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Everything posted by Phyltr

  1. And apparently lots of us do, so why is your opinion more important?
  2. This is an entirely emotional response and entirely subjective. I like the new system so I guess it cancels out, eh?
  3. Yeah, he's made another thread already and I don't think he understand what the words he is using mean. I'd like to see a rational, non-emotional reason why he hates the new trees.
  4. I don't think you understand what convoluted means. con·vo·lut·ed ˈkänvəˌlo͞odəd/ adjective 1. (especially of an argument, story, or sentence) extremely complex and difficult to follow. The new system is the opposite of convoluted, its slimmed down and easier. You really shouldn't use words you don't understand. You were only "ok" with the way it was before because that's what you knew, now you are faced with change and you're screaming about the sky falling because you are someone who can't cope with change. You're not a special snowflake, you're build wasn't awesome.
  5. That is true of every aspect of the game before. Can you use a blaster on a Jedi? Nope. Can you make a tanking smuggler? Nope. Get over yourself. You're whining about losing the illusion of choice. You now have new confines to work in. People wailing about SWG are ridiculous, SWG was awful and that's why its gone. This is nowhere near a parallel you're just crying that the sky is falling. No one I've seen outside these forums are opposed to the change, its only a vocal minority of people who simply can't handle change.
  6. Poor little snowflake. Obviously BW doesn't want you to play like that.
  7. So many people in this thread feeling like they are special snowflakes that had figured out something that math didn't. Spec's aren't qualitative, they are measurable in DPS/HPS/survival. They are quantitative and selecting the same options every single time I needed to respec was stupid. Why can't you customize to your playstyle with the utilities? You're just complaining about a perceived removal of choice when, in fact, you have more choices now since the utilities are far more universal. Before you could either spec to do the best DPS/HPS or you could be worse than you could be. Its a ridiculous choice and I'm glad they moved to this system.
  8. Meaningless choice isn't really choice. Math proves which spec is best, I don't care if you think you're a special snowflake with your unique build, mathematically it's worse and I wouldn't take you on a raid with a junk build. Let the game designers focus on things that are fun instead of this illusion of choice you so desperately want back.
  9. That's the thing though, every person who cares about PVE (I don't PVP so I don't know if it will impact PVP) will now pickup Biochem if they didn't have it before. I don't really think you're grasping how this is going to play out. Previously the reusables were worse stat-wise than the blues so it didn't matter if you were Biochem or not, but now it does because there is a clearly demonstrable benefit to your DPS or healing by being Biochem.
  10. So I guess the idea behind not using reusable stims is two-fold. Take money out of the economy Encourage people away from Biochem I understand the money sink component even if I don't like it but I think you've actually made Biochem necessary. You get more stats from a Biochem only usable item. For anyone doing operations you've just made this a necessity. You've given people the choice between more stat or less stat and the choice there is pretty obvious. You turned a convenient skill into a necessary one. If I was leading a raid I wouldn't want anyone in that didn't have Biochem. Why would I want someone in who is less than what they could be? I really don't think this was thought through well at all and I ask for the return of reusable stims to adequately incentivize Biochem while not making it necessary.
  11. What was remotely fun about the old spec system? You had two choices: Google a good spec Be bad How is that fun? Why would you choose to be bad? Why would you intentionally decide that you wanted a disadvantage?
  12. You have more options now with the utility points. What you had previously was the illusion of options when, in fact, you really only had the choice between being spec'd properly and just being bad. You can still be bad if you want, it just takes a little more effort.
  13. That isn't true at all because the more useful (to me) feature is saving your quickbar layout. When switching from DPS to healing you are changing almost every one of your keybindings, disciplines doesn't help that at all.
  14. With your introduction of disciplines I really hope you've implemented a way to save specs and auto-populate action bars.
  15. You are making some really wild assumptions. First you assume that 100% of the population cares enough about conquests to quit if they aren't handed victories. Next you assume that even though they care that much about conquests they refuse to join a big guild. Those are pretty laughable assumptions. You've got this pariah complex going on because you refuse to join a big guild and insist you are being done wrong by your unwillingness to play by the clear rules that BioWare spelled out. If you don't think BioWare anticipated big guilds winning conquest you have a pretty low evaluation of their intelligence.
