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Posts posted by Ashania

  1. As a Sage, this video made me sick, the video should be used as a guide by all other Sage's on how not to play, and not look like a complete n00b in game. There was so much back pedaling that it wasn't like a bad habit, it was his only method of movement during combat, that was strike one. Strike two clicking OMG, there are keybinds use them, yeah the game can be fun, I have fun playing it, but being bad, and being proud of it isn't fun, it just makes the player and video bad. Strike three was not even knowing or being aware of a Sage Balance rotation for DPS, rarely saw a Weaken Mind/Mind Crush used the whole time, or any DOT for that matter, mostly it was all tele throw/project, I think I saw a Force in Balance casted once or twice the whole match...... Overall the contribution to the team was lacking if there was any contribution present at all as Rescue was never used correctly, and most of the time was spent running around chasing people doing nothing, and misusing stuns and other abilities. The OP needs to go back look at the scoreboard at the end, and apologize to each of them for making them carry him through warzones, then go back and do this for each of the video's posted, because each of them deserves your sincere apology.......


    Terrible Video/Videos Please Stop Posting Them !




    Note to OP never go Seer spec, if you can't get down the simple Balance rotation you have no hope of ever learning a proper Seer rotation to stay alive.


    Waiting for more excuses and terrible logic as to why backpedaling makes him l33t.......


    In less harsh terms, this pretty much speaks the truth.

  2. Despite all the times its been butchered, stuck with my Scoundrel and I still enjoy it alot. So much so that my 50 sage and 50 assassin probably wont be used at all apart from crafting, and I am one level away from getting an Operative to 50 that i intend to gear up like my scoundrel!
  3. Respecced to Scrapper on my Scoundrel last night and was in Novare where we had both west and south. I noticed a lone sorcerer guarding east who was using Consumption to bring his health to practically nil and heal himself up.


    I got all excited and started heading over there, as I was getting closer he began doing it again. I waited until he got really low and he blew up with one shoot first and then they got 3-capped.


    What was even more dumb, he came back along with two others, so I was in stealth postponing the cap aslong as I could with Tranquilizer. After they capped, the sorcerer began doing it again. So, another Shoot First and he was dead.


    I hope he learnt his lesson.


    I didn't know people still spam Noble Sacrifice/Consumption whilst 'guarding' nodes anymore... it's so 1.1

  4. Or you could just do that yourself before engaging the dialog?


    Or because it's not that big of a deal to me that it makes me want to take off my head slot.


    If I was bothered to do that, then I would be expected to do that for every NPC I interact with? No thanks. It's a small suggestion, already implemented in-game (see: companions).


    Let's have them make it so the ONLY way you can interact with NPCS (eg. pick up quests) was by taking off your headgear each and every time. I'm sure then you'd be interested.


    As I said, it was a small suggestion that I was bringing up in...hey, the suggestions forum!

  5. Seeing as Cathar is touted as a 'Legacy Species', i'm pretty sure it wont be available for any classes by default. Instead, you have to purchase/unlock it through the legacy system and then can use it for whatever class you want.
  6. Posted it in a similar thread a while back.


    Waiting for Huttball to start and one vanguard says 'need 2 ppl for defence". Everyone just ignores him and we assume we know what he's doing (bad idea)


    Turns out 'defence' means standing on our end-zone the entire match to kill people that get close. Although, he couldn't kill anyone and everyone just charged up to him.

  7. Most people living outside The United States of America would call the guys living to your north Canadians, and not Americans......

    And the guys living just south of your borders Mexicans.



    Americans joking about other countries sense of geography?



  8. My Sharp Shooting Gunslinger, makes short work of the healer types. I have roots and CC to keep from being LOS-ed and if they do manage to turn a corner, I got legs and long range to remedy that situation.


    Gunslingers are the least worry. The root is easily dispelled.

  9. FYI... it's almost like they heard you! :p




    I hope this is also fixing the cooldown of the Heroic Moment. With all of my smuggler companions maxed affection and all companion-related quests complete, my Heroic Moment is stuck at 16 minutes, when it should be 15.


    It's not a big deal, and I hardly even use the Heroic Moment ability, but I spoke with a CSR in-game a while ago that they shall pass it to the development team. So hopefully the 'correct bonus' doesn't just mean their respective stat buff.

  10. I created a bounty hunter and named him Omar. I named him after Omar Little, from The Wire. He's a light side bounty hunter, leveled him with the decisions and ferocity that The Wire character would probably live by. Hell, even looked like him. Several times I thought a dark side bounty hunter would be more fun, but I loved how my BH operated. He is what would probably be my 3rd main, or second alt, but was what kept my playing when the IA and SI got really boring. I never put a title on him. I never put my legacy name on him. He was just Omar. You could feel the "ahh, f---" in warzones, in pve played with a pure fluidity and spunk that only a gay black man could pull off.


    Now, on new server, new name... completely lost the feeling. Gone. I'm not going to add a stupid alt-code or try to reinvent him - that's what the leveling process is for.


    When you bond with a character, it's hard to shake off. When it's the only reason you play, it really does ruin things.


    I play to have fun. This isn't fun.


    I don't know if this is serious or not...

  11. Your UI was bugged. The scorecard shows the enemy team as the team you are on and vice versa.


    But really you should have noticed something was wrong when you're coming out of the gold/purple spawn and heading to the gold/purple enemy zone that everything is reversed.


    Resetting UI (CTRL + U + U) fixes it.

  12. There's no need for crazy conspiracies, this person has it right:


    I think it's a rare bug. When you get stunned, you remain stunned forever, until you die.

    Happened to me once. I thought they fixed it.


    Occasionally you can get 'stuck' in a stun animation, you can't move, but you can still use abilities providing they are in front of you. Getting killed and being pulled by a sage/sorc can sometimes fix the problem. It's not just Debilitate it can happen with, it's happened to me with the AoE mez of a juggernaut/marauder as well.

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