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Everything posted by magi_melcior

  1. Has been happening since S&V first appeared, it occurs when the previous person in the Nightmare fails to kill their opponent before being teleported back out. Used to happen a lot especially if the player in the nightmare wasn't a DPS and therefore couldn't kill their companion before timing out. They changed it so that the companion dies when you teleport back into the fight, unless you get crafty. I'm going to guess that the previous player in the nightmare was a Shadow and had dropped Phase Walk outside before being sucked into the nightmare. If this is the case you can use Phase Walk to teleport out of the nightmare straight away, but because you didn't kill your companion or exited the nightmare normally at the time out (which also kill the companion) it leaves the undefeated companion there for the next player to deal with. edit: it may also be caused by the Shadow stealthing out of combat in the nightmare, but I'm not sure have never tried doing that.
  2. Rather than a Double XP weekend (or extended weekend) I'd rather they sent everyone an XP boost hypercrate in the mail. This would contain a number of Individual XP boosts similar to the current ones except this one doubles XP and each lasting for 24 hours, the number of XP boosts in the crate would be determined by how long the Double XP weekend would have lasted. They would need to stack with other XP boosts like the weekend does. The mail would only be delivered to one charter per account (the 1st to log in) but the XP boosts would be bound to legacy so they could be mailed to Alts. This means that those who don't want to use Double XP wouldn't be forced too. And those of us not fortunate to live in the country where the long holiday is to take place would be able to take maximum advantage of the boost if we wanted to. In fact everyone would benefit more as since XP boosts work of in game time and not real world time players would be able to use every single minute of the XP boost without having to stay playing 24 hours a day. And for those who don't want to use the XP boosts they could be sold at Vendors for decent sum credits (like the Oricon Strike Force Tauntaun) or comms (like the old pre 2.0 gear tokens). That way everyone gets something out of them regardless of where you live or if you want to Double XP.
  3. Oricion seems to be the new hub of Open World PvP on The Red Eclipse (PvE) there are always teams from both factions trying to launch attacks on the other sides base. Heck we even get LFGs on the fleet looking for people to join.
  4. Faced off against 1 guy a couple of weeks back when no Imperials seemed to be online so everything was Rep vs Rep. On 3 consecutive Warzones we had the same Assault spec Commando on the other team who was scream trash talk in the YELL chat and apparently whispering all the players on our team he deemed to be bad. How he had time to do all that typing and still even move I am not sure. Well after 2 matches of this we'd had enough so the next WZ pops and it's Huttball, guess who is on the other team. Almost at once the trash talk begins so me and a guild mate decide to do something about it other than reporting him (which said guild mate had already done). For the entire match we stuck to him like glue making his life utter hell, the highlight being when he used his Concussive Charge to knock back my partners (also on a Commando) and ended up pushing my Guardian and the ball I was carrying over the goal line and winning the match for us (6-3) with what I can only call and own goal. Oddly enough he didn't say anything and logged off straight afterwards.
