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Everything posted by jblazen

  1. Not a bad idea. They need some other way to get a bag every once in a while and this would promote WZ participation which would help everyone. Also we need something to spend these comm's on.
  2. Cuz 2 minutes traveling to Ilum from fleet is a long time right? You don't bother to do the daily because of 2 mins. You sir are easily the most offendable person alive. When you're done quick travel back to the shuttle, a minute later you're back on the fleet. Dumb thing to complain about.
  3. Look, they guarantee Tier 2 pvp gear basically and Tier 3 is more random/difficult to get. There has to be some sort of progression and carrot before the horse or else everyone would get full BM and then quit cuz there's no more progression or reason to do WZ's or dailies/weeklies except fun. And lets face it, once the grind is over a lot of people lose interest. So they have to at least leave one tier difficult to obtain so it adds some prestige and element of progression. Heck, they folded and gave us full champ, we should be happy.
  4. I haven't done that personally, I just hit 50 last week and there are no repub's on Ilum, ever. But from what I understand is that both sides work out a time, they meet in Ilum, they allow one group to kill the other group and then visa versa and they get their dailies/weeklies done this way and they also farm huge amounts of valor this way as well. Some of that has changed due to Bioware patches/fixes, etc. But I still think there are ways around that where you can game the system.
  5. You can kill enemies or collect crates or both. You just need 30 for the daily or 150 for the weekly. They both count towards the same requirement. The problem is that there is usually a very large number of imperials there riding around in circles waiting for these respawns which are very slow. So it has taken me over 2 hours before to get 30 of them which is very tiresome. If there is not a significant faction imbalance on your server and there is actually some decent pvp going on in Ilum, I would suggest that route because it is fun and gives valor as well.
  6. You can go to Ilum @ 50. You get the quests on the fleet at the same place you got your dailies earlier. The quest to go to Ilum is just to introduce you to the area if you weren't already aware of it. There are two dailies. One for 3 WZ wins, one for 30 armarments/Ilum pvp kills. There are two weeklies. One for 9 WZ wins, one for 150 armarments/Ilum pvp kills. On my server there are no republic in the zone so we have to farm the crates to get the daily/weekly done. These are located in the central zone only. There are north, central and south zones you control, etc to "control" Ilum which gives you a buff. Killing enemies in Ilum does give you valor, a lot actually if you can find them.
  7. Now you can't really believe that. That's not how programming works or how any game developer would make a game. By the law of statistics, some will get more than average and others will get less. In some rare instances, much less and that is very frustrating and most likely will make them come QQ about it on the forums. I know some people who are over 50% on their bags and others who complain about being 0 for 20. Who do you think is more vocal? The forums are filled with those frustrated because of statistics and thus it makes it seem like a much bigger issue and skews the perception incorrectly.
  8. There was a post last week that went into more detail about drop rates, etc. Before this patch, it was 25% for champ and BM bags. Now champ bags give 15 cent comms and 7 champ comms and BM bags give 15 champ comm's and a 25% chance at a BM comm/token. I'll try to find the dev post.
  9. BM hasn't changed. They'll get BM comm's at a 25% drop rate just like before. OP has had bad luck. BW is basically assuring a quicker gearing for new 50's and essentially guarantees full champ over a relatively short period of time. BM, on the other hand, is where the RNG comes in but at least it's comm's and not random gear that could be a duplicate.
  10. ^^ This. If you've got mostly champ gear, I'd do this so you don't screw yourself with duplicates or RNG bad luck. That way you can fill out the remaining empty champ slots and be good to go. Myself I only have 4 pieces of champ gear so I'm going to keep opening them because I haven't gotten any duplicates but that will change with a few more pieces of champ.
  11. He speaks the truth. If people would learn how to counter or focus sorc's then things would change dramatically. Also there are a ton of sorc's so the issue is a matter of proportion. Lots of lightning flying around and getting slowed a ton = baddies coming on the forums to QQ. I play with Nihil and he is a decent player. However, there are tactics to shut him down just like every other sorc.
