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Everything posted by jblazen

  1. That's not what MMO's are all about. It's a gear based dynamic that works on the carrot on a stick analogy. There is a grind to it as there is with all MMO's. That's how it works. That's how they keep people playing. However, I do agree the random bag loot this is kind of ridiculous. Put whatever costs they want on them to make it "grindy" but at least make it statis so we are working towards an end. There's nothing more frustrating than bad RNG.
  2. LOL Shock is not your best bet at a 2.5k medal. Shock should only be used if on the move and if affliction is already up and wrath is not up for crushing darkness or chain lightning. Also if you proc chain shock, they are counted as separate shocks, not together. Same with chain lightning. Chain lightning hits several targets, not even the same target.... Geez...
  3. How ironic. You mention taking dps talents over self healing talents but then mention stun or snare talents which add nothing to dps. Your talents don't add anything to dps either. Contradict much?
  4. It's going to happen. It's about pandering to the masses and making business decisions for the majority of players. It's only logical. Money rules all. If you want a local "community", that's what Ilum is for. All you care bear RP basement dwellers need to ****.
  5. Learn to comprehend FFS. You can't make a 50 only bracket right off the bat, you need to wait til there's a sufficient player base. Having 6 years to make the game has nothing to do with it. Use your brain.
  6. The anonymity argument is garbage. I'd prefer cross server WZ's cuz it would mean quicker queues, especially since we have same faction WZ's. They should be instantaneous. I don't play this game for the social aspect. That's what I have real friends for.
  7. Brackets are a terrible idea. Having 1-49 and 50 makes sense. The difference between a fresh 50 and a geared 50 is like having a 10 vs. 49. Bolster works fine for 10-49. It's not the level, it's the gear disparity. If you put 10-19, 20-29, etc you would have really long queues. Having the system they're going to implement make sense.
  8. Low levels are not "slightly unbalanced" compared to 50's. It's night and day. It's no fun having no chance vs. half their team. Just because they're on both sides doesn't make it anymore fun for them even if it is technically "fair". In my experience, more than half of the players in my WZ's are 50. There will be no 20 min queues. People are grinding their gear at the moment and that won't change anytime soon. 50's will have less of a queue than those < 50 for the reason you stated, there's nothing else to do at 50. You'll be fine.... I'm sure not beating up on undergeared noobs will burst your epeen but fair is fair.
  9. Stop calling sorc's ranged nukers. We are not a burst dps class nor can we "nuke" anything. We're a dot based class that can do some decent dmg with a long ramp up time. Force lightning is fine. In fact it feels underpowered, it hits for 250 a tick for me at level 41 so that's 750 dmg over 3 sec, that is hardly OP and I can't move. It is not our main spell, it's our filler spell when others are on CD. It's a copy cat from WOW's shadow priest mind flay spell. Since you have to channel it, it makes sense to make it slow. Stop calling it a snare. PVP is about mobility and burst. Both of which you cannot do with force lightning. Stop crying. The only decent dmg that comes out of force lighting is when it's used with recklessness which is a 90 sec CD.
  10. In your "guide" it says that static barrier shares a CD with death field. That is incorrect.
  11. Depends on what level you are for what you'll use as you unlock more abilities as you level. But basically get affliction up on your target, force lightning til wrath proc, death field for extra dot dmg and then crushing darkness then more force lightning. Shock if you need to dps while moving. Overload to knock them back or off a platform. Electrocute and force speed if you need to get away. Recklessness is our only burst on demand CD, use it with force lightning. Avoid lightning strike, it's pointless. Use wrath on crushing darkness or chain lightning if you go that high into the lightning tree. Basically you're a dot sustained dps class glass cannon type. Keep your shield up and keep moving. Use LOS and objects to your advantage. You're a ranged dps caster, you gotta use positioning to your advantage.
  12. Good advice. I'll work on my pvp daily each day and then maxing out my comm's after getting two champ bags. One question: Where is the bank located? On the fleet? Also I'm hoping they implement the 50 bracket soon so I can have some fun from 40-49 being one of the higher levels. Once I get to 50 however, it'll get ugly til I can acquire some gear which it seems will take a long, long time given the gear system.
  13. I'm level 40, valor 20 at the moment. I've primarily been leveling through quests for the most part. My interest in this game is end game pvp. I'm not hardcore but I do like to min/max and not waste my time on the way to gearing up. Thus my question is: Should I just grind level 40 to 50 via pvp to bring up my valor rank so I'm ready when I hit 50 to buy battlemaster bags? This will be much slower also. or Should I just continue to quest my way to 50 then start grinding valor? Do you accumulate valor quicker the higher level you are? I wonder because it makes sense to use my valor grind to get exp as well so I don't double the effort. My second and last question is: I'm level 40 now and the level 40 pvp gear is an upgrade for me. In total it would cost 1200 warzone commendations to buy the entire set. Should I buy the set to help with the leveling/pvp or should I just save the warzone commendations to turn into merc commendations to get a head start on the gear when I hit 50? Thanks in advance. Just trying to get a solid gearing strategy heading into end game so I don't waste time.
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