  5. So I'm guessing you've never done a PvE Operation then. Anyone who has tackled TFB or S&V HM (or NiM) or EC NiM will tell you that you do need skills to complete them, you just need a somewhat different skill set. PvP is all about quick reaction times, fast thinking and constantly adapting to an unpredictable situation. Also the individual fights in PvP don't last very long, most are over in less than 30 seconds, some raid fights last over 10 times as long. PvE is more about teamwork (yes I know there is some teamwork required in PvP), coordination and tactics. DPS need to maintain damage output over much longer time periods (to avoid enrages) meaning they have to adjust their rotations to maximize damage without depleting all their resources. Tanks need to focus on both agro management and survivability as they will take a hell of a lot more damage against a raid boss than they will in PvP (show me the smash that hits for 36k in 1 hit). Healers too have a different set of healing priorities than they do in PvP and again resource management is more of an issue, your Sorc can't suddenly run away and Seethe in a corner mid raid. Saying PvE involves now skill is both utterly wrong and insulting to every player who plays PvE, if your comment was intended as a joke it failed very badly. And having PuGed both PvE and PvP I can tell you this, there is a greater percentage of muppets playing PvP than are in Operations, at least on our server
  6. I'll buy (pre-order even) for certain for a number of reasons: 1. Early Access, must be worth a couple of £ 2. To be able to play the new content, don't want to spend 6 months unable to join in the new stuff just to save £10 3. To help support the game, they get money they make more content
  7. Sure Shadows overall DPS numbers are generally lower than those of a Sentinel or Commando, but I always felt they were supposed to be. Infiltration in particular is a very burst heavy build and if played well can be devastating especially in DPS burn phases when you need to put out a lot of damage in a short time. My Shadow can easily pull 2.4k DPS against Dread Master Styrak HM and that is still with some 69 gear and PvP relics. Shadow tank spikeyness is an issue and does need to be fixed, but generally the class feels OK to me. Shadows may well be the most difficult class to master, but if you do they can be deadly. Could their DPS be improved, YES. Will I stop playing on mine if it doesn't improve, NO
  8. Sorry for taking a couple of days to reply, stupid site didn't mail me to say this thread was updated. Yep we're on Red Eclipse, just search for "Ashes" in the Who's online window and you should find us. Failing that use in game mail and contact me directly on Rossette (my main) or you can try the Guild Master (Bulgi). Alternatively let us know the name of your main toon and I can add you to my friends list. We are most active online between 7pm and 12 midnight (UK time) so that is the best time to catch us. I'm guessing Enjin is playing up again (nothing new there) because we have not received your membership request on the site
  9. Looking at your suggestions I think it would a be a fair guess to say the following: 1. Will happen, (plus a new gear grind and current BiS gear being rendered useless) 2. Possible but unlikely (especially since they like selling things in the CM) 3. Defiantly 4. Well at the very least you may get new difficulty settings for the current ones 5. We'd all like this but I;d say the chances are 50/50 6. Nope won't happen, they want you to be social, besides I suspect 4 ppl was chosen because it is the number required to do most FPs, the idea being even a small new guild can do some mini-raids 7. Small change but would be welcome, more likely to come in a minor patch 8. Sorry isn't going to happen. It's pretty clear that the only playable races are ones that speak basic (English to you and me) and can pursue a romance with the current romance-able companions 9. Now your just being rude Personally I'd like to see a continuation of the story i.e chapters 5 & 6. What I;d especially like is if these new chapters were based on the events of KOTOR 1 & 2. Chapter 5 could be called The Legacy of Revan, where both the Republic and Empire discover someone is trying to rebuild the and send their best people to destroy or capture it, this would involve visiting the planets featured in KOTOR and learning more about the events behind Revan's adventure. Chapter 6 would be based on KOTOR 2 and called The Death of the Force. A rouge Jedi/Sith Lord is attempting to gain the power to consume the force not realizing that they could wipe out the galaxy in the process. This threat to the force is so great that the Republic and Empire end up collaborating in order to stop it. Obviously they both plan on betraying each other at the end. While these aren't continuations of the class story you could make it so different classes have different story missions while pursuing the same over all objective, for example in Chapter 6 the Jedi Knight missions involve finding and stopping dangerous force users working for the enemy while the Consular has to uncover the ancient knowledge needed to stop the destruction of the force
  10. We're still looking to expand further, both in PvE and PvP. We are especially on the lookout for lvl 55 Tanks but any class or role is still welcome.
  11. Sounds like you joined a hardcore raiding guild that is only interested in doing the toughest hardest content and nothing more. I suggest you quit and find a casual social guild (one that also raids) you'll find them much more helpful in getting you geared up. In my experience (which i admit is fairly limited) most Hardcore guilds are full of egotistical jerks and A***holes who wouldn't know what the words social and helpful meant without looking them up in a dictionary Oh and bad PUGS will always be an unsolvable problem in MMOs, sure you could introduce a gear check tot he GF, but how do you incorporate a skill check, crap players will always be crap even in good gear.
  12. Join a guild, problem solved Seriously most guilds run Operations multiple times a week and you don't have to worry about ending up in a PUG group filled with the usual morons whiners and just plain terrible players. Also most guilds use some sort of loot distribution system that is much fairer than the usually need/greed system meaning if you raid enough you'll be geared up in no time. I know for a fact I'd be bored out of my skull if I wasn't in a guild, but this is an MMO it is designed to be played socially.
