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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by BenitsubasaChiyo

  1. I kind of agree with thread title, in a way. I don't mind a slight nerf to survivability, but the concept of "fine tuning" is alien to BW. I'm afraid they'll swing nerf bat so hard it will send Mercs back into pre-5.0 era or worse.


    Then again, I've mained a Mando since beta and I'll probably keep doing it anyway

  2. I think the word "Rage" doesn't apply in a lot of cases.


    In so many cases the match is completely hopeless. I get to play 10 maybe 15 hours a week, my time is way to valuable to me to waste it on a lost cause for the sake of "Pixel Honor".


    I just leave, not mad, more like "Apathy Quit".


    This pretty much

  3. When I queue solo (god knows I rarely do nowdays) and...


    ...if there's a strong double premade, I leave.


    If it's clear we're going to get farmed at spawn, I leave


    If my team is full of braindead muppets running around the map like a bunch of headless chickens, I leave


    If my team members don't call incs and let objectives get capped during tight games, I leave


    If my team members would rather derp than try to win the game, I leave


    If I notice my team members doing less damage than a wet paper or being clueless about their dps rotations and utilities, I can assure, I will abso-facking-lutely leave that warzone


    etc etc etc etc etc...


    I'm not nearly as invested in this game as I was ~2-3 years ago, and even thought I still like it, I'm not going to waste my time on games my team mostly likely has no hope winning.



    >lasted for several hours

    Are you talking about one of those bugged Novare/CW that go on forever?:D If that's the case, I'd get bored pretty fast and leave as well

  4. You have to wait for the next buff then. Some people claim that mercs would be invincible but they are not. Actually mercs are not in a good state right now.



    I recently fought a 1 vs 3 in Odessen and could only kill one enemy before I had to run and leave the control point to the other two. And getting away was not easy I was getting close to dying. I think mercs have an unfair disadvantage here in comparison to sorcs, operatives, socks and the Terminator. Therefor I am asking for a stealth mode and a phasewalk-like ability for mercs.


    I think we could also use a knockback effect tied to Electro Net.

  5. Nope, just really REALLY bad players. =P There are garbage people on both sides. Its just more glaring on rep since we have less people. :(


    What time do you play at nowdays btw? Haven't seen you in a long time, though maybe that's 'cause you've renamed all your toons.

  6. Thats funny....I am able to kill fotm rerollers on imp side 1 v 1 as a plasmatech vg sometimes....just saying. :rak_03:


    Are we talking about lowbies here? :D

  7. Exact opposite on TRE, here it is imps that do that xD


    That's not entirely true as of lately, to be honest. Difference is, Imps can play their fotm to some extent, whereas Reps are stupid to the point of not being able to tell Grav Round and Vortex Bolt apart.

  8. Operatives are okay. They're kinda jack of all trades, bringing extremely useful utility into the fight (off-heals, cc, stealth, roll) and capable of delivering a painful burst. If there's someone I'm always happy to see on my team, it's a good Operative who knows their $hit.
  9. Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).




    You may want to verify this before we actually get to this. You say bonus set gear, which means armor but knowing some people they will assume it means also implants, earpieces, relics, weapons and second hand items. Though it may not stop people from saying otherwise but it might, you never know. :)


    Seconding this question.

  10. /signed


    Reasons why mercs should be nerfed:


    1. They have electronet which slows you down to infinity.

    Infinity, huh? Wrong, but it's a potent stuff nevertheless, yup

    2. Kolto overload which heals them.

    I agree Powertechs could use that, instead of Mercs

    3. Emergency scan and kolto shot which heals them.

    Are you serious? These are nigh useless

    4. Responsive safeguards which reflects 50% of the damage they absorb back at the attacker AND HEALS THEM for 5% of their maximum health each time an attack is absorbed

    This works just fine and needs to stay. Mercs always needed an oh-**** -anti-focus tool

    5. Reactive Shield which increases damage reduction by 25% for 12 seconds

    Almost useless without Trauma Stabilizers. What you want to get nerfed is that h2f utility

    6. Heavy armor

    Stop embarassing yourself, heavy armor means nothing in this game

    7. I've been told mercenaries can crit 40,000 damage

    Once in a long long while. It doesn't happen on constant basis, obviously.


    That's A LOT of damage for a class that has great survivability.


    Need I say more? My lightning sorc can only crit 12k with tier 2 and 3 gear. That's just bull :(


    You could at least whine properly, you know:D


    • Full Tier 1 gear available from existing Fleet vendors using Command Tokens – this means you can obtain a full bonus gear set for under 800 Command Tokens. You will be able to choose the type of gear you want to purchase (DPS, Tank, or Healer).


    This is the one thing I really wanted to hear. Thank you for this.

  12. Taris. Plenty of nostalgia baits here and there, and The Promised One quest was a fantastic throwback to original KotOR

    Manaan. Same as above, actually. Wish we had more to explore but alas

    Ord Mantell, if only because of KotORII soundtrack playing there.

    Rishi. I thought the design was absolutely beautiful and I'm still hoping for the Rishi stronghold :(


    There's one planet I strongly dislike - Oricon. Feels like something straight outta cheap Korean MMO

  13. The thing that amazes me is how regs is still filled with utterly bad DPS. Yesterday in a Novarre match, my team was almost all mercs and snipers, except me, another Jugg, and an Op. Top three damage? The two Juggs and the Op.


    We're 6 months into the FoTM fer farks sake. Git gud guys...


    Haha, yes. I've also seen Mercs who don't take Trauma Stabilizers and 70% KO utilities, and even if they do, they still horribly mismanage their dcds, don't kite/LoS, and they seem oblivious to the concept of dps rotation.


    Then again, it's not only Mercs derping :D

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