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Everything posted by RocketRabbit

  1. That article is irrelevant when you consider how many of the arguably game-breaking issues have been known about for 6+months. The dev team knowingly put out a buggy/cumbersome/quirky or even broken product.
  2. I have another couple: -The Ostrich -The Clueless Defender -, Lowerer of Standards -The Sheeple etc. This is the kind of thinking that allows game developers to push out sub-par work. Broken/clumsy/buggy game issues brought up 6 months ago during beta remain either ignored, or there's a vague promise of a fix them somewhere down the line. Thank you for lowering the bar. This type of thinking seems to me like the protective mother of a lazy fat kid claiming he has "gland" problems.
  3. And yet you post. Oh, wait, I read your signature. Never mind. Sorry, everyone. He might have gone away, except I paid attention to him. I am glad I have a dad.
  4. This is the kind of thinking that allows game developers to push out sub-par work. Broken/clumsy/buggy game issues brought up 6 months ago during beta remain either ignored, or there's a vague promise of a fix them somewhere down the line. Thank you for lowering the bar. This type of thinking seems to me like the protective mother of a lazy fat kid claiming he has "gland" problems.
  5. It's a metaphor and I'll explain how it works. You see, the game as it stands is compared to a car that works... sort of. It moves from point A to point B. But unlike a reasonable car, one that is a pleasure to drive, is safe, and doesn't aggravate the driver, this car needs some serious help. To help you out a little further: SWTOR does work... sort of. It can be played, and parts may be fun. But there are key problems with the game that prevent it from being acceptably finished. Help ya out there?
  6. This, precisely. Expecting and condoning a shoddy product is bad enough, but when the developers knew it was poorly designed/implemented and still pushed it through, I feel underwhelmed. Oh, and hooah.
  7. Answer: $$ No doubt the return on (evidently not enough) investment has them smiling on the way to the bank. Next question: Will the sheeple continue to pay for this quietly, hoping that the game is "fixed" or in my not-so-humble opinion, brought up to par with modern MMO standards?
  8. I don't believe the game is catastrophically broken, but there are a few glaring issues. Auction house is a nightmare. UI is great.... if it was 2002.
  9. Post until you get fed up and leave. Don't let imbeciles with low standards and a lackadaisical attitude regarding quality stand in your way. Voice your concern, your displeasure, and your suggestions all day long. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.
  10. How about this: You were shown a copy of Empire Strikes Back 6 months before it was due to hit theatres. You notice that the sound was 3 seconds out of synch with the film. You told George Lucas, the film company, the theatre, and the guy that sells popcorn that the movie itself had an issue. Not the material, not the story, not the quality of the actors, but the very film. 6 months later, an out of synch movie hits the world, and silly people tell you it's OK, wait until it's on DVD.
  11. No. Bioware is a company. One that I pay for a service. If the service they provide is shoddy, I will voice my displeasure. If they continue to provide poor service, I stop paying. As far as time is concerned, I say again: The majority of the issues brought up on the forums, leading many to cancel or fail to subscribe were voiced 6 months ago in beta.
  12. Actually, I was being snarky about WoW. I should have elaborated. WoW was the MMO for the masses, as opposed to say, EQ2. EQ2 was considerably more detailed, had a lot more depth, and ultimately had a fraction of WoW's subscriber base. It may just be my opinion, but EQ2 was a superior product; but was more difficult, had a steeper learning curve ortoo many options compared to WoW. Add the fact that EQ2 required a better machine to really shine, there's no wonder why WoW is more popular. Bottom line on my post was that despite this being Bioware's first MMO, they left out certain core facets that make an MMO stand out. I totally understand the lack of content... and am more than willing to wait on more. But the "New Game Developer" excuse only goes so far. Eve Online, for example, was CCP's first MMO... and they had a Dev team of around two dozen to start. Yet they shipped a product, over 6 years ago, with a fully functional market. Bioware's dev team was considerably larger, and they have had years of products to review and learn from.
  13. This is exactly correct. Although I love the IP and have (had?) high hopes for SWTOR, Bioware has let me down. I don't expect there to be a flawless release, 100% bug-free game initially, or giant ground-breaking innovations. What I did expect, is for Bioware to eyeball what worked well in any of the dozens of MMORPGs that preceded it. A working Auction House, a user interface that isn't so clumsy (if not moddable), and some kind of customerr support / community relations to start with. Bioware did well on the atmosphere of the game, and the voice acting is nice (the first time you experience it...) as well as the main storylines. They totally dropped the ball when it came to listening to their beta testers, however. Virtually every complaint or concern posted on these forums was voiced 6 months ago. Bioware had a dozen years of graphical MMOs to learn from, and with such a high-popularity IP as Star Wars, one would think they would have produced a superior product. Unfortunately, the low quality of the game as a whole may killl it. On the other hand, people played WoW for years, so there's no accounting for taste. One can always hope the game improves soon. Too bad that it requires improving a month after release.
  14. Been reported numerous times, for 6+ months. Another ignored failure.
  15. Shameless, hopefull bump. On the other hand these very same points were brought up repeatedly... 6 months ago.
  16. I too love Star Wars. I love MMOs. I love Star Wars MMOs. That being said, I want this game to become incredibly successful, but better yet, I want it to be good. I want it to be better than WoW, better than some of the garbage asian MMOs, and better than a single-player game. I want Bioware / EA to understand that a significant number of their customers want to love this game, but are having a hard time getting past the glaring issues. Some call it whining, ************, etc... but the squeaky wheel gets the grease, right?
  17. 1) UI, UI, UI... come on, it's 2012. Resize, move, and for the love of God, I play on a monitor larger than a 15" CRT... may I have more than 2 windows open? 2) Galactic Trade Mart: Oh, please, tell me the lead dev on this project didn't let his 12-year old kid have fun programming this abortion. Games had better markets half a dozen years ago. 3) Character customization and geear options. The customization options are, well.. weak. Everything from race selection and body size to the inability to wear a matched AND functional set of stylish clothing just smacks of a hurried release. Now, before the zealous forum moderators latch onto this post like a starving pitbull on a t-bone, let me say I do enjoy the majority of the game, and have high hopes for it. Mostly, I am dissapointed that so many of the things brought up by beta testers have not been implemented.
  18. 1) UI, UI, UI... come on, it's 2012. Resize, move, and for the love of God, I play on a monitor larger than a 15" CRT... may I have more than 2 windows open? 2) Galactic Trade Mart: Oh, please, tell me the lead dev on this project didn't let his 12-year old kid have fun programming this abortion. Games had better markets half a dozen years ago. 3) Character customization and geear options. The customization options are, well.. weak. Everything from race selection and body size to the inability to wear a matched AND functional set of stylish clothing just smacks of a hurried release. Now, before the zealous forum moderators latch onto this post like a starving pitbull on a t-bone, let me say I do enjoy the majority of the game, and have high hopes for it. Mostly, I am dissapointed that so many of the things brought up by beta testers have not been implemented.
  19. Why is this thread not stickied? I have seen a number of valid posts that get locked, and the poster is directed to this post. Except this one is buried a zillion pages back.
  20. It's too early in the game to have a ton of instant travel abilities. Enjoy the immersion for now. I do think that the travel and repetition involved when making alts does get tiresome, but would rather see a functional UI, PvP brackets and so on put in the game before we get instazap travel abilities.
  21. I agree... at least on an RP server, it would be nice to see something, oh, I dunno... in character? On the other hand, I'd rather see a functional UI, PvP brackets, and better appearance options.
  22. Kicking people in the junk. Seriously, the noise it makes never fails to make me smile.
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