  13. We're still looking for more members, character level and skill is not an issue. Just people who want to have fun together online.
  14. Which relics to use can change depending on if you are talking about PvE or PvP, because PvE relics won't work in PvP (though PvP relics work in PvE) and the range of PvP relics is more limited than the PvE ones meaning your choices are less. My choice for PvP would be: 1.The PvP version of Relic of Serendipitous Assault: Performing heals or attacks has a 30% chance to provide a pretty hefty Power boost that last for 6 seconds, can only occur once every 20 seconds 2. The PvP version of Relic of Ephemeral Mending: Healing someone has a 50% chance to do additional healing over the next 3 seconds. tbh the heals themselves are not spectacular but every little helps These relics are fairly cheap in terms on WZ comms (well the Partisan ones are) so you should be able to get them fairly quickly. They can also be used in PvE situations but ofc they are not as good as the PvE ones. For PvE: 1. The PvE Version of Relic of Ephemeral Mending: basically the same as the PvP one except no expertise stat and higher heals. 2a. The PvE Version of Relic of Serendipitous Assault: basically the same as the PvP one except no expertise stat and a bigger power boost or 2b. The The Relic of Boundless Ages, is a PvE only "click" use relic that when used gives you a 30 second power boost. These relics can be purchased with comms from the basic vendor (Arkanina) and the Ultimate Vendor (Underworld), but they can also drop from some bosses in lvl 55 raids (the Dread Guards in TFB can drop a relic token for example), Arkanina drops in SM and Underworld in HM, however I should point out that they do not always drop, I have only seen them drop 50% of the time. Personally I'd take the first 2 relics as it means I have one less item to click and can focus on healing. But some people will prefer the longer buff and more predictable nature of the 3rd relic over the 2nd. I should also add these two relics (Serendipitous Assault and Boundless Ages) stack so you can get a double power boost from them.
  15. We are a small to medium casual guild made up of many diverse individuals from many countries around Europe, who all have 1 thing in common, we play this game to have fun Despite this our guild has successfully cleared all 8 man Hard Mode content and we are currently gearing up to have a go at the latest Nightmare Operations. We are always on the lookout for new players who would want to join our ranks. We don't care where you are from, what gender you are, what the colour of your skin is or even how good a player you are, if you are fun to be around then you will be welcome in our guild. We raid multiple nights a week, a mix of progression raids and gearing/fun raids. Our members are always eager to learn from more experienced players and we are happy to help those newer players who would like a bit of guidance and advice. We also have a regular PvP night and are currently in the process forming up a PvP team to attempt ranked Warzones (though this is in the very early stages). We have an Enjin based guild website, mumble chat server and a respectably stocked guild bank available to our members. We also have a Imperial guild, The Sith-Disorder, for our Imperial alts when some of us feel like being evil. Feel free to visit our website or whisper one of us online if you are interested in joining.
  16. I would actually love to see all the starter worlds get some more attention, I mean you spend at best a couple of hours there and then if you pop back at all it's just a quick flying visit just so you can have a cut-scene conversation. I think it would be fun if all 4 planets got a WB for higher level players, maybe an instanced one like Xeno II from the Gree event, make the minimum lvl of the boss be 50 but make it scale in difficulty based on the average lvl of the group.
  17. I seem to recall both Coruscant and Drommund Kass have world bosses and those planets are faction specific. So there is no reason why the starter worlds (all 4 of them) couldn't have World Bosses. I would add though that if they added a WB to a starter world (Hutta to use your example) then to be fair they would have to also add one to a start planet of the other faction.
