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Everything posted by svartalfimposter

  1. I get my butt handed to me by maras/sents and consulars. I think there's a clear force-wielder bias, but shhh they are the signature classes, right?
  2. Had a warzone earlier where our three (yes, three) fought 8 enemies (4 knights, 4 smugglers). Needless to say, the warzone auto-closed after 30 seconds, but I'm not the only one who's pig sick of facing these OP rerolls.
  3. If your tank isn't following you around (they should be), follow your tank all the time and make them a heal priority, they take half of the damage meant for you, so it's like healing yourself.
  4. This idea will really come into it's own in future games. In future, I expect games to use something like Ivona (perhaps not in it's current state, but it's certainly better than nothing as it is), a piece of text-to-speech software. This comes with several voices and depending on how difficult it is to add/alter voices, could be a very feasible and cheaper alternative to actors.
  5. Erickson has said before that it's something he wants to do: http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-friday-march-30th-2012-game-update-1.2-special
  6. It's there to make you THINK you are in some kind of superior state, whereas in fact you are as vulnerable as normal. Some powers completely ignore it and some powers don't affect it. If you think having a full resolve bar will make you immune to CC, think again. That's not why it's there.
  7. I don't think the original idea is possible. Remember that each line has to be recorded by an actor, so having two commander sheppards means two actors, more expense + more time + more effort = less expense, time and effort for other things. My favourite piece of voice acting is the imperial on Hoth just as you get outside (near the speeder). He says in his broad northern accent, "bye gum". So they're clearly using british actors in some parts. In others, yes we can tell they're americans pretending, but hey that's good, too.
  8. Please could you put different icons on the maps for heroic mission - a hexagon instead of a triangle, perhaps? I dislike heroic missions because I am usually solo, but I end up picking up heroics anyway because I don't know what the mission will be, and I want to be able to avoid them.
  9. This thread is a "List the OP abilities" thread in disguise.
  10. Here is a tip that I picked up because it's been done to me a lot: If you sneak a stealther into the enemy endzone, you don't have to go along the firepit catwalks. You can go through the pit and throw it to the stealther (they have to unstealth at the right time to receive the ball).
  11. Crafts you can use in PvP are completely messed up. Another example: Why can biotechs make reusable heal packs that nobody else can use but them?
  12. SWTOR needs a huge injection of fun. Hot pants are fun... ...and aren't a lot of work to implement. Therefore, I approve this suggestion.
  13. Game lacks PvP lakes - Ilum was kinda fun despite performance issues, but the objectives were junk. This should have been much more complex and interesting, since it's what you do when you get to 50. It should be something you won't get bored of competing over EVER, and a battle that will last until the end of the game. Game lacks fun - The meeting point (fleet) is boring - even though the Star Wars universe is a little more dour to begin with, you CAN blame the IP - but compare with WoW's dwarf/goblin town - they had a TRAIN! The atmosphere of the game is as though the devs had EA breathing down their necks every minute of every day.
  14. Bingo! This is the one massive argument I've had for years that MMOs don't need to offer incentives to do everything. You don't have to be forever grinding points of some kind.
  15. It's called a community event and involves you (somehow) informing your server/faction that you will be organising a race around the station...
  16. Mythic told us that Master Levels were horizontal advancement in DAoC. Strangely, it wasn't as horizontal as the already implemented Realm Rank system, but I digress. I like the idea of horizontal advancement, but it isn't any less cookie cutter than vertical and means that people only do what they have to for the cookie cutter spec and don't touch the other stuff for the variety of gear/abilities - thus a lot of content is not experienced by these people. I think the nearest thing we have to horizontal advancement is the amazing-looking, but awful spreadsheet gankfest: Eve Online. If players need and have different roles within a team, then horizontal advancement can work, otherwise I think you will see the same old cookie cutter nonsense but also a lot more skipped content.
  17. I would like the opportunity to replace a current companion - be it with someone from a previous story that you didn't kill, or someone new, it should be someone in line with your character's perspective. So it would be one or the other, like the Mass Effect choice of .
  18. Respawn at nearest med centre and resummon pet, er, companion!
  19. Increasingly, since the event of ... in seminal comic book, Watchmen, the death of the main characters (heroes, if you like) has been something that has been very much a possibility in many series (for example, the BBC's Spooks). I have played Dragon Age and Dragon Age II, and while I enjoyed the sadness that came with the early deaths of , I would be very intrigued to see how Bioware's writers might weave with this mechanic into SWTOR's stories.
  20. I have asked this myself before. It's ridiculous. It would have made sense when the crafting stations were used to remove mods, but if you can do it anywhere it makes NO sense.
  21. If all the servers are like mine, they will have about 5 servers total, probably.
  22. Makes me think... elevators in a warzone.... hmmm... I foresee fun stuff!
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