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Everything posted by Phyltr

  1. And the bolded part is the crux of the issue. That is why people are against it. There is a finite amount of time that BW devs have to spend and I, personally, would like to see them spend it on things other than chat bubbles, so I cam going to throw my vote in for "no" to chat bubbles in a, likely futile, effort to persuade the powers that be to focus on the things I want. That's human nature. I'll campaign for the things I like and feel would benefit the game and this isn't one of them.
  2. Rishi and Yavin have been laggy for more than a week at this point, now imagine how much worse it would be with chat bubbles and that's the reason why they aren't in the game.
  3. Except that with the assumptions I made (which seem pretty fair given that it was on the tooltip in the crafting window) this isn't how things would have worked. As I've said a couple times now, my argument is moot because despite evidence to the contrary, anyone can use those stims.
  4. You don't understand things, huh? Look at ANY other biochem recipes that you craft, no where else does it say that, so why would it say it there? The only other place it occurs is on something like "Aspiring Knight's Gloves" where it says "Requires Smuggler, Jedi Knight". By your logic, only a Smuggler or a Jedi Knight could craft that, huh? I've dropped the argument as it is likely an artifact from before they allowed anyone to use the stims, however you are implying I don't know what I'm talking about when clearly you don't know what you're talking about, hence the response.
  5. Its not BioWare's to release...they didn't develop a two-factor solution, they pay for one from a 3rd party and their contract may not include Windows mobile.
  6. You don't need to sign your posts, we can see who posted it via the picture with your name under it to the left of your post.
  7. I'm pretty sure you've gotten your answer, you just don't like it.
  8. That's just not true because it doesn't show up anywhere else except on items that are only for Biochem users. Otherwise it would be on the blues too, wouldn't it? The point seems moot however since between when I posted that screenshot and now that text from the tooltip is gone so I guess their intent is clear. https://imgur.com/rAibPZo
  9. Considerate of what? I don't care about your feelings, I care about facts. I thought you were wrong and was saying such, however I'm wrong in this instance and will freely admit that. So that really means there is a bug somewhere. Either they intend it to be Biochem only and the fact it is usable by non-Biochem is a bug they will fix or the crafting tooltip is a bug since no other tooltips state that for things that don't require Biochem. If the intent is for everyone to be able to use them, I dislike it but that's fine, I guess it bring the profession more in balance with the others.
  10. What are you talking about? You're completely wrong...did you even look at the tooltip? It says "Requires Biochem (460)" and then to drive the point home it also says "Requires Expert Biochem". So my concerns are 100% valid, you need to be Biochem to use the purple stims. I just took this picture myself. https://imgur.com/aoxDLOE
  11. That is correct, I only ever mentioned the credit sink as a possible motivation behind what BW wanted to accomplish with the change. To any rational person reading my post they'll see I focused almost entirely on the fact that they probably will cause more people to pick Biochem not less.
  12. Dude, stop cherry picking. I explained why that isn't actually the issue and why it won't help new players and why its going to cause more people to be Biochem as opposed to less. I don't know why I keep responding to this troll. Also, I didn't say I was for or against it, you're putting words in my mouth simply to pick a fight.
  13. Your argument makes no sense. Because they didn't have the resources to adequately address the hybrid issue before now you conclude that they should never address the hybrid issue. Of course this completely ignores logic. Its like saying "I don't have the time to mow my lawn right now so I should never mow it". Clearly they made a statement with the new system "We don't want hybrids." Its clear and resounding. It is unmistakable. The designers of this game did not and do not want hybrids. Of course this also completely ignores the vertical character inflation problem with skill trees but that doesn't help your point either so lets ignore that too, eh?
  14. It is a money sink and that's the intent. This video explains it better than I ever could (I promise its not a troll video):
  15. I will 100% admit that I haven't personally gotten my purple stim recipe, I'm going off information posted in the Interwebs. However, I do have my purple medpac and it requires expert Biochem so I imgine the stims will be the same.
  16. I highly doubt there will be a noticeable impact to the economy in general. This is like increasing repair costs, its a tax on playing properly. Instead of selling their materials Biochem crafters will instead need to use the materials themselves. It will cost them some money to send their companions out on missions but not enough to noticeably impact the economy in general. It also removes a lot of materials from the GTN which will likely cause some level of inflation. Overall this will likely be worse for new players.
  17. Obviously BioWare decided that hybrid specs weren't tenable to balance against. Hybrid specs, even in WoW, were always one-off things that quickly got killed if effective. The game designers don't want hybrid specs so they exercised the right to remove them. Regardless, the hybrid specs were either broken good or just bad. Broken good means that the balance was broken and a player was doing something the game designers didn't intend. The new system allows you customization of skills that can change your playstyle without impacting class balance. The only arguments so far have been "i want my hybrid spec!" and "I want to spec poorly!", and I'm fine with them removing both those things. I don't see how hard it is to understand that...I mean really.
  18. The problem with your argument is that is how the game economy has been functioning since the beginning. There obviously wasn't that problem previously. I suspect the economic factor was only a side thought and more they wanted people to diversify their crew skills. As I've pointed out, this will not happen. Instead more people will pick up Biochem not less. However, that's not really the point, is it? You're a troll. You have no stake in this and the only reason you're posting is to disagree with me personally. You conjured up a poorly thought out, convoluted argument that ignores the fact that reusable stims existed since the beginning simply to support the fact you want to argue with me because I dared to point out that you don't understand free speech and because I called BS on your claim to have won $25,000 from SOE. This is entirely personal for some reason because I disagree with you and you just wanted an echo chamber where everyone would just repeat your feelings back to you. I don't care if people disagree with me for valid reasons, however you're not doing that. You're making up an argument after you decided to disagree with me solely because it is me. Also, you're argument is flawed from the start, but again, you don't care because that's not what its about for you.
  19. Why is it bad? I don't see a suggestion or any actual reasoning.
  20. How does this create balance? Please explain. I mean I know you're just trolling at this point because your little feelings are hurt and you're just spamming this forum with troll posts but I'm trying to see if you have any legitimate rational behind what you say. I suspect not, however.
  21. What are you even talking about? You seem to be trying to deflect and use some sort of ad hominem instead of addressing the issue. You were asked to provide a rational reason as to why you oppose the change and you basically said "I FEAR CHANGE!". Where's your argument? Where's your well thought out response? All I see if you trying to attack me because you can't actually address the issue. Its sad really, but to be expected on the Interwebs.
  22. Ooohhhh...sick burn. Oh wait...I'm doing both. I'm not saying my opinion is more important, in fact, I implied it carried the same weight as your and thus they cancelled each other out. I'm also basing my opinion on logic and rational thought and not a "ZOMG THE SKY IS FALLING!!!11!!!!" fear of change mentality.
  23. So I read this and the first paragraph basically read that you gimped yourself because you just felt like it. That's weird and not really something BW should need to cater to especially given the great amount of time it takes to try and balance the classes considering pure specs. The operative word you use is "feel". It "feels" like you're losing something when you're not. You had the illusion of choice before...or rather for you I guess you had the choice to gimp your character or pick the talents BW always intended you to pick. The fact they aren't letting people make silly spec's is no real loss, its a positive thing. To quote another response which I think summed it up pretty well: Even your response, which is more articulate than the OP's "ZOMG SKY IS FALLING!!!111!!1!" post, doesn't really give a good reason to keep the antiquated talent tree system, rather you make subjective statements about what you prefer.
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