYS use aim. I suppose if a piece had aim/cunning/end it would work as you say, but I've never run across anything that does. I may be mistaken though .
  22. I don't see any need for additional 'escape' abilities. Jet boost usually gives enough time to fire off a heal, or rocket punch + talented unload slows and often decimates, especially if you've softened 'em up with a few tm's. It's all about timing and playing to our strengths. That said, it's possible that another class fits your playstyle better than this one. It happens to the best of us, nothing wrong with it. But I'm always willing to offer advise should anyone need it. Don't pretend to be the best, but i'm decent, know my class, and i'm friendly and helpful.
  23. Ok, i'm running an older rig with a gt8800 1 gig, never experienced this. You can't discount a driver issue just because you have the newest drivers, and you can't discount a card issue just cuz you have the newest baddest card. New drivers often introduce new problems, and in my gaming career of 20 some odd yrs I've often had to roll back my drivers to accommodate a specific game. My point is that crying "fix it" is not productive when there's no real data to know where the problem even is. It sounds to me to be a setting conflict between the card drivers and game settings, or perhaps game coding incompatible with the settings you're going for. i'd start by fiddling with options, or if you're using your card to force settings, stop doing that. PC gaming is not like console gaming. Every rig is 100% unique, and as a result many things that appear to be bugs are simply incompatibilities that you may not realize. something as simple as a single checked box that may never have affected anything in the entire life of your comp may be causing the problem. The bottom line is that we don't know without very, very specific details on every single rig that is being affected. You can't just blanket blame the program.
  24. Thanks, you've been helpful. To recap: single target: tracer missile (i assume more than once for the debuff), rail and unload, rinse repeat. multiple: death from above and fusion missile plus electro dart, jet boost and rocket punch when needed. that sum it up right?
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