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Everything posted by Revelationjp

  1. My SI was a Ratattaki, but I always wondered how it would've played out as a sith pureblood, given your rival at the beginning being so favored by your teacher because he was one.
  2. I think that the person who said that being a light side BH was more about being an honorable warrior was right. At least, that's the way it felt to me. One of the things I really like about the BH story line is how you get to see that the Empire is not all bad guys, and the republic has done some pretty heinous things too. I do, however, feel that several of the ds/ls choices were really contrived and didn't make much sense.
  3. Exactly right! I was angry when I was forced into steam with Fallout NV, but once I got used to it, I love it! I've discovered so many indie titles I never would have otherwise, found great deals, found old games that are hard to get a hold of any more, etc... As a PC gamer it's been one of my greatest discoveries.
  4. Yeah, last I read, 1.2 just tones down how often he mouths off. No turning him off that I've ever heard.
  5. I don't know, My Jedi could probably use the ego deflation from reliving the moment of jumping over the handrail at the speeder pad near the senate on Corusant, only to realize it's surrounded by a bottomless chasm and be loled at by all the people who saw it the rest of the night.
  6. Yeah, Alderaan was really the worst of them all. I wanted to punch every one of those elitest, insufferable snobish jerks in the nose. Every. single. character. on that planet was totally punchable.
  7. I'm not sure you're correct. I have a buddy who had the character name "yomamasofat" and he was forced to change it. He didn't break any of the rules you gave here. (to be clear, it was an experiment to see if naming conventions were followed or not, since it was so vague at the time.)
  8. technically speaking, it doesn't have to be defined to be a valid contraction. It's valid. So is where've, (where have) which is also not commonly defined, and is often flagged by spell checkers. The one on the forum for instance. There're others as well.
  9. Fair enough. I haven't focused much on the dailies, my two 50's are mostly support for my alts as they level right now, doing dailies enough to keep crafting, and sending the good drops to guildies/alts. If you're right, then we really don't have anything to complain about.
  10. If these costs are correct it is a bit disappointing, because I certainly don't see those numbers as being very attainable, at least for myself. I keep a running bank of around 500k, because i'm constantly doing resource missions to keep my alts in mods and gear as they level, and reverse engeneering high end mods for blues and purples gets expensive fast. People say they're making 2 mill a week easy, but i'm certainly not, what am I missing?
  11. I left Wow before the X-lfd came into place, so i'm not familiear with the function, though i understand the concept. I can see the advantages: right now, finding groups can be hard if you're playing on an off night for your guild, and no one likes waiting around spamming that they're looking for a group. I can see disadvantages as well, namely that there would be little to no reputation reprecussions for bad behavior, as you're likely to never see the same group again. So loot ninja-ing and other obnoxious behavior would become rampant. I don't , however, understand the 'community breaking' argument. I would still talk to/run with my guild, I'd still help people I run into randomly, and I'd still have ridiculous star wars vs. star trek discussions in general. After all, a new mechanic doesn't change who I am. LFG would only be used in those off nights when no one else is on, right?
  12. How can anyone say these forums are a constructive source of information when for every "leveling is too fast" thread there's an equal number "leveling is too slow" threads, and for every "the graphics suck" threads there's a "OMG these graphics ROCK" thread? As much as I dislike Apple products (or Orange products given this threads subject) Steve Jobs said it best when he said that the best way to design a product is not to give customers what they want, because they don't know what they want, but instead to make what YOU want, because everyone will like that. I'm pretty sure no one can argue the success of his business model.
  13. One thing we all have to remember is that only a small fraction of active players spend any time at all here on the forums. When players experience a problem in-game, they submit a ticket, thus those are a far more reliable way for the developers to judge what is a big issue or just whining by a small but loud minority. (i'm not implying that any particular issue mentioned here is not important or whatever, just trying to add in a little common sense). And I just have to add that its been stated that they're working out a transfer system now, and that it's complicated because of the legacy system being server specific, so please stop saying that there's been no communication on population issues.
  14. I don't get these posts. Are to trying to get others to convince you to stay? Trying to convince others to leave with you? What's the point? I'm going to stay as long as i'm having fun. The day the fun stops is the day I unsub. Simple as that.
  15. Keep that white crystal in mind. They're apparently going away with 1.2. Would make a good status symbol or investment for later on to auction off for much more cash. Other things to consider are race unlocks coming with 1.2 and don't forget the expensive speeders out there now.
  16. I think your math is pretty close, but we're still gonna have to wait and see how it plays out. As it's been said, after the initial rotation, the focus shifts to HS and unload, but also, the cooldown of unload is finished by the Tm proc as well as the damage. Since we're still limited by the 6 second limit, Are we actually going to see an increase in the number of procs and therefore the frequency of unloads?
  17. I dunno, I never felt like DFA had too big an AOE, or OP in any way. If anything, it's our only real AOE that's any use. Fusion missile is only effective if the mobs are hugging each other in my experience, and sweeping blasters is really only good for mopping up if you've somehow managed to bring a group to deaths door without killing any. Flamethrower is nice, but I like to stay further away than feasible for it to be effective. More often than not the groups aren't close enough for even DFA's big AOE to be particularly effective, I just like the knockdown more than anything.
  18. Lol, this, unfortunately. The threads demanding it be changed had hundreds of posts and now that it's happening, not a peep. I too tried to speak up, but was lost amid the sea of "I don't want to look like I'm taking a dump on the battlefield"
  19. I think you guys are thinking of this from the other direction that its meant to thought of. Bw's assumption is that you picked your original char's race based on what you wanted to play, and given that the legacy system is essentially an extended family network, you would want to continue playing that race among your other toons. For example, My characters are all brothers, 3 by blood and 1 adopted. 3 human and 1 is rattataki. I had this planned out before I knew any details about the legacy system, and I'm pleased at the way things are going to work out. I don't expect to unlock pureblood for my next jedi char, because i haven't done anything to earn that yet. You're not being punished, you're just refusing to understand the game mechanic and how it's supposed to work out of sheer stubborness and sense of entitlement.
  20. Well, I was actually replying to a different thread and accidentally posted it here, it's corrected now. But since you ask, It's players like me. Players like all the others on here that don't want to see changes made to a good game that will make it even more of a "WOW clone" as you put it. I never liked WOW. I hated the grind (nicely bringing it back to the subject at hand, i might add). I hated feeling like i was forced into boring, repetitive actions in order to advance. I hated that the game didn't really start until you were at max level. I've never felt that way in SWTOR. Advancement has seemed very natural, going along with story progression very well. I love that BW has made an MMO that is focused on story instead of raid/power gaming. That's the different player I'm talking about. I think they're are a lot who agree with me. If not, then BW has obviously made a big mistake in their target demographic.
  21. sorry, reading too many threads at once and replied to the wrong one.
  22. I guess I always defined the "grind" as those times when you run out of quests your level and are forced to mindlessly kill mobs for hours for xp to level. It's the reason that I lost interest in UO, WOW, and other MMO's, and one of the reasons I'm enjoying this one. I hit 50 last night, and haven't even finished belsavis, still lots to do.
  23. This argument is ridiculous, wether you agree with the OP or not. For one thing, we are each paying money for access to this game. It's not job, it's not even a volunteer position. We have each one of us payed for it, and therefore deserve, no, are owed, equal access. Now, you can argue what that entails, but the work in, reward out argument simply doesn't stand in a situation where we pay for our access.
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