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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. New expansion is essentially SWTOR2. Current story content (SWTOR1) will be left intact and unaffected by KotFE which will only be triggered by quest console on your ship (well, I suppose so).
  2. My Scoundrel.....because who else would you call to take on an immortal master of the force emperor and his two force using children? :jawa_tongue:


    Scoundrel: Aww, I bet Arcann is just afraid of facing me 1v1. And rightly so!

    Lana: ...:rolleyes:

  3. New Ability: Rocket Out/Propulsion Round! Jet/Fire a specially designed propulsion round to launch yourself backward 20 meters, gaining immunity to controlling effects while jetting/launched. Cannot be used while immobilized or hindered.


    Hydraulic Overrides/Hold the Line’s cooldown has been increased to 45 seconds (up from 30)


    Thanks for breaking the class even further, Bioware. I really appreciate that.


    Looks like I'll have to use my Merc/Mando exclusively for PvE starting from 4.0


    Also, can I ask you: was this freaking necessary?

    Jet Charge/Storm is now trainable by all Powertechs/Vanguards at level 61. Jet Speed/Blitz has been removed from the baseline version of this ability, and has been added as a utility choice instead.
  4. I'm just gonna do Scourge - they should kill him off. His silence in SOR was very noticeable and immersion-breaking, would be even bigger in KOTFE. If for whatever reason they're not able to continue this character, then remove him from the equation instead of giving the silent treatement. Other characters are not affected by it t such degree as Scourge. He's too connected to the main Emperor/Revan plot to drag him along without doing anything any longer

    Very well said. Lord Scourge is one of my all-time favourite companions, but after what BW did (or rather, what they did not do) to him in SoR he's as good as dead to me. :(

  5. I think the time they could use to give away something for free could be better spent fixing bugs. Better yet making a trailer to play in theaters that customers seeing the new movie could see. Could add some more subs to the game or at least more f2p bantha fodder.


    I think someone on these forums mentioned seeing a KotFE advertisement on TV.

    If that's true, well, looks like they're going all out with this expansion.

  6. Trooper:


    Elara Dorne

    Aric Jorgan

    Corso Riggs

    Fideltin Rusk



    Bounty Hunter


    Torian Cadera


    HK-51 / Treek

    Akaavi Spar





    Guss Tuno

    Gault Rennow (so much for his "No point in running away, you'll just find me again", said to BH :D)

    Nico Okarr

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