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Everything posted by jblazen

  1. Keep proving my point, ty. I want some of whatever you're smoking.
  2. The derp's don't understand that. They see something positive and apply it across the board. They have no idea what they're talking about.
  3. That's perfectly fine if that works for you. Like I said, ignorance is bliss. There have been plenty of theorycrafting and pro pvp players that have discussed this on these forums and many others. Those "experts" believe this is a significant nerf. Your opinion does not change that. My point was to put your perspective into the opinion category and not lead people astray. Also topping the charts as a AOE ranged dps class means nothing including a referendum on your skill level. You should be topping the charts. No one is saying you're bad. It's just that your assessment of the upcoming changes conflict with most everyone else's and you didn't mention 90% of the changes, just the one to the dots which is insignificant in the scheme of things. This leads me to believe you play with rose colored glasses on and are not paying much attention to things other than you're topping the charts so all must be good. This is not the end of the world but it is a significant change to our hybrid spec which 90% of good pvp'ers run nowadays and removes the only burst we had. From a pvp perspective, this is not a good thing and will hinder our options and effectiveness in a rated environment significantly.
  4. No one is crying but it's obvious you don't understand the full breadth of these changes because this is not a buff, at all. Even to full madness. The only "buff" is that crushing darkness' dots are now affected by the wrath proc which is a bug fix, not a buff in the first place. The nerfs include no more CL on wrath which kills the hybrid spec. Less dmg and crit from talents in the lower tiers of madness and healing gets gutted. You have no idea what you're talking about and are oblivious and don't understand the mechanics of the class obviously. Taking away our burst potential and relying more on dots is ineffective in pvp. PVP is about burst and kills, not overall dmg which can be negated through purges/cleanses which any decent player will understand.
  5. Because you can buy an entire set of recruit gear the moment you hit 50 for credits. BM gear will cost 9980 WZ commendations if you buy the whole set which will take some time depending on how much you play.
  6. jblazen

    Getting Owned

    You're right, there should be on gear progression at all. Just give all the scrubs free gear. I hit 50 3 weeks ago and it wasn't near as bad as you make it sound. You must suck.
  7. jblazen


    Nevermind, I just looked up the set bonuses again. The stalker set bonuses are garbage. The 2 piece is 5 yds on an interrupt? LOL The 4 piece is the extra recklessness and who's going to go for the full 4 piece when you can get 2 good 2 piece bonuses? Shield debuff duration by 3 sec is huge when you have the shield blind talent and it's a huge help at all times cuz you constantly use the shield and it might save your life or CC that Op at just the right time to be able to get away. The extra 5 yds on the interrupt helping? Very rarely. So the question becomes what's the two best 2 set piece bonuses and that's easy. Shield and reducing GCD of crushing darkness and passive heals from it is obvious. No question.
  8. jblazen


    I don't really get focused too much, and if I do I can usually get away. There's plenty of damage here and there that goes around and this keeps me topped off. The only thing that I would consider is the third recklessness proc. I have recklessness macro'd to hit with my power relic and power adrenal so a third stream of crits of forced lightning could be nice.
  9. jblazen


    I'm hybrid but i went with both the force masters and mystics 2 piece set bonuses. The shield is obviously a no brainer and the extra heals from crushing darkness is nice because I use it on CD. To me the stats on the different sets of gear have a big deal to do with the choices though.
  10. I had the same issue but one week and you'll be full cent geared with a few champ pieces. A couple weeks later and you'll have full champ and be roasting people. Or you could wait til 1.2 and avoid the grind altogether where battlemaster gear will be given from regular WZ's and the rated's will give war hero gear. That's what I would do if I were you and had alts you could use in the mean time. With the recent valor changes and the gear changes coming in 1.2, there's no point in grinding before hand. Just wasting your time. That is unless you pvp for fun which seems to be a fleeting reason nowadays.
  11. jblazen

    BM Bags

    I just hit BM a few days ago. 6 bags, no comms. OMG BW HATES ME!!!!
  12. We love it when you pubs do this. We go sides and all we have to do is hold left which is easy and one to mid to keep you busy while we cap the sides. Works every time.
  13. It's essential for any hybrid sorc build imo. Saves my butt all the time. Passive CC is awesome.
  14. Even if they do force speed, I can get there before they finish capping and put a AOE in the area to stop them from capping. If you're quick, you can always get there before they cap it. It doesn't matter. The only thing that tends to work is that they send one to the node and another to slow down anyone coming towards that node. That works sometimes. Sometimes I CC them before they CC me though. But the truth is, if they're paying attention and getting there as quickly as possible, you can't cap it before we get there.
  15. Nvm, I figured it out.
  16. I went to go get the first datacron on Korriban and it says "you can no longer access this datacron". Any idea what that's about?
  17. One time in civil war we were trying to cap a node the pubs controlled and two respawns flew down to the node and immediately when they landed I did my knockback and it instantly killed both of them. We laughed about that one for a while. More OP sorc evidence... LOL
  18. Wow great explanation, that helps it make sense to me. Let us all know how your tool turns out, that would be a great help. I will work on getting the crit/surge replaced with power/surge from the sniper gear then while not completely ignoring alacrity also.
  19. Good info here, thanks. One thing I forgot to mention is I'm a hybrid sorc. Also I didn't believe that crit rating suffered from diminishing returns like surge did. So would replacing crit with power be worth it? From my calculations, I would lose like 10% crit for about fairly insignificant power gains (when looking at the character page).
  20. Does anyone have any info on how to make a matrix cube? Where do I get the three red shards it takes to assemble a willpower matrix cube? The info online is shotty at best.
  21. Just found the document about crit soft caps. Very good info and has surge soft cap info as well. http://www.jedilace.com/2012/02/03/calculating-critical-hit-chance/
  22. Good stuff, exactly what I was looking for. I'll have to look up the matrix cube and I already have a good champ power trinket. I don't raid much so the rakata stalkers offhand may not be an option, I'll have to look it up. Thanks for the info.
  23. Well there are crit and surge soft caps now so there are levels in which the usefulness diminishes so I was wanting facts on that since I cannot find it online. There is always min/maxing in every game. This one is new and I hope some sort of theorycrafting has been done and thus my question.
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