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Everything posted by vindianajones

  1. Don't like the playstyle? Switch to DPS spec and have a good time. My Guardian is a monster in both Focus (Rage) and Vigilance (Vengeance) DPS specs. I don't do enough pre-made/competetive PvP to warrant being a Guard bot.
  2. Quoted for truth. I'm Vigilance (equivalent of Vengeance) on my Guardian and it's just so much more useful than Focus/Rage. So you don't have the LOLcrit AOE. If you aren't a bad player you don't need it.
  3. So? I've gotten the 300k medal several times now on my Sentinel alt. Bolster exists for a reason. This is not a class specific issue.
  4. I got the same impression. If your PvP guild is good, why do you care about not having a gear advantage?
  5. Strange to see this posted, because my main is a Guardian in all PvP gear. I recently rolled a Sentinel alt and am feeling the exact same way. After all the talk I've heard of Sent/Mara being underpowered, I just can't imagine why people would be saying that. DPS Sent appears to be far superior to DPS Guardian in every way, including survivability. The only drawback is I can't go into defensive stance and Guard people, but I never really did this anyway if I was specc'ed for DPS on my Guardian.
  6. When you say "squishy", do you mean that if you just stand there taking it like a champ, I can kill you faster than any other class aside from an Operative? Your ability to survive also stems from your ability to avoid damage with CC, slows, bubbles, escape abilities, and heals. It's not just how much damage you can take if you stand there with your tongue out like an idiot. No other class has the defensive tools that a Sage/Sorcerer has. There are a lot of classes that go down to my Guardian faster than a Sorcerer. Want me to name a few? Snipers. Non-healing specc'ed Mercenaries. DPS specc'ed Juggernauts. Operatives. Marauders without their defensive cooldown up, etc. It sounds like what you're asking for is burst damage to match other classes' burst damage. So you want Sorcerers to have all the tools they currently have - CC's, heals, bubbles - and be able to burst with the best of them? You give up burst ability for sustained damage, personal and group utility. So in essense, no.
  7. Did anybody else go through all 18ish pages of that thread on his server forums? Very few people giving him any props aside from himself. I think I saw two at most. Mostly it was people arguing amongst each other and several bashing him. I was going to watch the video, but after seeing how this guy behaves and the fact that he actually believes he is god's gift to this game and legitimately appears to not be trolling, I don't think it deserves the view. I honestly can't believe how full of himself he is. It's mind-boggling. Then we get these replies to every single person who questions anything about his play or his pseudo-rank where he simply labels them trolls and walks off. This guy is a piece of work.
  8. Do you just want warzones to become a heal fest? This is just an awful idea.
  9. Heavy armor does next to jack in PvP. Almost all big attacks are "yellow" damage and are going to ignore your armor and not have a chance to be shielded. Defensive stats on gear don't do a whole lot either. Simply having heavy armor does not protect you from much at all. Your best defenses are your HP, talents and defensive cooldowns. My heavy armor character drops like a fly just like any other DPS class when specc'ed and geared for damage. Maybe I can survive for an extra second because of it, but it essentially makes very little difference. I can't name a game in which the DPS caster has the lowest burst in the game, but I also can't name a balanced game in which the DPS caster has excellent CC, healing ability, defensive bubbles, and great kiting/escape mechanisms. This is not your traditional fire mage. If you want that, you should be willing to give up the bubble, the heals and some of the CC. Then you can have all the burst you want. The glass cannon type mage that you're looking for will get ripped to shreds when someone catches them. Sorcerers do not have this problem. They can get away, they can heal, they can shield. They're fine the way they are. Mercs fit fine in this discussion. Their burst is higher than yours because they have nowhere near the quality of escape/CC that a Sage/Sorcerer has. If you take away their burst they are sitting ducks. I rip Mercs apart, there's very little they can do unless they unload on me before I get the jump on them. They have to do most of my health in damage before I reach them, then they win. If they don't, not a chance. A Sorcerer has a million ways to avoid damage and wittle me down whether he's engaged me first or not.
  10. I'm a Republic player. We can do this too. It's an exploit and a cheap trick. There's nothing preventing Republic from using this cheat. If you're only seeing it from Empire on your server then it means your faction either doesn't know how to use it, or refuses to use it because they happen to have some integrity. The Empire PvP guilds on my server don't abuse this cheat. I've only seen it a handful of times. Oh, and it can easily be done by accident. It's happened to me two or three times.
  11. It's not just your Jugg. I think every class (or close to every class) gets these abilities that only work on slowed/incapacitated targets. As far as I know, none of them work in PvP.
  12. I'm not disagreeing with your points, but people (including yourself) need to stop using the term "tank" when describing big hits coming from classes with a tank tree. You seem to be asking for players to look at the Sorcerer class with a reasonable lens instead of just complaining arbitrarily about the CC abilities. That's fine. Now I'm asking that you do the same. My Guardian - when specc'ed to be able to crit for 4k - is no longer a tank and is just as, if not more squishy than, your Sorcerer. Your class is simply not doing a lot of burst damage and shouldn't. There are other ranged classes available if that's what you want. Mercs, Snipers, DPS specc'ed Vanguards/Powertechs. The Sorcerer does good sustained damage and has arguably the best CC/Kiting toolkit in the game, along with heals and a bubble that don't suck. Do I think they need a nerf? No, not at all, but they certainly don't need a buff.
  13. What are you complaining about? This makes it easier for us to finish our Champion sets and actually progress in a natural way while making our own decisions about gear. It's no longer completely RNG based for the Champion gear, which is exactly what we were asking for. 7 Champion commendations is a LOT when you consider they were only giving us 1/3 Centurion commendations per bag previously for inferior gear. You're probably going to complete a Champion set faster - even without a lot of time to play - unless you were just incredibly lucky with the RNG. As long as you're up on your high horse, I work full time for a living as well, and I assume a lot of other people posting here do. In fact, that's why I'm on the forums, because it's slow and I can't play the game at work. There's really no need to insult people and assume that you're better than anyone else because you have a job.
  14. Post #1 not getting the joke. Let's start the tally.
  15. There is a killing blow stat in warzones. If you hover over your kill number it shows it in the details, it's just not prominently displayed.
  16. I'm not trolling or being rude, but are you specc'ed something other than Arsenal? As long as I don't have to watch several minutes of Tracer Missiles, I'll give it a looksy.
  17. You appear to have failed to score even once, rendering your "better" players pointless. Clearly the other team was simply better at playing defense than you were. They were better at the game. The attitude of your post perfectly explains why you lost - you're focusing too much on your stats and not enough on the objective.
  18. Well, the healers are marked because they need to die. If your team isn't protecting you properly, I'm not sure how that's the fault of the icon floating above your head. This is really a silly suggestion.
  19. vindianajones

