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Posts posted by Ashania

  1. With appropriate talents, or..? Was never clear on that.


    With just the base ability. The base ability for Scoundrel/Commando cleanses Tech/Physical, speccing into Mental.


    Sages/Sorcs cleanses Force/Mental, speccing into physical.


    Mez's are either Force/Tech so regardless of talent points you can cleanse it, as long as you're the appropiate class.


    So sorcs/sages can cleanse whirlwind/lift, the aoe mez of a warrior.


    Scoundrel/Commando - flashbang, concussive round.

  2. All the time.


    Unless it's a pyrotech powertech, then I don't bother.


    You can cleanse people out of flashbangs (if you'rescoundrel/commando) and lift/whirlwind (if you're sage/sorc) fyi.

  3. Even 2 people at a node aren't safe.


    There's nothing more satisfying as a Scoundrel then making sure people are lined up together for a flash bang and then cap infront of them.

  4. When defending, type 'west/east inc' or whatever you want and highlight it then press CTRL+C and delete it.


    Now when you see people coming, open up chat and paste it with CTRL+V and add a number depending on how many people there are.


    Easily done and takes no time at all.

  5. One of the issues of transferring a full set of War Hero mods to an alt is that once a newer tier of gear comes out, it will presumably require the shell of a War Hero piece. So the alt is going to have to do the BM > WH > ? grind regardless, they are just placed on a level-playing field upon hitting 50 as recruit is a joke.
  6. i just power-leveled a guardian and spacebar all cutscenes except class story, bought class/exploration character perks and speeder training perks and went from 1 to 50 in less than 3 days of /played time. PVP gives the correct amount of EXP per minute of game time if you compare it to a quest that you listen to the cutscenes.


    Only when you spacebar and missions are grouped up closely does EXP favor pve than pvp content.


    The last alt I made, a Scoundrel which is now my main was 50 in 3 days of /played time also. It then took another 3 days of /played time to have full BM and 2 WH pieces.


    Levelling is quick and never does it feel like a grind to get to the next level/50.

  7. I'm levelling an alt right now...


    I've just got off Coruscant and I am level 20, when the next planet, Taris, is level 16~


    I was 14 when I initially logged in, and it did not take long at all. So how you're struggling from 15 to 20 I do not know. Levelling is fast in this game.


    And that's without the Warzone EXP perks and Class Quest exp perks.

  8. For me, tracking your ammo amount at a glance is quite difficult due to having to check how many 'blips' you have. I know the arrows to the side indicate when you are in or out of the fast regen zone, however these arrows appear on the energy resource bar for Agents/Smugglers and Bounty Hunters; yet they still have a numerical number on the resource bar itself to show your current current resource/max resource (as well as every other class bar Knight/Warrior Focus/Rage)


    It would be handy if the 'Show Information Text' toggle for character portraits to also show a xx/12 on your ammo bar also.

  9. Pyrotech PT's are the only threat to me, everything else is kiteable.




    I have no trouble kiting Marauders and it actually makes sense to cleanse their dots and the snare. Pyro PT's on the other hand, there's really no point cleansing seeing as they spam Flame Burst anyway.


    Had a Novare Coast yesterday where one pyro must have had some vendetta against me, chasing me all over the place/round the bunkers and seeing as I mainly pug, I never get anybody peeling or lending a hand.


    My Tendon Blast is always on cooldown.

  10. Probably the only one... but I liked Aion.


    If you think TTK in this game is bad try outhealing the mad burst from a Sorcerer or Gladiator in that game as a Cleric. A lot of fun though, until they released the Balaurea expansion then things went downhill from there.


    Played it for almost 2 years, left a few months before it got announced it was going F2P. Seems I got out at a good time!


    Grinding War Hero gear is nothing compared to what it took for me to get full level 50 PVP gear in Aion :rolleyes:

  11. It happens with debilitate alot... unfortunately it's always when used on me, never when I do it :mad:


    It doesn't just happen with Debilitate though, i've had it happen with a Shadow using Force Stun, a Juggernauts AoE mez and yesterday it happened with Force Choke (not sure if it was a Juggernaut or Marauder)


    And usually it's always at the start of a Warzone. Getting attacked in the initial push for mid in Civil War or running to the ball spawn in Huttball


    The effect lasts until you die and can sometimes be fixed if you get Rescued/Extricated. You can still use abilities (unless people are behind you) but can't move.

  12. It's understandable why classes are restricted in relation to what weapon they can equip for reasons of distinguishing classes and that animations would have to be reworked for every weapon possibility in the game. However, are there any plans on making weapon proficiencies, particularly for the force-wielding classes, broader? For example a double-bladed lightsaber wielding Guardian. If not, at the very least, removing restrictions of some abilities not working with Vibroswords/Electrostaves and/or allowing one advanced class able to use their base classes weapon of choice efficiently (ie. Commando able to use Blaster Rifles rather than being restricted to Assault Cannons)?
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