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Everything posted by Halefthaut

  1. -Because only Juggs and Warriors for that matter, are the ONLY class that makes you feel like playing a Star Wars game -Because Sith Warrior story is the most compelling and immersive (to me) -Because Cortosis armors are sexy. Oh and SW voiceacting -Because as an Inquisitor you´re a sissy Lara Croft in robes, chasing down stupid artifacts (again my opinion) -Because as far as i remember, SW is the only class with a female DS companion -And if talking about PvP, our utility is awesome. Beside the AoE 6k+ crits
  2. Thats not entirely true. Both Assasin and PT have multiple talents to enhance their tanking stance (specially ion cilinder on PT). Soresu form, the same way Ion cilinders and the Assasin tanking charge, are supposed to be used if tank specced... thats good for balance issues, where in another games tanking classes abuse tanking mechanics in PVP environments
  3. I sacrifice damage for utility. Surely i can put some stunlock and feed damage before i get focused http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101frMcuMbkzZIbMoMZh.1
  4. 1- On those showing, you are the only with 6 deaths. The others have 0 or 1 death 2- I know you might be tanking pvp speccd. but you only got kill and the others from 17 to 25. You surely are having fun, bro 3- You also got the lowest damage dealt, and the lowest objective points To sum it up, you´re only good at taking damage and not rewarded for it
  5. Nope, it was a grammar error soz. I was talking about SC2
  6. Was about to bring the latency argument but i got beaten Your connection maybe just that bad
  7. WoW its not the only example of a MMO launch. Rift says hello (most polished game ever at launch)
  8. I cancelled yesterday, but not because of PVP IF it took them over 100m $ budget and 4 years of development, to launch such a bug-filled, class unbalanced, GCD-locked-until-animation-ends fighting style... i dont know how much time will take them to fix it. When remaining gameplay runs out, im back to Skyrim and SC2 full time, where true PVP belongs
  9. Rift say hello I agree with OP. Once my main gets to 50 (slow pace, im taking) I will unsubb till several fixes are done or GW2 releases, the one coming first Ill be playing Skyrim by then (feels the same as SWTOR but free lol)
  10. I think the only special thing that offered SWG (apart from player cities and crafting) was the freaking TIMELINE
  11. As far as i know, "casual" is a word for certain PVErs PVP does not chain to your PC for 3-4 hours 5 days a week, let aside the farming for reps, attunements (when they existed) and consumables... just queue and enjoy
  12. As being said, when you get to 50 and stacking 300+ expertise, you gonna enjoy defending nodes Also, hybrid builds works better. This is my planned PVP build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101dMGcuzrkzZhGr0R0z.1
  13. To sum it up: Jugg has the best surv and CDs, but the worst AoE aggro. I see it as a "boss tank"... let the BHs do the offtanking
  14. Story its enough to me. But i love the tanking and the fluid fighting. Also, glowing wand dancing like there´s no tomorrow: animations for parry got me sold on Jugg
  15. Do not give up! Jugg is a great tank. Its just a matter of bad groups on your team (same as in any other MMOs). Just make things clear for your party before engaging a FP: -Put Guard on your heal first, or upon a DPS if he manages to steal aggro on your main target. -Tell em clearly to attack your target. -If stong mobs are mixed with normal mobs, ask the dps to bring down the normal ones while you build aggro on strong/bosses (they can tank em the short time they last). -Be polite! rudeness helps nothing. -If points above aren´t working, find another team! or just get over it. But dont complain about the class. <3 Juggz
  16. Scissors are meant to cut the paper, more news at six. Also, you forgot to say you were eating Doritos not trinketing out of the 8 sec stunlock
  17. Halefthaut

    Pvp arena?!!?

    You cant give proof that im a bad player the same way you cant give proof you aren´t just trolling around your fake superior skills Anonimate as intended Sidenote: lol at "professional pvp" in mmo´s, just lol. Starcraft & CS>>>>> that way
  18. Halefthaut

    Pvp arena?!!?

    -WoW is a carebear game (inside a city you´re safe, and game is made that you should never need to go outside) -Arena is garbage and CASUAL pvp (10 games a week for purples) -Frost Mages are OP. The 2v2 Rogue-Mage is fking UNBEATABLE if they dont make a mistake -Scrubs will always remain scrubs, different games change nothing -Warfronts and any kind of boxed pvp should never existed. Rewarding people looking for a brawl on the fields would be more fitting for any MMO. Suck it up
  19. Dirty and cheap pvp is popular, thats the ugly truth (AKA Stealth)
  20. As it should be, they are nerfing people who farms pvp in favor of those who fight for success
  21. Take into consideration "premade vs pugs" situation. You might have been facing a guild group
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