  16. You are completely ignoring the data you have. You're cherry picking what meets your world view. Obviously the big guilds are pushing their members otherwise the leader boards wouldn't be so close. In claiming you put in more effort because you're in a small guild is completely ignoring that publicly available data because it paints a picture that is not what you want to paint.
  17. As you edited your comment after you posted it I'll look at the rest of it now. Recruiting obviously does or you'd be winning, wouldn't you? Numbers obviously matter, to claim they don't is a complete abandonment of reason. A reward for effort is a reward for effort. Again, you don't agree with this comparison because it conflicts with your view that you should be rewarded for doing less than someone else. If you don't think that's how the system was implemented you're living in a fantasy world. I knew this was what was going to happen from the very first time they talked about it. This was the obvious outcome. You're again raging because it doesn't fit in with your world view that you should be rewarded for less effort. I have a guild with just me in it. Should I get rewards too if I put in the same effort as you? If I meet my weekly goal and put in 8 hours a day grinding points, should I get the same reward as everyone else? Obviously not, but that is the world you suggest. You just stop short of taking your idea to its logical conclusion because it descends into ludicrousness and you don't personally benefit from it.
  18. Well now you're just showing your bias. You discount the drive that members of the large guilds may have to compete with other large guilds, which is pretty far from the truth if you look at any of the leader boards, but that doesn't fit your world view so you'll just dismiss it as being "elitist". You have no information to back up what you say, that members of big guilds don't put in as much effort, so the only fair way to evaluate effort is the formula I provided above. Also, you entirely dismiss the effort that goes into recruiting and maintaining a large guild, again probably because it disagrees with your argument that big guilds are lazy. You can't cherry pick data and be taken seriously.
  19. Your exclamation points are an attempt to shout down anyone disagreeing with you, don't pretend its something noble. You are not putting in as much effort because you don't have the same number of people. For the sake of argument lets assume that the big guilds desire to win as well. So: x=big guild member y=your guild members z=effort expended by a single player xz=a yz=b a>b Its as simple as that, their effort is more than yours or you'd be winning. You don't get to win anything by choosing to not participate the way BioWare intended. It was exceedingly clear from the very first introduction of conquest that it would favour big guilds. If you don't want to join a big guild then you don't get to win. To claim you put in the same effort is a lie. You clearly don't know what goes into recruiting and running one of these big guilds, that is effort that you have opted not to expend. Your argument is the same as "I want the same rewards from NiM content as a guild that has put in the effort!". You don't get participation ribbons. You want the rewards? Work for them. As a note, I don't care about conquests. At all. I've never hit my personal cap nor do I think I ever will because I don't care at all about conquests. What I do care about is people complaining that they should get the same rewards as someone else who put in more effort because it would then be easy to make the same arguments of PVE content.
  20. Well, because you put six exclamation points that means you win, huh? "Elitist pig"? That would be hilarious if you were being sarcastic but because you're being serious its just sad. You want your little participation ribbon? Too bad. You're not putting in the same effort as those big guilds so you don't get the same reward. They have more member so yeah, they are putting in more effort as a whole and you can't compete. So you have two choices, stop trying or join one. You're really quite oblivious if you don't think BioWare understood this would be the outcome in the design room when they were coming up with this idea.
  21. You are proposing a pay-to-win system. No thanks.
  22. That's not entirely how it works. Because the app is custom, Vasco kind of sells you an framework and you can create the app to look and act the way you want. Assuming their contract with Vasco includes Windows mobile devices which it may very well not. In any case, its not as easy as just getting Vasco to release one, they have in fact. You...don't understand encryption. I don't know that he was talking about rights to code for Windows mobile but rather the rights to the Vasco SDK for Windows mobile.
  23. Krayt is about 3000 years into the future, it would be like having Vader's armor available.
  24. If they did it like other games in the genre where an amount is just put in the guild bank equal to 10% of whatever you looted and it doesn't impact the amount you receive there shouldn't be any resentment.
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