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Posts posted by Ashania

  1. The UI did look cool, didn't it?


    Sure, it could have used some tweaks, but black looks better than the current blue.



    And it also looked like the stealth was different too, you almost couldn't notice the scoundrel was in it when he used the tranquilizer.


    And the mini boss dropped a "Telos Commendation", guess that was cut off eventually.


    The stealth did look better in that video, sort of like a light gloss over the character. And the Scoundrel was able to go into cover whilst still in stealth.


    My computer is awful and I play everything on lowest settings, but does anyones game actually look like that?


    From streams/videos/pictures etc that i've seen the graphics never looked as good as that.


    Also, at 6:40 the Guardian used Force Pull :p

  2. iirc (I played an operative in beta), at the time that video came out...scoundrels/ops were not even fully designed. They had rough outlines of abilities and skills, but no real synergy. So things like upper hand were not yet built or ready for testing.


    Even so, if they had the idea in place, they then had to go back and redo the Scoundrel's skills. Remove CD on Emergency Medpac and make it cost UH, whilst looking at PvP balance and healing viability in PvE with this mechanic.


    I've never even thought about it, but love the game or hate it, there's no denying so much work has gone into it (same with any game, I know).


    Also, is that Jedi Guardian armour still in-game? I don't think i've ever come across that and I wouldn't mind it for the Guardian I am levelling!

  3. After the first and last time of using GF on my alt I decided to give it a go on my main - Scoundrel healer. I have done no end-game hard mode flashpoints before, all I do is PvP but i'm in War Hero so they shouldnt be a problem.


    At 1am Sunday I queued and instantly got a pop, 3 people selected ready and then it timed out after one person didnt. Another instant pop after that. Someone pressed decline and was placed back in the queue. Popped about 5 seconds after and everyone accepted. Entered HM Esseles and everything went smoothly.


    Then after that I queued again, another instant pop, but then it timed out and another pop took its place. Joined and was thrown into Kaon Under Siege HM. I was a bit worried, it being my first time, but I had read up on all of the flashpoints in preparation. But again, flawless run.


    The people were nice and the tanks were actually geared and specced as tanks.


    Perhaps the sour experience I had on my alt was because it was Empire ;)


    KUS was actually a lot of fun, not enough to keep me in HMs indefinitely, but i'll jump into the GF every once in a while definitely.

  4. When your healer is stuck in a flash bang, can we have a Scoundrel/Commando cleanse it, regardless what spec you are?


    When your healer is stuck in a whirlwind, can we have a consular cleanse it, regardless what spec you are?





  5. Let's start with the healing on the fly, scoundrels have it because they have no other real escapes on low CD, a sage has sprint + pushback. Hybrid healers even have 2 sec stun on bubble burst & 5 sec root on pushback.

    The thing most sages think is that that bubble makes you invincible and you can just stand there & heal. which is not the case, you need to run, LoS & heal.


    Now for your second satement. Soundrels get 2 stuns they can use in combat. A 4 sec hard stun (doesnt break on dmg) & 6 flash stun that breaks on dmg. So i don't know how you get stunned for 16 secs, but i call BS


    I refuse to heal Sages that stand still and insist on face-tanking DPS. Especially marauders.


    And for your second statement, he said there were two Operatives. Flash bang lasts 8 seconds. 2 flash bangs add up to 16 seconds. It happens, but I don't see what the complaint is about seeing as one person cannot lock you out for that duration, it was two people. Nerf teamwork!

  6. So I was rewatching some of the videos from way back when, when many of us were anxiously waiting for new videos and information on the game every Friday (and becoming highly disappointed when it turned out to be a 'Fan Friday'. Boohiss)


    As I watched the Taral V walkthrough: http://www.swtor.com/info/media/trailers/taral-v-developer-walkthrough you can really see how much has changed, aswell as mechanics.


    Not only are ability icons different from during development (ie. mind crushes icon) and animations are changed (eg. disturbanc/telekinetic wave) but the Scoundrel doesn't appear to have the Upper Hand mechanic and Emergency Medpac seems to be a resource free instant heal on a CD.


    It would be interesting to know whether at this stage of development if certain mechanics (such as the Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage) were thought-up or if they were created much later in development.


    Given how UH/TA don't marry well in the Dirty Fighting/Lethality skill trees it leads me to believe the latter is the case.


    I wonder what design decisions Bioware initially pursued but were later scrapped and replaced with something different.


    PS: Has the games graphics ever looked so good?

  7. Are there plans to improve the healing animations of the Scoundrel class rather than the multi-purpose universal healing TV remote we currently use? In comparison to the varying animations of the Operative mirror (as well as persisting Kolto Probes as opposed to fly-by Slow Release Medpac) the Scoundrels appear lackluster.
  8. First of all, using Grass and Snow is dumb. It can be tolerated the use of right and left but west and east is the best way. In case of reiterated use of the Grass/snow nomenclature you deserve to be mocked with sentences like " sorry i couln' help you, i am allergic to pollen" or " sorry I suffer from chilblains" and in the next match ganked untill you quit.


    Second, if you are guarding and those who are playing with you are barely human, even wrting "Here" in chat will ring some bells in their head.


    Third, if you happen to play with "not even barely human" players, you can do the following things:

    a) start guarding

    b) while nothing is happening, open your chat

    c) write in capital letters INCOMING EAST/WEST

    d) put your mouse over the text, select it and press Ctrl+c

    e)if someone is coming, press enter followed by Ctrl+v, followed by enter

    f)if at least you are barely human you can also put n+1 to indicate how many enemies are coming (+1 because most of the times there is a stelther).

    This can be done while stunned so if you don't do it you deserve to be ganked until you quit.


    You make it sound so simple and obvious, but 99% of people cannot type whilst stunned. Let alone copy and paste.

  9. I'm a healer also and end up staying to guard as everyone runs off to get dem kills.


    Especially at the start of a civil war, I stand back just on the ledge about to drop down to mid but have to swap and head to west because everyone bull rushes mid. So I have to go and cap it.


    And then they all end up getting killed in mid and we lose it so it's lose-lose no matter what I do.



  10. Who cares about mvp votes?


    What really is sad as a healer, is keeping everyone alive yet noone is able to kill anything, or beats on the first person they see for the rest of the match, ignoring the healers that causes nobody being able to kill anything.

  11. The need for Valor Rank 70 is only to use crafted war hero gear, you can use vendor-bought war hero gear at any valor level aslong as you have the comms, so you will be over valor 40.


    For the BM > WH trade, the BM piece doesnt need to have any mods in it. If you have taken them out and placed them in another piece of gear that's fine. Just trade the empty BM 'shell'. If you have placed your customised mods into your BM piece and you trade it, all your mods will be lost, so best to extract them all before trading.

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