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Posts posted by Ashania

  1. I agree with this, however in doing so they need to remove the specific required item piece to upgrade. BM Field Medic's > WH Field Medic's eg.


    As the recruit gear doesn't have a set bonus, I bought all of the pieces that maximised the best stats, neglecting alacrity and accuracy, so this meant buying a mix of Enforcer's and Field Medic's. If it required a specific trade-up i'd have to repurchase the appropiate Recruit piece. Not a major setback, but it would all add up.

  2. It's possible to not get a 2.5k hit in some builds. On my Sent healing is out, and I don't have any auto-crit abilities in my spec, unless I'm really missing something. Sure, on my Merc I can spam tracer missile and get it easy, and even go for a 2.5k crit heal if I'm bored.


    Unless I get a lucky crit, the only real 2.5k abilities I have on my sent are Pommel Strike (which requires a stunned opponent, and I was the only one trying to focus their healer and my only stun is channeled) and Master Strike, and even the latter isn't a sure thing. Good players save their stun/knockback for that, particularly if I'm one of the only two decent players on my team.


    Needless to say with no healing and usually being focused, I was never alive long enough for Zen to pop.


    I don't think you're going to get 2.5k with Pommel Strike... as you can't use it in PvP.

  3. Two sorcerer's at a node in Civil War both using Consumption to get their health really low. All it took was a Shoot First to one and a Back Blast to the other and they both died leaving me free to cap.


    People really should stop doing that.

  4. Actualy im not too sure about that, if it was a real expansion i think they would have said so, sounds like its gong to be content trickled in over a period of time. They never used the word expansion once.


    It could, I wouldn't count on it.


    In order to stay in good favour it would be ideal if they went the Aion route with releasing Assault on Balaurea 2.0 update/expansion for free (although when that got released, that killed the game for me). Considering this is essentially EA we're dealing with, i'd expect it to be milked.

  5. Really? Cathar? That's the only new playable species?




    Yep. Just releasing 1 is quite lackluster. And I was hoping for Togruta! :mad:


    All this information was revealed in a thread someone made a few weeks ago about a survey of new content being emailed. All the information that was on that was just mentioned here. It's not all that exciting.

  6. Lowbie WZs are a joke anyway. The even bigger joke are clowns that QQ and Rage about level 10s or losing in Lowbie WZs. Truly, these players are the worst of the worst. Would be better if they just deleted themselves tbh.


    Had an awesome ragequit fail Saturday in a LWZ. NC and we flipped all bunkers to Purple. This derper on our team commences to all caps yell in Ops Chat: "WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!" and ragequits. Guess he was used to playing Yellow as a Pub, but we ended up winning the game in 3-5 mins. lol


    Moral of the story: let the Lowbies have their fun. Some of you peeps are just debbie downers that don't know how to have a good time. In real life you must be as fun as cardboard with personalities to match.


    I had someone like that in Novare too. We lost mid but got both the side turrets. This one person begins to scream to get mid. 'WE CANT BREAK THE SHIELD IF WE DONT HAVE MID N00BS!'. After everyone telling him it doesnt matter what two turrets you have, he said 'you need to read the info on the loading screen noobs!' and then left.


    We won, don't know what was going through his head.

  7. The people hitting 50 now on ToFN are rerollers from dead servers. Possibly Republic and seeking to 'win' by going Empire this time round.


    Needless to say, there are a lot of people that are quite terrible turning up on both sides.


    And don't worry, it can't get any worse than some people we have Republic side, even some of our 'premades' are terrible.


    ToFN is the EU's answer to the Fatman. But obviously as The Fatman is American, it's still much larger than ToFN.

  8. Quick Aside: Sometimes the correct call is to just stand at your respawn ledge instead of quickly rushing to the pit where Warriors can leap to you. That or use the ramps as LoS breakers until you can quickly drop down.


    Now can you please tell that to the entire Republic side of my server individually please?


    I had someone a few weeks ago saying 'ned 2 ppl 2 play def'. I paid him no attention. Turns out he spent the entire match on our goal line trying to kill people that came close. Of course he just got leapt to every single time.

  9. Being able to jump around and cast is a sign of character control. Besides a jump is about the same time as a GCD helps train muscle memory and twitch skills. Its an old bunny hopping habit I can't break since Quake1 in the 90s


    Jumping is cast cancelling and proc checking, while allowing you to move and shoot behind you.. Wrath proc to Crushing/Shock/Lightning Attack/Static Shield/ Purge


    Certainly you could strafe and turn 5degrees to achieve similar result. Simply labelling it merely "jumping" shows naivety.


    As a marauder/sin its amusing to gain a 50% GCD upper hand on players that struggle to keep you in front of them for targeting.


    Jumping directly above Knockbacks will land you directly on top of your enemy.


    Jumping is not always bad.. maybe just for you.


    Thank you for the lesson, please note I said 'too much' not 'you should never jump'.


    I skimmed through the video and found rather quickly what I wanted to see near the end (11:12 mark). A vanguard charges to you and after the immobilize effect wears off you are slowed and attempt to jump away, yet you go no where because you jumped before you started to move; also jumping whilst slowed is the worst thing you could do in this game if kiting


    Relax, i'm not endangering your manhood by bashing your video, it was an observation.

  10. Takes a lot of practice. Look at the targeting technique in my sorc video




    (most healers can't dps.. likewise dps can't heal)

    Its important to excel at both. That way you know how to defend against attacks, and attack through defense.


    Watch this particular sorc video, pay attention to the targetting technique ie:

    - fighting on the run hitting targets not in view behind me

    - watch my GCD and constant target cycling



    Don't use default keys.. look at my keybinds DFGR


    n: target next enemy

    h : target self

    y : next friendly

    middle mouse: assist

    .... If you can replicate my "assist" technique you're on the way to becoming the best

    .... I assist enemy and friend alike. You have to look at the "target of target" to see who needs healing.



    Gotta be aware of the surroundings and guess the offensive pattern of your teammates. To account for them running around corners or out of range of heals.


    More about assisting on enemy:


    - When you target enemy healer...

    you can cc/interrupt them

    assisting them will always yield a target about to die or requiring heals


    - When you target an enemy DPS

    "Target of Target" will show you who they are targeting

    Assist will yield a target that needs healing ... soon



    F1-F4 target simply doesn't work


    You jump too much... jumping is bad in this game.

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