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Posts posted by Ashania

  1. im more concerned about them designing some gear id actually want to be seen in, let alone any type of appearance tab.




    The point of my post wasn't actually pushing for an appearance tab however I wanted to emphasise how restrictive the current modifiable gear is and how an appearance tab is a simple solution to the complicated way they went about achieving customisation.


    As it stands now, there really is not a lot of variety in the looks department, and as Tiek said, finding a good looking piece is even harder to come by (moreso if you're republic). Too few custom armour pieces and some of them are the same, with a different colour.

  2. I completely agree - appearance tab is unnecessary when this is done.


    The goal is full customisable appearance; moddable gear OR an appearance tab are just paths to that goal. You don't need both and having one already makes the other irrelevant


    That's what I was saying. Moddable gear is a more overly-complicated way of achieving full customisable appearance whilst an appearance tab could have easily achieved this from launch. I do believe they're now 'past the point of no return' (yes I quoted myself) and an appearance tab won't make it's way into the game. Customisable gear is currently incomplete until they have every item with an orange counterpart.

  3. Loading into a warzone only to be greeted by the scoreboard saying 'Defeat' is a lot of fun. 0's across the board.


    I usually try to stick out a WZ in-progress, and have even ended up winning a losing one i've joined but if it's a complete lost cause where everyone is getting farmed, i'll pop back out.

  4. I am one of the people who would like an appearance tab in the game, but it seems that whilst orange gear exists in one way or another an appearance tab won't be in-game. Personally I find the current iteration of orange gear to be very inconsistent (only set bonuses from newer tiers inter-changable etc) and thus clunky. In order for there to be an appearance tab, orange gear and mods (blanket term, incudes armorings and enhancements ofcourse) would have to be completely done away with, instead the game would have to adopt a more traditional approach to itemisation and gear progression.


    Currently in-game we have green and blue quality gear, as you would expect from an MMO, however certain purple gear (notably the crafted type) also do not allow any modifications to be made. PVP armour and FP/OPS drops are all purple quality, yet allow for swapping of mods.


    In order for an appearance tab to work, mods and modifying armour would have to be done away with completely, allowing for straight gear progression yet having to settle for the itemisation Bioware gives (which currently hasn't been all that great)


    Whilst customisation would take a hit with removing mods, 1.3 brought about augment kits and these can offer a small amount of customisation whilst retaining a small credit sink.


    One of the PR points leading up to the launch of the game was that you can stay in the same armour from level 10 until level cap aslong as you keep it modded. This is not necessarily true, and certainly not at level cap. They did make changes in 1.2 to make orange gear more viable by allowing set bonuses to be transfered, but this only remains true for newer-tiered gear. You cannot achieve full customisation with orange gear unless every single item in the game has an orange counterpart, which currently is not the case. Removing mods and orange gear and allowing room for an appearance tab would allow any dropped armour piece to be used for appearance.


    So, we would stop seeing gear like this: (made up stats, I kept the numbers rounded and minimal as this required a little math, something i'm not great at and I bet i still got it wrong - embarassing)


    50 cunning

    25 endurance

    5 power

    Armoring (36)

    25 cunning

    10 endurance

    Mod (36)

    25 cunning

    5 endurance


    5 power

    10 endurance


    and instead have stock armour:


    50 cunning

    25 endurance

    5 power


    TL;DR / Pros and cons of phasing out this type of gearing system:



    - Credit Sink: Removes the needless credit sink of removing and replacing mods.

    - Clear gear progression

    - Reduced grind: Now don't have to buy 5 pairs of boots for their enhancements etc. (can also be a Con. See: meta-customisation)

    - Would bring about the implementation of an appearance tab, allowing any gear dropped to be used for its appearance.




    - Crew skills such as, cybertech/artifice, would be made redundant; changes have to be made to them

    - Meta-customisation removed: having to rely on the stock stats Bioware offers/unable to interchange set bonuses

    - Augments become more of a necessity for your gear (not really a Con, but it wouldnt be a Pro either)

    -Are we past the point of no return? - 6~ months in, orange and modded gear has started to become an integral part of the game, how would doing away with it be handled for those currently using it? Converting it to stock-purple gear of the same stats? There was issues with people remaining with un-boosted Battlemaster gear in 1.2 because they did away with Champion/Centurion.


