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Everything posted by vindianajones

  1. vindianajones

    Alderaan WZ

    What in the world does that have to do with this thread? His question was answered already. It's not even true. Just get right instead of left.
  2. So let me get this straight, OP. You went to Ilum to troll and ruin the day of the kill traders? If so, kudos to you. I would do the same.
  3. Terrible. Haven't gone to Ilum in weeks.
  4. vindianajones

    Alderaan WZ

    Well, now you know, and it will be much easier for you to defend those sides
  5. I think I capped out my valor rank on one my low level (20's) alts that I do nothing but PvP on. I didn't do much of a scientific study but it never seems to exceed my level.
  6. vindianajones

    Alderaan WZ

    There are speeders on the left and ride of your spawn point that go directly to the left and right nodes if you own them... is that what you're talking about?
  7. I don't get what's going on here. Premades can only be four people. You know how many times I get queued up solo against a premade? A lot. You know how many times there's also a premade on my team? A lot. It's rare, however, that I get queued up as a complete 8-man PuG vs 4-man premade, and even more rare that I get queued against a team of 8 with two 4-man premades. Are the guilds on your faction just completely unwilling to participate in PvP? If the other faction has premades, why don't you guys? Plus, I've beaten plenty of premades with PuG groups. Just because they're working together doesn't automatically mean that they're good.
  8. What's the point of your post? So you're a CPA and you've discovered some reporting discrepancies on the part of Bioware/EA. Great job! We're all impressed with how smart you are at the job you do every day. I'm sure nobody else in the financial world has any idea that things like this can or do happen, so it's a good thing you pointed it out. Then you go on to make a claim about server player loads and how they're measured without any proof whatsoever. There's no way you can possibly know that. Your evidence is non-existent. My server has been "Standard" population for a while now. Roughly the same number of people on the fleet and on other planets that I'm used to seeing for the past month at least, and queue times seem to be no different or even faster. So that's the evidence I have to the contrary. Not very useful, but hey, it's better than what you provided. Oh, and this is the PvP forum. Go post this somewhere else. This has nothing to do with PvP.
  9. Are these like, maids that clean things before they even show up at your house, or what?
  10. What's wrong with protecting casual players from vicious beatdowns? It's a casual game, face it. There's no competetive PvP, the PvE is all very easy (aside from bugs), the level time is probably the lowest I've seen in any MMO in a while, and a lot of people who have never played an MMO are subscribed simply because of the IP. They're not going to actively promote things that will alienate that base of customers solely for the group of people who enjoy serious PvP. And frankly, as someone who enjoys PvP, I'd rather have fewer advantages over new 50's. I'd prefer a level playing field to one where I can steamroll everyone because I have superior gear and raised my Biochem to 400. I'm sick of people using the term casual as if it's an insult and implying that they're somehow inferior people undeserving of any balance in their favor. It's no more fair to give players who have been around longer or have more time to play pointless advantages in PvP combat. That's not PvP, go to PvE if a gear advantage is your thing. More evening out of gear/stat balance in PvP please, not less.
  11. I'm currently Vigilance specc'ed on my Guardian too. I usually do very well. I'd like to watch your video but I'm stuck at work, so I'll check it out later when I get home.
  12. Fixed how? There's nothing wrong with them. I think you're playing the wrong game. It's more about having more Sages/Sorcerers than the other team. Utility/CC/Healing > Pure DPS.
  13. I'm not seeing this at all, and have yet to see anything about them that is overpowered. They're great 1v1 in a hybrid spec and they probably make the best ball carriers in Hutball with enough tank points, but overpowered? Nah.
  14. You just don't hear people complain about Sages as much because there aren't as many of them. If you notice, 90% of the references to classes on these boards use the Empire mirror title, not the Republic mirror title. It's just because so many more people play Empire and those classes have more exposure. If you remember, prior to the Scoundrel/Operative nerf, almost every thread was "nerf Ops", and very rarely "nerf Scoundrels". It's just the way the community has leaned. In the case of the Sorcerer, it happens to be (by far) the most popular Empire class, probably because everybody wants purple lightning, and helped by the fact that they are very powerful. The minor differences (in animations mostly) certainly do not make enough of a difference to give the Sorcerer any significant advantage over the Sage.
