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10 Good
  1. So being a relatively fresh 50 I thought I'd venture into Ilum for some world pvp After flying into the area I had to try and work out where all the action was, according to the map We (the imperials) had controll over all but the bottom, so I mounted up and sped down to the bottom of the map. The entire way down I did't meet anyone although there was 60-70 from my side. As I approached the bottom lag started creeping in and I was juttering every other second. I saw some friendlys heading into the base so I followed, and there they all were the 50 or so people stacked up in the tiny corridor right outside the base my frame rate dropped to about 2-3 (normally 60+ on full settings) and it seemed the plan was to stay here and kill anyone who was stupid enough to get close, the next 20 mins or so was spent tabbing and spamming instants in the hope I get could a few shots off before the enemies died, moving was risky as even a double tap of auto run could possibly result in death as it wouldnt register my cancelation, and in the next frame I'd have a ton of red numbers on my head and another "corpse run" ahead of me. I had been invited to an operation so I was racking up some kills for the mission I had obtained (30 enemies) so I thought I would wait the lag out to finish the quest, 20 mins or so later still in the the lag zone of death I had still a few more to go, bored of the "world PVP" I was experiencing I decided to venture around to see if I could pick up some kills elsewhere, 20 mins or so I was back with an 1 or 2 more so I decided to wait it out in the lag zone until I finished the mission. So my first Ilum adventure was somewhat underwhelming, needless to say I would prefere to stay clear of the place if at all possible but I feel I want to increase my valour rank quickly I may have to brave the lag.
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