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    PC and Network Technician
  1. Search has been disabled for the time being. There will more than likely not be any life subscriptions.
  2. I have never experienced internet connection spikes from this game and I have been in since the very first wave of early access.
  3. There is suppose to be a hotfix for Taris tonight. It was tweeted about earlier.
  4. You can solo all the way up. They are just saying you will miss out on all the pvp, flashpoints, and opperations if you do only play solo.
  5. I can't give you an answer at the moment, but I can tell you not to worry to much about the Comcast limit. I have gone over double the 250GB limit before and nothing at all happened. Not even an email about it.
  6. I believe you will have until the 22nd to enter your code before they turn your account off.
  7. you mean add-ons? It has nothing to do with people not developing them, it has to do with Bioware not opening it up yet. As soon as bioware opens it up for add-ons, there will be plenty.
  8. It doesnt bother me the way it is right now, but I have to agree that some free flying pvp would be pretty awesome
  9. Im with you on the mamba. I have had mine over a year, and still works great. Its deffinitely the best gaming wireless mouse in my opinion.
  10. I believe it was in the earlier beta builds, but was removed. They said that they do intend to bring them back.
  11. That's probably what I saw a day or two ago. I think it was 1,000,000 credits.
  12. I might be completely mistaken, but I thought I saw something on one of the vendors for a million credits that had to do with getting into the VIP lounge and I do not have the CE. Again, I might be completely mistaken on this.
  13. My common practice in pugs is to roll need only on items for my character, and roll greed for anything else. Rolling need on something for your companion is just a Dick move.
  14. They said on Twitter that they are working on the android and blackberry versions.
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