  15. Are you trolling? I can't really tell. Obviously this idea is stupid, I'm just not sure if you meant it in earnest.
  16. East/West, no argument necessary. It's universally correct.
  17. I really don't think any class is blatantly overpowered. I think hybrid Sorcerer/Sage specs could use some tweaking so it is not the single most viable option, but I hesitate to say that they're overpowered.
  18. Sentinel is arguably the best 1v1 class in the game. Snipers can be a pain if they are good, but you should win most of these. If you don't fear any class though, you probably haven't fought a good hybrid tank Assassin. If any class can claim the duel king title that isn't a Sent/Mara, it's these guys.
  19. You're not missing anything. They are insanely powerful both pre-50 and post-50. The problem is that there's just something about them that causes a LOT of players to be bad at the class. Are they hard to play? I wouldn't really say it's difficult - maybe involved is a better word - but it seems that 90% of the Sentinels/Marauders I see are just absolutely clueless and hit like a wet noodle, which is odd, because the good ones just raze everything they touch. I don't think there's another class in this game with such a high skill disparity amongst its players. I'm willing to bet that when/if the Tracer Missile and Sorcerer whining calms down, Sentinels will be next on the list for nerf demands.
  20. Vigilance Guardians are quite good. I actually prefer it to the Focus bomb spec. What makes you think they suck?
  21. It's saved me plenty of times. Just because it isn't one big heal doesn't mean it isn't useful. If the healing starts early when you first begin to lose health, it gives you more effective HP over the course of a fight. It's not intended to be an "oh ****" heal, it's an additional survivability method. If you're low on health and pop defensive cooldowns, that small amount of time can give you enough HP back to win a fight that you might otherwise have lost. It's happened to me plenty of times. A class with this much damage ability shouldn't have any more healing prowess than that anyway. I don't see the issue. The fact that they can heal at all while doing their regular damage is a already a bonus.
  22. Sorry, I have to use mostly Sentinel ability names as I don't know the Marauder equivalents. Watchman spec - DoT crits heal you. They can do a significant amount of healing if you crit a lot. Non-Watchman spec - Switch to Juyo form to use Zen, DoT crits heal you and your team. My Guardian is a melee DPS as well and cannot heal at all aside from an 8% heal as a set bonus which isn't really a part of the class. Marauders don't need more healing. They have passive healing while doing damage, which IMO is superior to - say - a Scoundrel who has to stand still, stop attacking and cast spells to get health back. Stock slow. Force Stasis. Additional slow talented in Watchman. Root talented in Combat. This is a pure DPS melee class with at least two gap closers (leap and mini-stealth, three if you want to take some Focus talents). It is not a stunlock class. They have the tools necessary to stay in melee range which is all they need. A lot of people like this. It's more fun to me if I have more things to manage and pay attention to. I've tried other classes that don't have to worry about it too much and it's utterly boring. If your damage is too low you have to be doing something wrong. I don't know what, and I'm not implying that you suck, but Marauders and Sentinels absolutely demolish people. If you increased their DPS considerably, there would be no reason to ever play another DPS class. I've never had this problem with Master Strike (Ravage equivalent) on my Guardian or my Sentinel. This sounds like a latency issue or an uncommon bug. The skills have always worked fine and applied the damage correctly for me. Every class in the game has at least one of these abilities that work on incapacitated/slowed targets. None of them work in PvP. This is not unique to Marauders.
  23. Listen up! These are the rules of Huttball. Two teams, Frogdogs and Rotworms, chosen by random draw. One ball, slippery as a greased Hutt. Grab the ball, throw the ball, get the ball over the opposing team's line any way you can and your team gets a point. Weapons, name calling, and cheating are all encouraged. But, do not kick the ball! Hutts don't have feet. Show our sponsor Giradda the respect he deserves.
  24. Yep. It's not just a Vanguard dilemma. I had the same issue on my Guardian when I chose to go "Tank" in PvP, and then realized that it really isn't that effective unless I want to carry a huttball around 99% of the time. The defense stats are pretty worthless for all tank classes and as such, even the defensive specc'ed characters are wearing offensive gear in PvP. That's certainly something that needs to be looked at in the future, but chances are it will require some rebalancing or you risk making any class that can wear heavy armor an unbeatable monster.
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