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Everything posted by svartalfimposter

  1. Reading the Q&A, Jason Attard says this: I wonder if anybody has really pumped their presence stats, and whether it turns their companions into god-like titans?
  2. Most ridiculous demand? Reduce regulation or we'll take our business overseas!
  3. 1. The game has several english mistakes, but they've had a lot of work to do. so I let it slide - I can live with it if everybody else can. 2. It's "Speak your piece", http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/say+piece I am not criticising you. In fact, I suspect that spelling will become less important as we move away from the written word in future years.
  4. This has been requested and replied to before. People aren't allowed to choose because you would never get a game (of anything).
  5. I think that social points are hard to get because it's hard to be social. Let's see if the group finder fixes this.
  6. Previews for Weapons and speeders have been requested several times before. Sadly the page just scrolls and scrolls and good ideas vanish in minutes.
  7. There's only a grain of truth in this rant. The playing field is far from level, one might surmise that the devs are trying to justify the company maintaining their employ.
  8. I have a couple of ideas: It would be great if I could build my speeder from scratch and each component I put on it changes the model, so that; depending on what I wanted my focus to be, it'd look pretty unique. people could tell what my strengths and weaknesses were just by looking at it. [*]A podrace/speeder warzone might be a cool idea.
  9. There are whole casinos full of gaming tables on Nar Shadaar. We're just waiting for the games themselves
  10. There are lots of ideas for Huttball... like an interactive arena where pressing buttons or walking over certain areas makes platforms move up and down. Things like this are low down on the list of things they want to implement because of the coding involved. I get the impression they are happy with their tools and now just want to implement stuff that uses them, so I think they want us to desire more flashpoints ... basically more of what we already have.
  11. Dear Bioware, Some of us are very happy with having the ships as homes. Please do not waste valuable resources on houses.
  12. This is disappointing. An incentive system implies they are trying to make people who want open world PvP move to special PvP servers. I want open PvP in a special open PvP zone (remember Ilum?). I don't want to be ganked when I'm exping.
  13. Can't you do it with the interface editor?
  14. I banged my funny bone on my desk twice by accident. Now the nerves in my little finger are all messed up. I have to remap the keys because I can't use left shift. You could do the same!
  15. This is why I quit WoW all those years ago, and it'll be why I won't return to SWTOR.
  16. Off topic, but I think the legacy system is pretty good. The problem with it is that it's built for the long term... it'll take ages to be able to afford any of the boosts, and by then you will probably have a level 50 of each class, so there's no point getting any legacy exp boosts, for one thing!
  17. QFT. The game lacks any kind of persistent area, where things have the potential to change on a pseudo-permanent (i.e. until other players change the status of them) basis. IMHO there should be a contested area, just a simple map with an objective or two and people will be happy for ages, you don't have to make any crazy cinematic or anything fancy at all (like in Warhammer and DAoC).
  18. This gets my backing. All that work making beautiful, intricate models should not go to waste. Also, ability to see what I look like riding a speeder before buying it - in the preview pane - would be cool. Slightly off-topic, I would like mods, barrels, enhancements, and especially augments to look differently so that when you add them to weapons they change the shape, lights or particle effects on the weapon.
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