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Everything posted by Revelationjp

  1. You're right, but that doesn't mean that such a system would be easily understood by everyone. My wife and I were shopping for a coffee maker and I had to explain that the one with a 3 star rating didn't really mean anything because there were only two votes, a 5 and a 1. completely meaningless data. She's not stupid, she just doesn't understand statistics.
  2. Actually, the 2nd Death Star would have been almost twice as large, without the structural weaknesses, with considerably more firepower and defensive capabilities. Which is one of the reasons the rebels rushed to destroy it while it was still being built. If you want to argue Physics inconsistantcies, at least use a plausible example like lightsabers or space ships without directional thrusters or atmospheric lift mechanisms.
  3. There was actually a conscious decision to tweak a few things to make this game look more like the movies in order to appeal to those people only familiar with the movies. See the republic/empire symbols, uniforms, ship design, etc, none of which really fit the actual lore. they were thrown in to help people relate to the movies. All that aside however, you have a centuries long galactic war going on, planets being decimated and rebuilt, criminal syndicates running unchecked, no power maintaining full control for long, any ruler only in power as long as he can stay there by force etc, and you have the perfect recipe for technological stagnation. It's not unlike a milleniums long dark age really, just taking place in a time when enough tech progress had already been made that little backsliding has happened.
  4. I just don't get these things. I so many of them the issues are they want things are are widely available in other games. I'm not going to say "go back to (insert other game name here)" but seriously, if another game has all the features you want, and this one doesn't, why aren't you playing it? Not being rude, or facetious, I would genuinely love someone to answer this question. Game A has all the feature you want, and Game B doesn't. Yet you stand around complaining that Game B doesn't have them instead of playing Game A. Will someone please explain this to me?
  5. Just out of curiosity, when did people start measuring time by their level progression? by my calender, the game has been out apprx 2 1/2 weeks. Maybe that's a long time, maybe it's not. But measuring time in "49.5 lvls" seems silly to me, rather subjective isn't it? No offense meant, just curious.
  6. I've decided that those for them are not going to accept any argument against them. Those against them are not going to accept any argument for them. I don't really care one way or the other, but simply adding the experience of friends to the discussion has created much wailing and gnashing of teeth, so I've determined these threads to be useless. . No offense intended.
  7. No, you're misunderstanding me. I'm simply saying that as things stand, everyone has a chance of getting into groups and my experiences have been good. There's always those people who don't seem to be pulling their weight, but we're playing a game, not competeing in the Olympics. We get it done. By implementing a system like this, you risk instituting a stigma on people who may deserve it, or may not. that's all i'm saying. I'll leave it at that.
  8. I'm certainly not saying that you should be forced to group with someone who is causing havok in the group, or purposely losing aggro, or making the game not fun for you. I'm simply saying that using a system like we're discussing to ban someone who's dps is lower than the 'acceptable' limit is perhaps shortsighted and unfair, and a valid reason for not allowing the system. May I add that myself, I don't support nor not support it, I don't really have an opinion on it. I'm just giving anecdotal evidence from friends experiences. I don't really care one way or the other.
  9. I play basketball with a guy in a wheelchair, and he's better than most of us. But that's irrelevant. You're elitist tendencies are showing again. When people are paying for access to a game, they shouldn't be denied access to it simply because they aren't as good at it as you are. In rl, i would support you in this 100%, but we're in a game here, one that people are paying to play. I should add as well, that your post pretty much admits that you would use this system to deny groups to people who do not perform to your expectations, somthing most supporters have gone to huge lengths to deny.
  10. The lengths people go to to try and cover their elitist tendencies baffle me. let me give some examples of people I know in "another game" who were essentially locked out of end game content because of these types of 'features' 1) A young lady who is physically disabled and able to press correct buttons fast enough to perform to others expectations. This info got around and she found herself pretty much banned from groups because she 'sucked' and refused to 'l2p'. 2) An older, slightly mentally challenged gentleman who found himself in the exact same situation. I feel for those of you who really do just want to better yourselves, or have friendly competition among your friends. But the fact is that more often then not these systems are used to keep undesirables out of your groups. And that is not something I can approve of.
  11. There's not a lot I find tedious with things how they are, but one thing is some of the huge empty hangers, for instance on drommund kas. from the entrance to the hanger to your ship is a huge empty space, stairs, rooms, corners, all with no real reason. This kind of thing i can see room for cutting.
  12. QFE I was going to say exactly this. BW has made a game that is exactly what I and many others were looking for in an MMO. We're sorry that it's not what you were looking for, but honestly, from what you're saying, what you want has been available for quite awhile. May i suggest you go play one of those games and let us enjoy our story driven game that you detest so much?
