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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. My Trooper would tell Valkorion to buzz off just out of pure spite. She likes that.


    My Merc bears no love for both factions, so he'd probably accept the Valk's offer


    only to be thrown into the carbonite bath afterwards lol



    My Smuggler... would act somewhat similiar to my Trooper, but I expect him to crack a joke or two about Valkorion or Arcann's crippled state

  2. Sergeant Jaxo for next trooper companion. That is all.


    As much as I'd like this to happen, she's either


    Dead (a canon version, most probably) or went on a permanent leave after getting psychologically scarred by the events at the beginning of Act III


    But we can dream, right?



  3. Pretty much every single one of them.


    Why? Because I almost forgot they're married to someone else, and when I went in and flirted with Lemda, Theron and Lana, their supposed spouses didn't seem to care even a little bit.


    And then half a year after SoR Bioware tells us our previous choices regarding companion romances will actually matter duh. Ah, whatever :rolleyes:

  4. On a side note, it's my understanding we are getting Nico as a companion, but how does that work out for the Empire?

    Here's hoping we finally get to know what kind of Sith artifacts Nico was smuggling in "Return" trailer. :D

  5. Ilum world PvP etched into my memory pretty hard, I guess.. more so than any other thing back from that day




    Mandos/Mercs having their time to shine because people couldn't use interrupt


    Operatives two-shotting tanks in warzones


    HM Eternity Vault being bugged as hell and feeling almost like a NM


    That awesome feeling of playing through your first toon's class story for the first time


    Rainbow-coloured outfits


    etc etc


    Fun times indeed :cool:

  6. I think that need for someone else to frontline for you, and another person to keep healing you just so that you can do what they would be doing if they weren't using so many GCDs to keep you alive is what they call 'carried' (or more recently 'ay-dee carry') :csw_yoda:




    Sure. I have to get by somehow if I want to play my favourite class, amirite? :p And of course, regstars is such a srs bsns

  7. Pyro having too much buttons for ya??? Well if a spec is gonna parse in 5.2k range when most are between 4.4k and 4.8k. It better not be Arsenal-like.

    Supercharge being too hard to keep track for ya?? Poor you... It makes Arsenal fun and Inno.. Well read above.


    Go back to... Wait in 3.0 there is no baby spec anymore.. No 4-buttons Arsenal, no 4 buttons Rage... Well suck to be ya.


    Funny guy, aren't ya?

  8. I hope this is a troll thread. Pretty much the only way to lose in a 1v1 as a merc or mando is A. no gear B. electro net is on cooldown or C. adrenaline rush is on cool down. If any of these things are open for you and you still lose you're not doing something right my friend. Don't listen to the scrubs who cry that mercs cant be a regstar they usually just suck ;)


    This is both true and false at the same time. It's always a gamble for Mercs when it comes to 1v1 - everything comes down to perfectly lining your cds, using the enviroment to your advantage (both Huttball pits are the best maps for that) and getting a few really lucky crits. In the end, a good stealther/PT/marauder will probably wipe the floor with you anyway.

    As for the team play, Mercs are ok when properly played and supported. That's why I always queue with a good tank and a healer :rolleyes:

  9. Reactive Shield absorbs 50% of damage dealt to you. Maybe extend its duration to 18 seconds. Would make our only def CD into a somewhat useful one.


    And gotta say, I like these ideas

    Hydraulic overrides- immune to force leaps

    Rocket punch- knocks target back (if only for the old school feel I miss so much)

    Kolto overload- can be used during stun


    Would help greatly if they gave us back Kolto Missile, too bad it's not happening anytime soon

  10. Any? I think we are the worst.


    Really not much we can do unless we have a strong supporting cast



    DPS Operatives (and they're somewhat far from being squishy in 3.0)

    Other Mercs


    ..that's not to say we can deliver a pretty painful kick in the teeth to any other class - me, I'm happy with my crits. I'm willing to take that over getting pooped on even by Scrappers and DPS Sages pre-2.0

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