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Everything posted by Evuke

  1. Most Wow kids fancy themselves pvp'ers, when in reality they're pve'ers who like to dabble in a bit of pvp when they have a 99% chance of winning and cry like babies when they are killed. IMO all mmo's need MORE SERVER TYPES, to counter this: Pve - pvp is confined to arenas, warzones and people who /flag themselves for pvp. Pvp - as pve with some world pvp areas but with level 50 champion guards in towns to prevent ganking. Hardcore pvp - pvp everywhere, limited guards, no warzones, no arenas, reports for ganking/griefing will be ignored.
  2. It's the same in all games, kids don't like being taken by surprise, and they don't like being stunned, so rogues always cop the nerf cries. It's only when the developers listen it's a problem. Scoundrels are a burst dps class, if you do anything to that burst dps they become useless (because they will have no energy), so the whole class would need re-doing to become a sustained dps class, but then they're now a shadow/assassin, so why not just delete them from the game. Burst dps classes always do well in pvp, stealth always does well in pvp.
  3. Because the best pvp is about skill, not gear, let me guess you're a Wow kid?
  4. World Pvp: - There is none. - BW programmed 2 factions with 2 completely separate linear paths that don't overlap. I have reached 50 now and i had 3 open world pvp fights, that's beyond pathetic. Warzones: - There are a grand total of 3 warzones, no not 3 per tier, 3 in total! - By level 20 you're sick of them all. - Bioware made it so you have to grind pvp to get decent gear, so everyone is quitting warzones as soon as they lose the first objective. - There is no penalty for leaving warzones. General: - Level 50's in full sets of expertise gear destroy entire groups of other players, including other 50's in regular/raid gear. - Resolve doesn't work! Ilum - Oooh looky i am clicking on the environment to grind my pvp gear, hang on, isn't that PvE? Did i miss anything?
  5. Looks like they are nerfing the crap out of it anyway so it's probably all over: Patch notes for 1.1 today: Biochem - All Energized, Exotech, and Rakata adrenals and stims now require 400 Biochem for use. - The Exotech Medpac is now named “Exotech Med Unit.” Its overall healing has been reduced and is now in line with similar level medpacs, and it temporarily increases the maximum health of its targets. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem. - The amount healed by Rakata Medpacs has been reduced. This item now additionally increases maximum health briefly. Use of this item now requires 400 Biochem.
  6. I think it's ridiculous that we have some players running around who are invincible and running around 2-3 shot killing other players the same level as them, all due to this "expertise" stat. Either nerf the absolute crap out of expertise, or put players with expertise gear in their own tier'ed matches only so the rest of us don't have to deal with the idiocy of it.
  7. they should ban everyone at 50 who exploited the empty warzone bug to gain xp
  8. What mmo didn't have a queue at launch? Wow did. Vanguard did. Aion did. Rift did. Aoc did. Warhammer did. Seriously kids suck it up, if you don't like queues switch to a server with light pop and enjoy playing with yourself next month when all the mmo hoppers quit.
  9. I guess you're right, there should be incentives not punishments! It just saddens me to see 70 to 30 splits, that's not going to be sustainable for healthy pvp. World pvp will just be a swarm of empire facerolling small groups of republics, eventually the republics will just re-roll sith or quit completely, neither of which will be good for the game.
  10. Sentinels by far the most op class in the game!
  11. initial queues are a pain for the first few weeks, but low pop is a pain permanently.
  12. Ah excellent point, i didn't know about rage. I was thinking on my scoundrel though specced properly and not overdoing it i could have an infinite energy pool, unlike an assassin/shadow which always seem to be running out of force.
  13. Listen, queues are a part of mmo launches, many of us have been in launches before and know that the servers with the biggest queues at launch, are the ones with the healthiest pops 1 month+ after launch. By all means if you don't like queues roll on a low pop server, just don't come on the forums crying for server mergers in a couple of months when you can't find anyone to group with or pvp against!
  14. Currently server balance is a mess, with pvp server populations almost a 70%/30% split across the board: Empire Total: 135341 (67.54%) Republic Total: 65059 (32.46%) (source http://swtorprogress.com/members.php under world pvp) Currently nothing is being done about this by BW. Firstly I suggest they remove sith vs sith and rebel vs rebel hutball, if you're rolling a sith then tough, big queues for warzones is what you get for rolling on the zerg side and screwing up server balance. Hopefully that will encourage more players to change to rebel because currently, there is no downside for rolling on the sith zerg side. Also BW needs to consider debuffs, for example if one faction has 3 times more online players (within a level tolerance) than the other faction then all the players of that faction should do eg. 1/3 of their damage in world pvp, to compensate for the numbers. If that happened the sides would balance themselves out amazingly quickly as people rolled the other side to get away from the debuffs. Edit: after taking advice, instead of disincentives BW could look into incentives to encourage players to switch to the Republic. such as bonuses, (if one side has 30% more active online players then the other side gets a buff giving 30% more experience) by way of a buff
  15. another reason why very few people are playing healers
  16. west: the swiftsure east: the fatman
  17. Do Tanks have better dps than scoundrels/operatives Or sentinels/marauders? edited for noobness
  18. our guild just announced it is relocating from sith on the fatman, to republic on the swiftsure, we're trying to make swiftsure the go-to balanced pvp server. i work night shift too so having the aussies there will be great, i won't be alone when i play during the day! there may be queues initially, but all the good servers always have queues for the first few weeks, after the initial free month the queues go away too with all the drifters and mmo hoppers departing, leaving a healthy pop
  19. this site gives you a general idea: http://swtorprogress.com/members.php and this one: http://swtorprogress.com/swtor-realm-status.php (click on the server to see the breakdown)
  20. All the WoW kids rolled sith, baddies like baddies! Unfortunately it's screwed up a lot of servers with 87% vs 13% populations So if you roll sith get used to hutball.
  21. Smuggler Scoundrel, stealth, group stealth, sap, stuns, vanish, massive burst dps, backstab, PERMANENT (works outside stealth too) 15% movement speed buff and........you can heal!
  22. probably still a little, but no where near as much as other servers.
  23. Being zerged 70 to 30 isn't fun, it isn't even a contest.
  24. "The Swiftsure" is likely to end up as the most balanced US server, due to the fact that the Server Health Alliance of guilds has rolled there to balance the population out. http://www.swtor.com/guilds/137286/strictly-business/public-forum/231431
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