  12. Yes there is clearly an issue with project. It's not sorc's fault, blame the game. Yes they nerfed assassins for some dumb reason, nothing to do with sorc's though. What's your point? I was disagreeing with the guy who was crying about sorc's being OP and giving some very bad examples and referring to 31/31/31 sorc's. Sorc's are fine. Focus us and we die, leave us alone and we'll do decent sustained dmg. Glass cannon is glass. Nothing to see here.
  13. You have no idea what you're talking about.
  14. 1.1.2 won't be far off. If I had a few more pieces, I'd be hanging onto my bags so I don't duplicate. The percentages fall off dramatically once you get a few pieces regarding getting a unique piece that you actually need.
  15. Since 1.1.2 will change the system, people should start saving your bags. At a certain point and you get 6 or 7 pieces, it would be wise to start hanging onto the bags so you don't lose the RNG game or get duplicates. Before 6 or 7, I'd keep opening bags because the probability of dup's is far less. Right now I'm at 4 pieces and I've opened 16 bags so I'm going to keep opening them for a little bit I think.
  16. 1.1.2 will be before March when 1.2 hits. My guess is Feb. 14th or 21st but I have no clue. You make a good point about the disadvantage and I've considered that. However, there is nothing more frustrating than getting a duplicate or nothing at all. I prefer the idea of working towards something and making steady progress. But yes, you're right. I'm getting smashed in WZ's with only 250 expertise and it's quite frustrating. I keep going back and forth actually but gambling with my chances seems like a bad idea. However, when I get those bags in my inventory, it's hard not to open them.
  17. My suggestion would be to hang on to all your bags for 1.1.2. That way you don't have to worry about duplicates or the RNG. 7 champ comms and 15 cent comms in each champ bag. Currently I've opened 16 champ bags since I hit 50 last week and I've gotten 4 pieces. The dev's have stated it's a 25% chance so I'm right on target I guess. I'm going to save all my bags though until the patch and hopefully I'll have 20-30 bags by then and times that by 7 and I'll have enough for a few pieces.
  18. lawl Keep dreaming bro. More like basement dweller who got paid once and my epeen swelled to enormous size.
  19. Look I'm a programmer in .net and have been programming for years. In cases such as these, there is a set number they staticly assign for these rolls. These are strictly a number roll situation. These random rolls have a static percentage, that's the only way to code for christs sake. Thus, whatever percentage it is, there will be those who get more or less than that because their population pool is less than ideal for a realistic return. Thus, if someone goes 0-20, that is unfortunate but statistically, somewhat likely given the number of people we're talking about here. Also likely is those who get 12/20 but you don't hear from those QQ'ers on the forums cuz they're happy. You need to learn how numbers work because you obviously have no clue what you're talking about.
  20. You apparently don't know what RNG means. In some cases, some people will have very bad luck due to the nature of statistics. Some will have very good luck due to the same nature. These QQ cases do not set the rule, they are the exception and the pissed off and mad will always come to QQ in more regularity than the happy they've gotten more than others. You apparently don't understand what RNG means. Also you're getting info heresay, it means nothing statistically. Pissed off people tend to exaggerate and you're taking their QQ as statistical info. Please, you should know more than anyone else QQ breeds more QQ since you're so good at it.
  21. What people don't understand is that the time it would take to gear has not changed. BW was very clear on this. They removed the RNG and duplicate factor from the equation because it's very frustrating and makes it seem worse than it is. If you run the numbers from fresh 50 to fully geared, it would literally take the same amount of time to gear given all the probabilities and computation needed to generate each piece within the scope of the provided metrics. What this does is gives the impression of progression via other MMO's for slow but steady progress instead of RNG or blind luck. The numbers bear out the same. If started at the same time with the same fresh 50, it would STATISTICALLY be the same amount of time to get fully champ geared.
  22. Yes there is. He posted that champ bags and BM bag drop rates are 25% and will remain so. The QQ always outshines the rest. You new to the internet or something?
  23. Wrong... Our 4 sec stun is affected by the resolve bar.
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