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Everything posted by Pyrolight

  1. Somehow I doubt Blizzard is all that worried.
  2. Bioware/EA took a new approach to early access. It seems like it might not have been the best approach but you don't know until you try.
  3. Assume the rest will be over the next two days.
  4. Come on, no one seriously thought that.
  5. People at work -> People get home -> Server Population increase. IF they let more in now it would be over crowded when people got off of work.
  6. Time of day. Don't forget a lot of people invited are not home yet from wherever and those people need to be taken into account as well.
  7. Both F and A+ should not exist with regards to this launch. It is better then average but not "zomg amazing". If everyone had gotten in the first day with no queue and no bugs then it could be A+. As it stands it is Bish like Rift was. I don't know if I have ever actually seen a launch that could be considered A quality.
  8. I am not sure why I would want to watch some random ****** leveling.
  9. This is gonna be ugly for sure. Anyway OP it is pretty unlikely they will get everyone in tomorrow. Friday is the best bet. Lastly no this won't go down as the best launch ever.
  10. The thing is that if they are banking on leveling "immersion" keeping players they are in for a shock. So it is actually a fairly large issue. One can hope their endgame is up to par.
  11. Unlikely. Dec will most likely (since they are only half way through the preorders) be on Friday.
  12. You should be fine, they fixed the name issue (database record would not be removed) that was a PITA in beta.
  13. I would say it is about the same as Rift's overall. Better then average but not 5/5.
  14. So have I and no it would not. You try to avoid it, but sometimes you have to be blunt.
  15. It all depends what % of people can do all the content in the first month. Since the class stories are not going to keep people playing, weak endgame will be the... endgame.
  16. Best launch? No, but a good one. Will everyone be in by the 15th? Not likely.
  17. I don't recall ever seeing such an agreement. They were "working on it" last I saw with some vague "in plenty of time" statement. So far Amazon is still only doing same day to the 48 states.
  18. Lol the game would die a fast death. People need to understand what Early Access is all about and just take a breath. The one issue atm is the number of servers potential up vs players invited. I am thinking of people reserving names across multiple servers. This could be another issue that might turn out to be larger then they expect.
  19. Oh God True ... Lol kindness. Early access only exists to alleviate the pressure on the servers on the "launch day" aka 20th. The extra two days were only there because of the fact the EU gets the game on the 15th. There is actually nothing to back this up. There are also the boot lickers... Trolls abound here too. Really both sides need to smarten up and just accept Early Access for what it is intended for and just stop whining at or praising Bioware/EA.
  20. 1. Early access exists solely to take some of the pressure off launch day. 2. Staggering early access is taking that the next step. 3. The two extra days were for the EU launch and I suspect they were the main focus. They should explain its purpose instead of leading people to think it is a real "perk". While people would whine I think less would whine.
  21. Well I wouldn't jump all over them yet. The server list might be buggered again.
  22. I rather think you will find you are very mistaken about this. People will get them and other people will rage over it. Nothing has changed. There is apparently an achievement system hidden somewhere in your codex.
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