    Nerf sage

    FOTM? Yes. No-skill? No, not really, that's reserved for Mercs/Commandos who think that Tracer Missile/Grav Round is the only skill they need. Do they need a nerf? Probably not. This is just another thread in which you really present nothing useful to back up your suggestion. A Sage/Sorc who is spamming their channeled lightning/rocks at me is not going to win that fight against any of my characters, I assure you, and the healing ability of a non-healing specc'ed Sage/Sorc is nothing to write home about. For the record - I play a Guardian, and the only alt I have not created yet is a Sage/Sorc, so I have no ulterior motives.
  20. Does no one use Mumble? We switched from Vent and never looked back. Auto-normalization, much lower latency, an in-game overlay that shows who's speaking in your channel, linked channels, etc etc. I haven't even discovered everything I can do with it yet or started messing with scripts, but so far it's superior to everything I've used. I haven't touched Teamspeak in a few years so I have no idea how that's evolved. Frankly I don't care how many WoW guilds use Skype though. I've tried it and it didn't impress me. It's a burden compared to having an actual server running a dedicated voice chat program.
  21. I remember camping one mob in EQ for hours waiting for it to spawn - for days in a row sometimes - only to lose the fight, have someone steal the kill, or have the mob not drop what you wanted. I remember getting utterly frustrated and often giving up because frankly it was not fun and not worth the effort for a stupid item. I also remember people in Vanilla WoW farming and farming and turning in this and that non-stop to try to get one silly gear upgrade. I was perfectly happy with the dropped blues I was wearing and made due with what I had, because that grind wasn't fun either. I would go and do something else in the game that was fun. The "sense of entitlement" comes from the fact that an MMO is a game and it's supposed to be fun. People feel entitled to an enjoyable experience and progression because that's what they're paying for. You don't pay to go to a movie and then expect to have to ride a stairmaster for two hours while you're watching it. Why do people think something that feels like work in a game is such a good or normal thing? I've found that the people who knock on this "sense of entitlement" are typically people who - for some reason - feel like a game should be more like work. I wholeheartedly disagree. I was once the "hardcore" player who had plenty of time to sink into an MMO, so this is not coming from a purely casual perspective. Typically, players who are advocating a longer grind (which is almost always what they're advocating) are doing so because they have the time to put in and think they deserve to be given preferential treatment or better items because of it. It doesn't matter how much time you put in though. Hardcore players and casual players make the game the same amount of money every month. Casual players - and when I say casual I mean people who have lives/jobs/significant others/kids, not just people new to MMO's who play 3 hours a week - deserve enjoyment and competetiveness as much as the next guy. There is no reason why putting in more time should automatically net you better items or higher power than those who put in less time. This isn't a job. It's a game. If you advocate this type of system you're essentially asking for a free advantage simply because you chose to or had the time to play the game more. Shouldn't your increased skill from all of that practice be an advantage? Is that not enough? Or is it that most of these players don't really have the extra skill that they think they should have, and so want to dominate more casual players via a grueling system of grinding that rewards only those who can and will spend countless hours repeating the same things? The most logical system that would reward hardcore players without rewarding time spent (specifically in PvP) would be a system in which there are rankings based on who you beat, who you lost to, etc, and not at all related to how long you play. You should not be able to "grind" anything. It should fluctuate as you win or lose, and someone who sucks and plays 8 hours a day could have the same rank and access to the same things as someone who is skilled and plays 1 hour a day. How you balance these rewards is a completely separate issue and not really within the scope of my point, but it makes far more sense than rewarding time spent. It can be done. Shadowbane was a great example. A lot of people disliked the game, but the PvP battles were awesome, and there was almost zero PvE aspect to the game. Basically you would just powerlevel a new character to a level where he was viable, you could buy good items from player-created vendors in player-created cities. No looting, no farming, no camping mobs or raiding dungeons. It was all about creating the skill builds, a few runes and items that were easy to get or buy, and coordination in PvP. I suppose not enough people enjoyed this to keep the game going, but it had other issues as well. I'm not suggesting another game completely free of PvE content, but it goes to show that if the PvP/End-game content is fun and not work, a grind is not needed, nor is it welcome.
  22. I don't think you'd have much luck in the time it takes during the beginning of a warzone. Trying to coordinate a pick-up group full of players to attack the right point is torture enough. Trying to get them all out of the game, into a voice program that they all have to have (Skype/Ventrilo/Teamspeak/Mumble, etc) would be even more of a chore. It would be nice to do, but I doubt you'd get much cooperation. Save the voice chat for your premade groups with friends and guildmates.
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