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10 Good
  1. Not sexy but simply "Star Wars" - I am not into MMO that much but enjoy by simply beiing the class/character that comes closest to the ultimate Darth Vader feeling - thats why I am playing - having fun as a f...ing cool Darth Vader and living the Star Wars experience. Why else would I play a Star Wars game.
  2. Serioulsy - maybe we are not as easy going as other classes but we are f..... awesome in doing this. http://img3.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/screenshot2011avbw3em1lx.jpg I don't mind if other classes can do more dps or even tank better - they all can't look so awesome in some actions as we do and I feel sorry for them as they will all never feel the grateness of doing a nice force choke and present themselves like in the picture above. Best regards and a happy new year!
  3. Sorry for the dumb question but how do I make screenshots in the game (which command/button) and where are they saved?? Thx. I know its a noob question but google did'nt help me - which is rather rare these days
  4. So any advice or skill guide for a immortal Jugg at lvl 40+ (unitl than I will stay with Vengeance as I like the tree and idea of the character - the truw Sword Master and imo the true Darth Vader)
  5. As you were playing a Vengance Jugg to 50 I would appriciate your tips or skill build as I too prefere the vengance tree. Don't like tanking - would rather like to play a dps jugg but seems to be a bit hard esp. vs. elites and so. any help much appriciated. not interested in pvp only want to play class quest and non heroic quest as I know they are unbeatable for Juggs alone.
  6. Seriously - you are telling me the Sith Warrior is not the Darth Vader kick-*** character and so far it seems true. I mean the Sith Warriors should be the tank and DPS character of the dark side and every other dark side character gets more HP at the same level as the SW. This has nothing to do with playing the character right or wrong - this is even for Bioware simply stupid and wrong. Yes the SW story is cool and the look and feel too but playing a SW in pure Solo Main Quest Mode is a PITA. Heroic missions or areas are not doable alone with a SW. I hope there will be a patch soon as I like the story and the "general" idea of the Sith Warrior but currently this character is more a Jedi Knight than a Sith Lord.
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