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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. That is why I feel an inquisitor who kept the spirits or a Jedi knight will fit the story the best.




    It all sounds cool an logical in theory, but KotFE is a "one size fits all" type of story, so.. yeah, every single class is going to fit the story with minimal differences, mostly in dialogues.

  2. Why is a non force user even being humored by this emperor when he could blast arguably one of the strongest sith of this time with one hit.


    We don't know. Yes, that's it. We don't know a single crap about KotFE storyline, except for the most basic things. Valkorion could very well be toying with us or something along the lines of that.


    Accusing the storyline of a huge plot hole when we don't even know what happens after "kneel/don't kneel" (99% he'll laugh in our faces and tell Arcann to kick our sorry butts regardless of our choice) is taking it a bit too far, don't you think?


    As for Marr, he was already terminally ill and on top of that, quite old. Neverthelss, past tense or not, I'm going to reserve my final judgement until his death is all but confirmed in the upcoming expansion.

  3. For Merc / Mando players to get caught in that nerf, just shows the ignorance of the combat team.

    Sadly, it's not the first time Mercs get a bystander nerf because of Powertechs.


    That being said, no pains. Like, at all. Right now I'm transferring all my comms to my Sorc, 'cause if you can't beat them - join them.

  4. Here's a wild theory: you accept Valk's offer, Arcann loses his crap and proceeds to stab his big baddy daddy with a lightsaber from behind and then throws you into carbonite afterwards.

    I would assume something similiar happens even if you refuse Valkorion's offer. Keep in mind that in Chapter 3

    someone mentions that Arcann assassinated Valkorion




    Then again, there's a whole Chapter 2 in between, so who knows

  5. No. Just no.


    The Eternal Empire resides, most probably, somewhere in one of the Unknown Regions' sectors or in Wild Space


    Dantooine is, like, on the other side of the Galaxy and is a Republic-aligned world.


    Can't think of any reason why a Force-sensitive ruler of a powerful empire (that probably has its own share of Force-rich planets) would send his children to train somewhere that far away from home.

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