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Everything posted by Pyrolight

  1. Depending on how fond you are of PvP go with a ranged class. Jugs/Knights are PvP fodder atm.
  2. TLDR Be concise and to the point OP. You wrote far too much for what you actually said.
  3. This thread if nothing else really is a brilliant example of the concept that people do not read past the first paragraph.
  4. Nope the graphics are only a bit above average.
  5. There are functionally only 4 classes and 8 AC in the game. Story wise there are 8 classes but still only 8 AC. There is actually less disparity then in WoW (10 unique classes). AC like Sentinel and Guardian are literally just Fury/Prot with some 1 handed arms thrown in.
  6. Well just looking at the base stats of the spell the first 2 dots are better then 1 force lightning (3.0 seconds used for both in casting/cooldowns) assuming the mob lives for 18 seconds. That third dot is awful though.
  7. Not really. If people continue to pay just to say how bad (or good) the game is on the forum after the first month then it gets sad.
  8. It is no different then liking something and getting people to agree with you. It's called validation.
  9. Any quest where there is a CS -> battle -> CS cannot be abandoned. Last mission for consular in starting world is the best example. Get your lightsaber -> CS -> smack guy around -> CS -> no abandon.
  10. Do you mean it hit its max playerbase before what the OP was saying? It still is the largest MMO. The game peaked around the time most of the rest was added aka WotLK for the West, TBC for China et al.
  11. Shoebox (there is a lot of irony when you related it to SWTOR admittedly)
  12. I wouldn't say WoW was losing its fun factor for 5 years. TBC was better then vanilla is jsut about every way and WotLK (depending on who you talk to) was better still (I know as a paladin it was). Cataclysm is more or less in one fell swoop killed most of the fun in that game. Watching Westfall and the Defias storyline become CSI Miami and the "He had a daughter" awful plot device killed it for me. Pretty much everything Bliz did was the wrong move.
  13. Well depending on how much they block the child's T.V. viewing darkside might be too much for a 10 year old. I would say for most 10 year old's darkside choices would be about the same as primetime T.V.
  14. This is really such a basic feature now and has been in if I recall all recent MMOs. I like how Rift took it a step further and allowed you to block all casting on a PvP player enemy or ally.
  15. Yet he specifically starts that the slicing was part of it and even provides an email to confirm that. No one reading beyond the title or first paragraph would come to the conclusion that he was stating it was only because the person in question went to Ilum under leveled. That is what I was taking issue with. The poster was trying to imply the OP said it was because he went to Ilum under leveled and no other reason. He did not miss out the bit about "exploiting" it was in the e-mail. More then a few people here don't consider going to ilum and farming nodes an exploit in principle. If it requires assistance from the other faction, yes it's an exploit, if you can just go there and slice then no, there is no exploit there IMO. Bioware has left the post open for a reason so we should get a confirmation regarding the issue soon enough.
  16. He specifically references slicing in the post. Read more then the title.
  17. The OP never said it was just going to Ilum. The poster in question implied he did. You implied the OP said something he never said. He never said you got banned by just going to ilum.
  18. Not at all what the OP was saying. You are perpetuating a hilarious misconception.
  19. You could easily argue that it should not be an exploit. - There are no locks - No clear warnings - Wintergrasp was the same way (be it you had to be higher level overall). http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1857 same link for the tos.
  20. Well I checked out the subscription email and even it had a spelling mistake. If you still have yours they spell notification, notfication when referring the the 30/60 day plan.
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