    I'm sure there's more but I can't think right now.


    Do you think orange gear should go or stay? Can an appearance tab coexist with orange gear in it's current state?

  5. Everyone else is going to want cleanse protection too on their stuff then there's not going to be a point in having a cleanse...


    There's always that option of if you cleanse the dots they do a certain amount of damage to the target for going poof? Probably a better option.


    It could be like the Lingering Toxins trait in the Lethality tree for Snipers/Ops where if the dots are cleansed, it is reapplied with a weaker version.


    But damage on poof sounds good.

  6. After levelling several characters to 50, a mix of both Republic and Imperial, it is clear that the Republic side gets the shaft in voiced missions.


    Practically every NPC on the Empire side from 1-50 speaks "english"/basic whatever and theres a lack of alien-speak and mission terminals. Obviously alien speaking quest givers and mission terminals do exist on the Empire side but in much smaller quantity than the Republic.


    You could argue that the Empire doesn't like aliens and therefore you encounter few but it does give the impression that more thought and detail went into Empire progression.


    Another good example of this being the Black Hole dailies. Both factions have a small conversation on their fleets, however upon arriving to Black Hole the Empire has another conversation with an imperial officer and then speaks to her again to accept the quest for the Heroic.


    Upon arriving to the Black Hole as Republic, you're basically told "k you're here, go see what you can do' and you pick up every quest from the mission terminal - including the heroic.


    Obviously the Black Hole was ushered out content for 1.2 (which brings up the question of whether we're going to move away from voiced conversations in the future seeing as all the quests are given through mission terminals) to give people 'something extra to do' but for the Republic side this content seems more half-assed than it already is (all quests given via mission terminals eg.)


    Anyway this was just an observation and aside from class quests I skip everything now and mission terminals are a welcome relief to spamming through a conversation, but it was an observation from experiencing all the stories from both sides.

  7. The holonet thing is from Black Hole... isn't it?




    If it's anything like the Rakghoul event then i'm pretty sure you'd know about it. There was nothing subtle about news terminals going off all over the fleet every 5 seconds.

  8. I too have been after this set for my Operative and i've just been lurking the GTN everyday.


    After 4 days all i'm missing now are the gloves and belt.


    The armour itself is just a recolour of the battlemaster gear, but I much prefer it in white.

  9. if people spacebar, this isn't the game for them :)


    Are you proposing people sit through the same cutscenes over and over after it being their 100th time doing that?


    I don't begrudge anyone watching it if they haven't seen it before, but if you're sitting through it just for the sake of it, then I don't know how you can do that.

  10. Operative at 40+ specced for Concealment is unstoppable in the 10-49 WZ bracket. As a fresh 50 you're not likely to make much impact as concealment and you will only really benefit from switching to the healing spec. Even though, in full recruit gear you will get focused as a healer and go down fairly quickly.
  11. Let me use another word: premades. I see premades in unranked against my team of pugs I tend to let them know I find it unsporting, then leave. And yes, for me a premade can also be a subgroup of two "leet" PVP-powerplayers.


    I hope you quit when you solo-queue and end up in a team with a premade of 4 'leet PVP-powerplayers' against 8 pugs.


    Or is it not unsporting to faceroll the enemy team aslong as you're not on it?

  12. But seriously, these kinds of post has been posted about 1 million times before. Why do people keep on spamming the ofrum with these kind of junk? Why should the general population care about what 1 single person says?

    Dont like it? Fine, unsub and move along.



    If they've been posted a million times before, then it's not just one person saying it is it?


    So if you're telling those million people to unsub, then i'm afraid the population would be in the minuses.

  13. You're level 44, you can begin trading RWZ comms at valor rank 40. You say this yourself, so it's your own fault if you haven't grinded the valor level to your level.


    Do a few warzones at level 10/11 and before you know it, your valor will be capped. It's then not hard to maintain your valor to your level if you cap it after every level or every couple of levels.


    And no, I didn't read all of your post. Believe me, I tried, but you make my eyes bleed.

  14. It's happened to me also, however I died, pressed respawn and then instantly blew up in the spawn area saying I was killed by 'Kill' for 80k+ damage and had to revive again.


    Was also a huttball where it happened.

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