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Everything posted by Neglience

  1. Some class storys are toughter than others, yes. But if you start to wipe at a boss, you start to think about what you could do better. That is learning. This could also happen on sidequests, as some of them did have pretty tough encounters like Sel Makor. I think most players did die on him a couple of times
  2. The leveling content did taught a player which abilities he has and what they are good for because it had a couple of encounters that required the usage of all(most) of them and the overall gameplay was not that easy. Today, you can run through everything smashing 1-3. That is a difference. And if you know the abilities your class has, you can master group tanking in a few hours (if you have an idea on what tanks are for)
  3. By design, the level content should teach a player how to play his/her class. In SWTOR this is not happening anymore because it is so easy that the player does not need to worry about anything. You can see this by the big amount of players in endgame without any clue.
  4. The thing is, BW did breed a playerbase for this game, that does not want the need to use more than 3 abilities to win a fight. So my advice is: if you want any challenge in a game, leave swtor.
  5. Just a correction: They added 1 new flashpoint and no new operation.
  6. I think the OP gave away his ref-link for free but he would rather get paid for it.
  7. And what is your point ? Story is done in 1-2 days per character and it gets old after the first run. A new raid binds a player for a couple of weeks and part of the fun comes out of group play.
  8. No, you are not. but i am courious for your proof.
  9. Your not allowed to post your ref links.
  10. Character leveling is a joke, with and without xp events.
  11. You mean the game has zero flexiblity in weapon choices
  12. You can not convert $$$ to credits with that item. That is no rip-off.
  13. I think you can call them for free with skype. Just google it for a how-to.
  14. You will level faster if you stick to your class quest and planetary missions only, they give more xp than normal side quests.
  15. My guess is that everyone is working on KOTFE at BIoware, There is no one left, who could work on something else. The Chance to get group content before KOTFE ends is very low.
  16. Neglience


    Game is complete easy mode until some endgame group content.
  17. He is talking about turning off the event xp, not xp gain in general.
  18. Maybe read the OP post before you post ? You just repeated BWs cheap excuse for not doing cross-queues. GSF and Warzones do not have any class limitations. They benefit from every player using the queue no matter what.
  19. The mainstream playerbase of this games does want the game exactly like that. Being able to die ? That is nothing they want to happen when they play.
  20. Most likely they just compare the quality that BW deliver with the quality other MMO companies deliver. If one does that, there is no need to know how to make a game to know that BW is not doing very well. Me for example have played a lot of MMOs and i never had seen a major exploit like the last one going on for 6 weeks before it was fixed on a regular patch day. As a conclusion from this i come to the belief that biowares ability to monitor its own game is terrible to non existent or that they just do not have any manpower to do that. Both is just bad for a MMO company.
  21. Some quest encounters and some class mission bosses. But that is not the real point. Before 4.0 nothing was semi-afk faceroll. You had to use more then 1-3 buttons if you wanted to beat most encounters. the toughest fight i remember: Funny side note: There is actual social interaction in an MMO on chat about how to beat the boss.
  22. Yes, this game had some tougher fights. Now, pretty much every fight is just face roll while watching netflix.
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