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Everything posted by Neglience

  1. And what is the reason for that ? Players like the OP and probably you, who demand an easy mode game where failure is not possible. OP companions were introduced with KOTFE. It is absolutely hilarious to call SWTOR a grindfest and it perfeclty shows the low standard of gaming this game has established.
  2. last announcement from BW was around 300.000 subscribers (a few years ago). expect it to be less now. forgot that they had a sub peak at KOTFE realese but that is gone
  3. Probably because this is done when the server is actually full so it gets lower waiting times in the queue. I can not recall any company that closed "normal" servers to force players to play on empty servers.
  4. There is no need for quarter calls to see that the player numbers are in decline As long as the players pump enough money into cartel coins, the "game" is fine.
  5. This won't work. There are enough players that do not care how much money they spend.
  6. Go to amazon.com , 200$, that is a good price for you.
  7. It is still funny that players think the CC Store is for the F2P players. Player which are playing for free do not want to spend any money, why should they spend it on the store ? The main income for F2P games is subscribers pumping more money into the game through the store. Giving non paying players more privilegs will not increase the income.
  8. He pays money for this game so it is reasonable to expect a game where bugs get fixed in a proper timeframe. Same goes for customer service and so on. The only problem with his post is that it is in the wrong forum section.
  9. Obviously it is more a pvp companion than a pve companion as you get him through pvp. Companions are also used in open pvp not only for pve.
  10. Probably because the good stuff is planned for the CM. That leaves only some mediocre items for sub rewards and i think it always was that way since the game went f2p.
  11. 4.2 Patch notes have the change listed - change is intended. 4.1 Patch notes did not have the change to slicing listed - change not intended To sum things up: The 4.2 changes where a fix to the unintended changes to the boxes that came with 4.1 The only thing left is the lack of communication (well, in this case it is in the patch notes) but that is a thing in general.
  12. Money ? If the weapon skins are so small that they can not be seen, less will buy them.
  13. If you take a look at spammed prices you can see that the companys make a massiv amount of credits at the moment. The game is getting more and more credits pumped into the system and players who do not have teleport hacks are not really able to compete with that. Credit companys are the ones who benefit the most from this. They abuse this 24/7 on all servers with hacks. Another effect is that things will get more and more expansive and at the same time also devalues other game aspects like crafting.
  14. The slicing stuff is not an exploit, still need a nerf though. EA runs this game on minimum staff they just do not monitor such stuff (and they can not read metrics).
  15. Nothing your character is doing in this game matters because your companion is stronger than you.
  16. They do not have ressources to add another class and i am not talking about story, that can easily be avoided. Just take a look at the last "expansion". Even for the old classes there was hardly anything new, they mostly took away stuff we already had, to give it back to us with the new levels.
  17. If EAs goal was to get more players to play the game with KOTFE, it is clearly a failure. Most servers are still ghosttowns as before KOTFE and the "full" servers are not that full either. If this game makes more money with KOTFE, well time will tell. I would say the big income from SWTOR is the CM-market not sub fees. So as long as players spend $$$ on the CM, the game will be fine.
  18. 298$ is only 148 more than the price at release. So it is still available.
  19. 1. Some class storys are good, other are not. No story in this game can be compared to any other BW product, it is just not as good as those others games (well maybe DA2). 2. No, companions are crap storywise. 3. Compared to DA1, companions are not existent in this game. 4. Definitely not. 5. Combat is good for a SW game. 6. Face-roll easy, not worth to call this a "game". More like an interactive movie (but not as good as those games).
  20. Or play blindfolded or use drums for your input or play with winter gloves on or.. Well you get it, it is not the responsiblity of the developer team to have a game with some kind of balance.
  21. Materials are already inflated to much. No need to have even more.
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