  13. I read somewhere that they chose not to do this in order to not bypass the social areas or something. Regardless, I would settle for just not having my ship take off into orbit everytime i enter it. Sometimes i just want to use my holo terminal or access my cargo.
  14. Man, seriously, relax. no wonder people are dying at their computers in record numbers. No on on the internet can take a joke. Indeed, mmos iz srs biznes. Happy People don't get cancer. Get a dog or something.
  15. There was another thread about this exact same thing earlier, and the consensenses was that anything other than personal gear is always greed. So you could very well find yourself in a sticky situation. I would say that the best bet is to check with the group you're with. But that's just me.
  16. It seems to me that Wow has ruined the concept of MMO's. Has anyone here ever considered talking to someone before spamming LFG? when you have a flat do you just grab someone and say "hey you, come help he?" No, you say 'hey man, my name's so and so, and such and such happened, i'm in a bind, etc" I take a very similar tact in-game and I never lack for groups, or friends. Start a convo. Consider that the person you're grouping with is good for more than just that quest. They may very well become a good buddy later on down the road. just cuz you can't see their face, just cuz the internet is 'anonyous', doesn't mean we need to act that way.Even on the internet we're Human Beings.
  17. They just can't get it right. They're not fixing things fast enough? yell! fix it? you're taking my play time away dang you!
  18. This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. I don't use the GTN at all. All my money comes from missions and selling to vendors. I spend roughly 50k a day on companion missions alone. i have huge stock of materials which i use to craft for my friends. and you're telling me you want to confiscate my credits because some *** hats exploited something I didn't even know about. God you're not any better than them! And I mean that. The very fact that you suggest it tells me that you're no better than the exploiter themselves. Punishing inoccent people is more egregeous than the crime itself morally speaking
  19. If this is the reason everyone s concerned about the 'gamebreaking' resolution issue i'm more convinced than ever that our entire society is doomed and the zombie apocolypse is right around the corner. And you sir, are gonna be the very first to go.
  20. I like it how it is, though I would support the possibility of of those who bother to do space missions being able to replace their ships with similar but higher quality. Being able to buy diff ships would lead to problems down the line. For instance, a BH being able to buy a phantom would cause the agents to have a meltdown and so on. but a bh who does space missions being able to upgrade to a d5 mantis which was very slightly different would be nice. adding interior customization for space missions would, to me, be an appropriate reward to those who play the space game, but again would cause a meltdown in those who don't. They'd say it's unfair. I saw similar things in SWG. They'd have to give it to everyone. Make it like player housing.
  21. I'll be honest, I read every word you said and I don't understand your problem. I'm more concerned that successful companion mission come back with failure audio and vice versa.
  22. BIOWARE: "hey everyone! we love you guys, our customers, and are designing a great new systems that we think you"re just going to love! Here's a little taste of it to wet your wistle and build a little community suspense and get a little conversation started!" COMMUNITY: "I don't know what it is and I know It hasn't been released yet but I mastered it anyway and I want my f'ing glowing sparkling pony with laser eye's and deathstar pooop and I want it now!
  23. I don't know why i bother even reading these. I get it. I get bored with games. Some are awful. Some I pay a bunch for. Fable 3 was an abortion. Know what I did? I uninstalled it and shelved it. Know what I didn't do? Go into a large room and yell as loud as I could trying to make everyone in the world feel the same way as me in order to feel validated. Today's public schools I guess. "everyone has to be like me or.... something, i don't know what."
  24. See, this is the kind of post that's frustrating. Pointless. No actual rebuttal l of the op's statements, designed to inflame, in point, the very definition of trolling, which you claim (i'm inferring here) to be against). Now I don't pretend that the OP is In any way actually accomplishing anything here, no offence guy, but it seems to be troll bait itself, though it may very well be an attempt at countering that overabundance of crying and whining going on on these boards. But if I may suggest, it would be far more productive to ignore it all. With any luck they'll all go away. I fully realize I'm disregarding my own advice here, but sometimes, one just can not resist an injustice when it occurs in front of ones face.
  25. I get that, i do. Mostly, i'm just poking fun, because i'm a fungi. My larger point is that what they're doing is not to personally piss you off, it's to try and make the game better. So let's relax. Go have a beer, throw the frisbee, or if you're not that type, fire up skyrim. I'm sure it's feeling neglected. Those dragons aren't going to be poked into submission by themselves. Everyone needs to vent, but if you truly look at all this objectively none of us of been anything but mildly inconvenienced, and most of those simply out of sheer coincidence. BW wants to make money, and they want you to keep playing. It's lunacy to think that they'd sit in some dark room and say "hey, let's see how far we can push Xukuth untill he cancels his sub then fills a hot tub and offs himself! hahahhahaaha"
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