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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. *Raises glass of Chancellor Saresh's blood for a toast*


    He will be missed. Alas, Lord Marr, I hardly knew ye.


    I hope Saresh lives until the very last chapter of KotFE. I'm going to enjoy burning up her lekkus :rak_03:

  2. My female Commando main romanced Theron without any second thought. I liked him in TOR: Annihilation novel, and in Forged Alliances he instantly struck me as a sort of elusive, mysterious character, obviously wholeheartedly dedicated to keeping the Republic intact as much as my Commando, although their methods differ, to say the least.

    And while my Commando likes Aric, she's always seen him as a kind of.brother in arms she'd like to constantly have around to watch her back, rather than a spouse material. Perhaps she married Aric just because he was one of the very few persons she could fully trust at the moment.

    All in all, if there's an option to keep the old romance, I think I'll be struggling a bit to make a final decision between these two.


    As for my Scoundrel... I totally went for the new flirt options with Lana, just because it felt..eh..scoundrelish, I guess:D It's in his nature, after all:D

    Knowing Risha, it's fair to assume reconciling with her won't be an option, and if that proves to be true - ok, he's ready to face the music (our choices will matter... right?)


    Don't think I flirted with Lana on my Mercenary, although now I really wish I had. Mako is absolutely adorable, but Lana suits him so much more. Guess I missed the last train on Rishi/Yavin

  3. I think "Empire" refers to both Republic and The Sith Empire, because you know, Republic is also an empire from a certain point of view - a large galactic civilization albeit without a monarchy


    "Knights" - I want to say this one refers to our characters, but apparently there's only one canon Outlander, so I'll just go with Jedi/Sith


    One could also argue the name refers to The Eternal Empire, since it is destined to fall anyway, along with Arcann/Vaylin and their Zakuul Knights.

  4. -Setup skill points on my main.

    -Pop an XP boost.

    -Then turn in all of my dailies I held back from turn in for the xp.

    -Create my instant 60. That toon is going to be my decision-making test bed.

    -Jump right into the story.

    Pretty much the same, except instant 60 for decision beta-testing. I'm planning to run at least 1 more toon through KotFE (aside from my main), so if choices really DO matter and I **** up something, so be it then :p

  5. 48-50 and section-x was released after ilum was.


    How does that matter?


    Once again, HK-51 is a post-class story content and a purchasable global companion. His little dialogue with HK-47 is more of an easter egg, than a pivotal plot point or anything like that. You don't lose anything if you haven't seen it, and you don't gain anything from it as well.


    Scourge speaking with Revan in Maelstrom flashpoint, on the other hand, would be a time paradox.

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