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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. Just to be clear. You're saying a stealth single target burst class is parsing on par with other classes that don't have the same opening advantages... That seems ok to you OP?


    Seems to me the problem lies within players like yourself that are content with serving as stationary PVE(P) dummies for Operatives. OH GOSH DARN AN OP JUMPED ON ME ah well I'll just stay where I am and do nothing to prevent them from killing me. Hilarious, isn't it?:p

  2. Guys , there is nothing wrong with an Operative Concealment specced dmg wise. Why is everyone whining? They are still squishy as ****.


    And the burst is not that incredible? Carnage is better and Assassin too.


    Stop being baddies and stop complaining about that spec. :rolleyes:


    A few tooshbags got ganked by 2-3 slightly buffed Operatives, that's all. As if 2-3 ops couldn't do that before... :rolleyes:

  3. I absolutely agree with OP, Scamper needs cooldown...







    ....as soon as they make it a 30-40m roll that's guaranteed to break roots/slows/make us immune to any kind of cc etc etc etc then I'll gladly accept a 30-40 sec cd.

  4. I can easily take most classes (except mid tree shadows) down to at least 20-30% by myself and, assuming it's 1v1 or at least 2v1, kill them with little to no effort (depending on a player ofc). And mind you, I ain't even DPS geared, I respec scrapper like twice a week for ***** and giggles.


    That being said, while DF is absolutely capable of producing big numbers for you to hide behind, it's not effective spec actually. It isn't, really isn't. Especially when it comes to putting pressure on healers.

  5. Kids like you deserve an explication: When i was rank 94 in 1.1 (the only one on the server as repub-shadow infiltration, second was Shiori-sorceror on imp side bellow 90...i stoped to hunt 100 because Bioware failed by implementing huge XP to ranks so i went to level for pleasure) you were playing with the sands and water building castles. Was a time of names like Teodor, Djekick, Zizon, Ascension (best healer who first passed 1 mil healing), Smudget (the gunslinger) and few other who putted the imps names under the test when they were ruling clearly the PVP on server and repubs were lacking in beating them - we were beating them and we were the only one who succeed that and many of players asked to take them with us in wz-nes.

    You will never be as you pretend you are. You just have better partners now since all mine quited the game and i am alone.

    PS: LOL, is sound like hero story:P Ofc it is written for kids like you as a lesson of life.:D. Learn it and shut up.


    Like i said, this is a pvp section, not RP. Also, I don't get it: why would you even put your nabsy whining person in line with truly good players like Zizon and Smudgy guy? :confused:

    Oh and by the way, that sage's name was Ascansios...:rolleyes:

  6. Is all about diversion...the art that draws the attention of an opponent away from a planned point of action, especially as part of military strategy. Ask and you will receive, share and you will not be shared.

    RP is this way, honey --> http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=88


    My maul hit like this when we expose ourselfs: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/834/smaul.jpg/

    So you finally managed to succeed with a new lolclass whereas pre 2.0 you used to fail at it miserably (like losing to a dps scoundrel)? I'd like you to tell me more.


    and we do this dmg when have 0 deaths and some dps protection: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/43/759kdmg0deaths.jpg/

    You mean, 3 pocket healers and a few smashers to back you up? That's some mad pvp skillz you've got there, bra!


    We still need our so much deserved 30% healing buff over 6 seconds.:D

    You still need to l2p, Teo


    Good hunting :rolleyes:

  7. Op healers are too strong atm, they just run around with their heal probs and lol at anyone trying to kill them.




    Killing Scoundrel/Ops healer is relatively easy, you just oughta try harder, because:


    1) Slow-Release Medpack/Kolto Probe < Sage/Sorc's bubble

    2) Emergency Medpack/Surgical Probe just can't possibly keep up with all the burst going around in warzones, with it critting for approximately 2-2.5k without adrenal + relic stacking

    3) Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech is on 12 sec cooldown, more than enough time for a player with a clue to burn down Scoundrel/Op

    4) Underworld Medicine/Kolto Injection is our only decent healing spell, and it gets easily interrupted if you're smart enough to do it, whilst Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion is hardly worth casting after you get EMP/SP due to it gimping our energy management

    5) Stealth level has been nerfed, not to mention that stealth itself is easily countered by aoe knockbacks/abilites, stealth scans etc.

    6) Defense Screen is a joke, really.


    Just do it. Save your strongest cooldowns, stuns and cc for the moment when we're below 30% and start spamming EMP/SP, cuz it's when EMP healing comes down to pure luck - we might outheal your damage... or not.

    Or rather go easy mode - focus us and we go down like a wet paper.

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