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Everything posted by Evuke

  1. every recent mmo has done it, releasing with crap loads of servers and putting queues on all the servers with really low caps, forcing players to spread out.......then loads of people quit after the first few weeks due to the games being crap and you're left with hundreds of empty servers i saw it coming this time thankfully so i joined one of the megaservers, but i feel sorry for the rest of you suckers.
  2. then give people to queues, server queues for people who enjoy waiting for hours to pvp against players they have a small chance of recognizing, and cross server queues for the rest of us or make the queues take from your own server first, but if there's not enough people it will take some solo queues from low pop servers.
  3. +1 people on low pop servers will be screwed by this, expect 2hr + queues gj bw for releasing with too many servers as usual, seems to be the same consistent mistake every recent mmo has made.
  4. Yes i'm sure all the imps who are now 60+ valor won't, what about the rest of us? They need to immediately take down all the servers and roll back the valor of anyone who was in the Ilum zone since the patch to what it was just before the patch. I don't personally think perma-bans are warranted, because it's BW's fault more than the players. But a 7 day "naughty naughty we don't take exploiting lightly" temp ban could be warranted to the main offenders. One thing is certain though, rollbacks are need or i'm done, all the exploiting imps will have rank 60 battlemaster gear, and reps already lose most warzones, we wont even have a chance if all the imps are geared to the teeth in full battlemaster sets I don't have much faith in BW, they didn't roll back all the morons who exploited by repeatably joining empty warzones at early release to get to level 50 in a few days, so why will this time be any different.
  5. Evuke

    Ilum blackout!!!!

    reps will bypass it, imps are milking it for all it's worth, it's an unlimited valor fountain!!! most imps are already 60+ valor now
  6. most of the 50 imps have 60+ valor now, so anything BW does other than a complete valor rollback to pre-1.1 and i'm done with this game.
  7. BW brought this on themselves, i have been creating threads since closed beta about the faction imbalance and the need for factions to be as close to 50:50 as possible, but i just got flooded with insults from fanbois telling me that hutball was there so it didn't matter if the ratio was 90:10 hutball would allow same faction pvp which would solve everything.
  8. i'll just unsub if they're nerfing champion bags too, i'll never grind out 6 months of commendations to get the battlemaster stuff, at least i have a chance at getting the champion stuff.
  9. they are not changing existing relics they are adding new ones with "more pvp orientated stats" so i wouldn't buy any until the patch!
  10. bw nerfed the xp you got for losing, so here's how to win at "pvp" in swtor using the system they created: 1. if you have more than 1 or 2 level 10-30's on your team leave the warzone. and re-queue. You're never going to win with a bunch of noobs. 2. as soon as the opposing team gets a touchdown/2 turrets/door, leave the warzone and re-queue, 9 times out of 10 the outcome of a match can be determined in the first 2 minutes, there's no point wasting any further time with it.
  11. yeah bw is just complete fail. kids exploited to 50 too quickly (by continuously joining empty warzones in early release), so what do bw do? they nerf warzone xp after all the kids hit 50, making it harder for us regular players and rewarding the kids. next the kids all got there battlemaster gear too quick using the same exploit, so bw make it so the battlemaster gear is THIRTEEN times harder to get (39 commendations divided by 3), again not punishing the exploiters who got the gear by cheating, just punishing the rest of us and rewarding them.
  12. hey guys look at me, i'm open world pvp'ing in swtor: right click on turret......wait 10 seconds, repeat.
  13. the bags give you 3 champion commendations and 1 battle master commendation, there's no tokens.
  14. basically if you already have most of your battlemaster gear look forward to 6+ months of wtfpwning people in warzones. if you don't have your battlemaster stuff look forward to 6+ months of being slaughtered by all the kids who exploited empty warzones to get their gear while you slowly grind out pieces of armor. with any luck gw2 will be out before then
  15. last night a sage had 410k damage and 300k healing, it's just a bit ridiculous that one class is the best healer and the best dps'er rolled into one. sorcs should be glass canons, not armor plated steel canons. just remove the stupid bubble and sorcs will be at least killable.
  16. Evuke

    Horrible PVP

    here's how to win at "pvp" in swtor by grinding warzones to get decent pvp gear: 1. if you have more than 1 or 2 level 10-30's on your team leave the warzone. and re-queue. You're never going to win with a bunch of noobs. 2. as soon as the opposing team gets a touchdown/2 turrets/door, leave the warzone and re-queue, 9 times out of 10 the outcome of a match can be determined in the first 2 minutes, there's no point wasting any further time with it.
  17. worst: Jewbacca or: Prin'cess Lay'Her
  18. It's the worst of both worlds We have to grind for a random chance at getting decent gear, i'd rather grind for a definite chance of gear. People are already afk'ing warzones and quitting them as soon as they lose the first turret/touchdown/door, many 50's quit immediately if there are any noobs <30 in their teams. World pvp is non-existent. pvp is just fail in this game
  19. Evuke

    Interrupting Heals

    Really? Please tell us these 3-4 heals each healer has that are awesome......
  20. you do realize there are classes built around cc, if cc is nerfed those classes will become useless.
  21. It's a burst dps class, you are being bursted! at the end of that burst you are either dead, or the operative is because they will be completely out of energy. Any nerf to making them incapable of killing someone in that initial burst will make them useless, because they have no sustained dps due to their energy efficiency (it doesn't regen like other classes) If they are changed from a burst dps class to a sustained dps class then fine, but isn't that what an assassin/shadow is?
  22. Rift all over again, all the Wow kiddies rolled mages, they all qq'ed about their counter class (saboteur - another burst dps class) owning them until sabos were nerfed to death, then mages became gods with no counter. BW don't listen to these whining kids, there's a reason operatives/smugglers are the LEAST played classes, they're not OP, but they are the counter to the most played classes (sorcs/sages) so expect a lot of whining.
  23. you know a game's pvp is terribad when 40 people = large.
  24. Ok, when people are being hit for 6k+ damage in pvp from instant casts and our 2+ second cast is healing for 1200, healing is NOT fine. You cant heal anyone from dying in pvp, you can slightly delay there death by a second or 2 maybe. A sorc can fully stop someone form dying, as can a bh.
  25. errr no, now it's hit 50 and prepare to be farmed by 50's in full expertise gear continuously. level 50's with no expertise gear are as useless as level 10's
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