  18. Maybe this has already been mentioned elsewhere, perhaps even in this thread (sorry I don't have time to read 10+ pages atm) but what about making the players ship their house. At the moment the ships are fairly generic with no customization at all, the fact that both Jedi Classes and both Sith classes have the same ship reduces the variety even more. So why not let us customize our ships into flying homes from home, here are some of the things you could do, they could be purchased with comms (different items from different vendors for different types of comm), Cartel Coins or credits, super rare ones could drop as extra loot from Operation, FP and World Bosses. 1. Ships Paint Job Seriously can't we get a new paint job, let us customize the look of our ships exterior, if a Bounty Hunter wants their ship Black with orange flame decals let them. If a Sith want to terrify the galaxy in a bright pink Fury why not sell them the paint. 2. Ships Name I'm sure many people would love to give their ships cool sounding names rather than just the generic Jedi Defender or Sith Fury. 3. Interior decoration As with the outside, what would be wrong with letting players change the interior decoration of their ship. If they want to have more subdued lighting or bright neon that should be their choice. Heck if they want wood paneled walls and thick carpets that should be fine too. 4. Furniture, ornamentation and Art. Lets us by new chairs, tables, beds, cupboard, statues and even paintings to adorn the ship with. Obviously you'd have to control where players could set items. Have click-able patches on the floor or walls that when a player clicks they can choose to place an item from their inventory there. 5. Show pets on-board ship How about when you board your ship you find all the pets you currently have are roaming around the ship. 6. Achievement Trophies When you beat an important boss or finish a particular mission you are rewarded with a trophy you can hang on your ships wall. So when my JK beats the end of chapter 1 boss I get his weapon as a trophy. Or when you beat Thrasher in S&V you get a holo statue of the war beast
  19. A Tank (or at least a good Tank) is defiantly a major asset in any WZ. A bad Tank, like a bad DPS or a bad healer, is just cannon fodder, being bad is not limited to one role. In fact I'd say that the role that has the most "bads" is DPS, how many times have we watched DPS players going charging off after those oh so precious kill medals leaving objectives totally undefended. The fact is the Tanking role like Healing encourages you to be a team player as you have to help your team to earn medals. Tanking in WZs is generally about 2 things: 1. reducing the damage taken by your team 2. disrupting the enemy as much as possible. To accomplish the 1st of these you use Guard and Taunt to reduce the damage taken by your team. This means moving your guard around to which ever team mate needs it the most, staying in range of the guarded team mate, AOE taunting groups of enemies and single taunting enemies attacking your team mates (particularly high damage enemies like smashers or ranged DPS). On a side note taunting the guy attacking you is a waste of a taunt and if you didn't know that you clearly didn't read your tooltips. It is worth pointing out that some Tanks have additional methods of protecting their team, Guardians for example can use Guardian Leap on an alley that reduces damage taken by that alley by 20% for 6 seconds, also Challenging Call can be specced to boost the armor rating of all allies in range when used. Shadows can aid healers by dropping Phase Walk near them and PTs can lower enemy damage by setting them on fire with Flame Burst. Disrupting the enemy is what separates good Tanks from average Tanks, all Tank classes have an array of moves that in some way or other hinder the enemy, be they stuns, knock-backs, slows, roots, pulls or interrupts. You also have moves that will stack some sort of debuff on your enemy making it easier for your DPS to kill them, Sundering Strike for example reduces enemy armor. or reduces the enemies ability to fight, Force Sweep can lower accuracy for example. Using these abilities to disrupt and harass enemy DPS and healers will also help your team to victory. So to get back to the OPs question as to whether a Tank is worthwhile if there is no healer. Simply put, YES it is. Even without a healer a team with a good Tank will live longer than a team with no Tank due to the damage reduction the Tank provides, plus the longer the DPS live the more damage they can do, even the dimmest of DPS should be able to figure that one out. For the record I run a Guardian (55) and Shadow Tank (55) in PvP (although the Shadow is DPS in PvE) and am currently leveling a PT Tank. MVPs are nice but in truth most MVPs go to healers or players guild-mates. At the end of the day you know if you did a good job (or sucked) that should be all that matters.
  20. Oh the irony of it Smash-Monkey: EAT MY SMASH (not sure why but I imagine most monkeys talk like this) Commando: hey that tickled! Smash-Monkey: WAAAAHHHH!!! He's not dead NERF!
