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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. Hey everyone, I'm not sure If i've maybe missed something, but what happened to Bastilla Shan, Juhani, Zaalbar, Mission Vao, Carth Onasi, T3-M4, and Jolee Bindo. Including Kotor 2 Companions because I can't seem to find mention of what happened to them after the games.




    >Bastila Shan

    She and Revan married and had a son named Vaner. Apparently she died from old age, since 300 years before TOR are described as peaceful.



    Uknown at this pont and most likely won't be


    >Zaalbar and Mission Vao

    They are mentioned in Drew Karpyshyn's "Revan" novel to have started a business venture together. Zaalbar might actually still be alive due to Wookies' long lifespan, but we don't know for sure


    >Carth Onasi

    Apparently, he continued to serve as the Admiral of the Republic navy while strenghtening the Republic from withing as he was asked by Revan before the latter ventured into Unknown Regions



    Gets destroyed by Emperor Vitiate's Force Lightning in "Revan". Rest in pieces.


    >Jolee Bindo

    Same as Juhani.


    >Canderous Ordo

    In the end of Smuggler's Chapter II you bump into the item called "Canderous Ordo's skull". Who knows, perhaps he was killed in battle or a duel sometime after "Revan"




    Her death was predicted by Kreia in the end of KotORII.







  2. SW is a space fantasy with a mediocre to decentish writing quality overall. Deus-ex machinas (not sure if this is an appropriate term here, but you get the idea) like ancient alien tech (Rakata, Celestials etc.) are quite common in that genre.


    That being said, they used be a really big deal in the past. Nothing surprising here.

  3. Dunno, maybe I'm just extremely lucky, but my Demo Round crits are quite consistent. Like, 7 out of 10 always end up being a hard-hitters.


    Now, HIB on the other hand... 3-4k hits with x5 stacks of Charged Barrels is just frustrating.

  4. When you visit a planet, let's say Alderaan, you get a pop-up asking you if you want to go to nowadays-Alderaan or the original Alderaan. With the new Alderaan showing how it looks after the invasion (or whatever happened). I would be fine with this.

    Some kind of a daily zone akin to Section X would actually be pretty awesome, even if it's being put there simply for lore/RP purposes.

  5. Eh, both specs are ok for regstars, as long as you're willing to deal with IO's hell of a ammo management and ludicruous ramp up time. It's just a matter of playstyle preferrence.


    In ranked you're going to get smoked in a few seconds regardless of your spec.


    Pretty much all there is to it.

    1. When KotFE comes out what will happen to my alts? Will they get pushed to new expansion even if I'm not interested in that, no matter if I'm still leveling 'em or I already hit lvl 60 and still have Makeb and Oricon to do.
      We don't know as of yet, but I think it's safe to assume KotFE will be triggered via quest given by the mission console on your ship, just like SoR and Oricon. Don't touch it, and you won't start the events for KotFE
    2. What will happen to class story missions of my alts that are leveling?
      Nothing, apparently. The story is there to stay, although Bioware stated several times they're going to make them more "streamlined". What that means? We don't know yet.
    3. Will I be able to get the legacy heroic moment skills of those classes that I'm still leveling and following the storyline?
      Yes. Is there any reason you shouldn't?
    4. If I start the KotFE in my main will that be an issue toward my alts?
      Shouldn't be any.


    I will truelly apreciate the help to answer this questions.


    Answers in red.

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