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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. Honestly, Smuggler always struck me as the oldest one of the bunch. Not by much, of course, let's say if other characters are around 20-21, Smuggler would be 27-28 like Han Solo in Ep IV.

    Smuggler's overall demeanor (based on their dialogue options, regardless of DS/LS inclinations) creates the impression of somewhat experienced person who's already seen their share of galactic stuff prior to the beginning of their main story, whereas Trooper/Agent/Knight/Consular are fresh out of training, SI was former slave and SW begins as merely a talented acolyte. Can't recall anything about the Hunter though..

  2. Honestly, i have to say that on the 5 class stories i've completed (i know, lame), I still do remember Skavak.

    You just can't steal my ship and expect me to forget. After that point the smuggler story goes south for me, though.


    As much as I like Smuggler story, it's true. Chapter I was truly stellar, even compared to other classes' storylines.

  3. I also think, but it may not matter, that when you use abbreviations, having one letter wouldn't really work. I'm on V or M for vitiate and Malgus.


    DM = Darth Malgus, TL, = The Leviathan, THP= The Hot Prospect, SF= Star Forge.

    Maybe they didn't find single names to work? Just a thought.🤓


    Well, back at launch there was plenty of single name servers, e.g. Nathema, Hanharr, Juyo, Frostclaw, Sith'ari (my origin server) etc.

  4. Hey everyone,


    Below you will find the changes planned for Commando and Mercenary in Game Update 5.6:






    On a serious note, I'd have gladly taken these over h2f and Trauma Regulators, but... meh

    Smoke Screen has now been merged as standard into the Propulsion Round ability.

    Smoke Screen has been replaced with Tactical Retreat, which extends the range of Propulsion Round to 40 Meters and reduces the cooldown to 10 seconds.

    Hold the Line cooldown has been reduced to 30 seconds and now increases movement speed by 50%. The ability also now grants immunity to interrupts

  5. 1) Take advantage of every bit of wealth my Smuggler has amassed over the course of 5 expansions and use it to lead a comfy life of luxury in Nar Shaddaa stronghold. May also collect starships, rare artworks, verious creatures and scientific artifacts etc etc etc

    2) Indulge into gluttony and drinking. Only the finest food and beverages the Galaxy has to offer will find their way into my dining hall

    3) Take occasional trips around the galaxy with my lovely gal Risha

    4) Throw monthy wild parties in my Stronhold


    Trooper though... If we're being realistic

    1) Spend a few days touching my curvy type 4 female body everywhere

    2) Die horribly in the very first skirmish because I've no combat experience whatsoever

  6. Female Cyborg Commando (*)

    Male Human Smuggler (*)

    Male Human Jedi Knight

    Female Miraluka Jedi Consular


    Male Cathar Powertech (yes, that included a lot of RP to make sense sometimes) (*)

    Female Twi'lek Sorcerer

    Male Sith Pureblood Juggernaught

    Female Chiss Operative


    (*) are my mains


    I later noticed that my Imperial toons are mostly alien species, while 3/4 Rep toons are Humans. Seemed a bit ironic.

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