  21. True, PvE gear should be as competitive in PvP as PvP gear is in PvE that's fair. If Bioware removes the Bolster then they need to put free Recruit back in the game, I do not think it is fair to do one without the other. Even if you max out your WZ comms before dinging 55, just how many bits of Partisan can you buy straight away 3 perhaps 4 if you shop right. That's not a lot of expertise to put up against someone in full PvP gear. This probably hasn't been much of an issue in the first few weeks as everyone was in the same boat following the gear reset., But as more time passes it will become more of an issue as more players get their full Partisan and then Conqueror sets and more players ding 55 and venture into WZs with just 3 or 4 bits of PvP gear. The only people who think that this is a good idea are those "harcore" PvPers who think it is a huge amount of fun finding new PvPers in their first end game WZ (and crap gear) and pounding them into oblivion over and over again, it's not fun, it's not clever and it doesn't make you a good player, just a bully. That was, after all, the main reason Recruit was introduced in the first place, and I suspect it is the main reason for the bolster in lvl 55 WZs. What I don't understand was Bioware got the solution right the first time, i.e. free Recruit gear, seriously Bioware if it's not broke why fix it
  22. This simple and effective, worked in 1.7 and I don't recall anyone complaining about it. I can't see why Bioware abandoned this idea, call the new gear Recruit Mk3 Not this basically 2 different mechanics to achieve the same result, making PvP gear as good in PvE and the same tier of PvE gear. Doing this will p*** off the PvE community just as much as the PvPers are upset with bolster atm. Why? because it will render the PvE gear grind pointless. I mean think about it how long will it take a PvE player running 8 man raids to get a full set of Arkanian gear (remember once you've kill a boss in an Op you have to wait till Tuesday and the reset before you can kill him again due to lockouts). With your suggestions anyone could get an Arkanian equivalent set within a week just by playing enough WZs Basically in PvE gear should be like this: Campaign < Recruit Mk3 > Dreadguard Dreadgaurd < Partisan > Arkanian Arkanian < Conqueror > Underworld and in PvP Dreadguard < Recruit Mk3 Recruit Mk3 = Arkanian Arkanian < Partisan Partisan = Underworld Underworld < Conqueror Oh and now Expertise has been taken off WH and EWH is should alos be removed from pre lvl 55 Warzones, there is no need for Expertise there, just normal bolster will do.
  23. The Expertise part of the bolster is the biggest issue IMHO. They should have kept free Recruit gear in the game, but make it lvl 55 (call it Recruit Mk-3 ). Then there would be no need for the Expertise Bolster in 55. The reason it's there (I suspect) is to protect all those players with toons who weren't at 50 before 2.0 and so haven't got any PvP gear (or just a couple of pieces) from being pounded into oblivion by anyone with a near complete set of EWH gear. I also see the reason Expertise is bolstered in sub lvl 55 PvP, I mean can you imagine the moaning from level 40s about all the 50 - 54 players face stomping them in WH or EWH gear (at least until BW pulled the Expertise from it). I see why BW bolstered Expertise, but there was a better easier way to solve that particular problem. Remove Expertise's affect from any non lvl 55 WZ even if it is on the gear and then handout new lvl 55 Recruit for people as the ding 55, give it the same basic stats as the old WH. The rest of the bolster mechanic obviously needs tweaking and balancing, the goal should be to make PvP about Skill not gear, whilst making sure that you really need to be in PvP gear to compete at lvl 55, better gear should give you an advantage (otherwise why grind for it) but that advantage should not outweigh skill, which was a charge often leveled at the old PvP gearing structure.
  24. There was a thread on here a few days ago where what appeared to be an upset Smash Monkey was demanding Tanks take a NERF as they were now too hard to kill. I call that Poetic Justice.
  25. Dreadguard is certainly not useless, go read Dulfy.net, according to them DG is viable for Storymode Scum & Villainy. Our guild just breezed through TFB HM with most of our members in a mix of Campaign, DG, Hazmat and some Blackmarket gear (from the Flashpoints). Only 2 members actually had any Arkanian (1 piece each). Even with over half our gear being "useless" it was no harder than before 2.0. We're having our first run at S&V tomorrow and I'm pretty sure there will still be plenty on DG and Hazmat gear in use. Even good old Tionesse has its uses, I'm leveling my Gunslinger on Makeb (she dinged 50 a week before the update, so Tionesse and a couple of Columi is all she's got) and I'm not feeling under geared, at least not yet. PvEers got off lightly with the gear reboot, now PvPers they got seriously screwed (well not really but they seem to think so )
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