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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. If they did one of the Guild signup before the Head Start, they didn't choose their server, their guild was assigned to a server.


    And you have little understanding of how the Guild HQ actually worked then. :rolleyes:


    You were not required to use the server that BW put your guild on. I could have easily picked another sever to setup my guild on. It was right there in the Guild HQ FAQ.

  2. Lol, seriously....you guys obviously weren't around for WoW's checkered past at launch, or say the beginning of TBC. This is small fries compared to those headaches, trust us.


    Here's the deal: they could let you in and then the servers crash because you and the other 1000 impatient people are all swarming the first quest NPCs and clicking on him at the same time. Think that wouldn't take longer? and in that case, NOBODY gets to play for that time.


    Here's the other deal: Yes, they could open up another 300 servers if they want. I have no doubt they could manage this. However, for the millions of dollars they'd have to spend on this little thing you want (really, you don't think a server just costs the pay for a BW employee to type in a server name, and then poof-voila, it is done, right?) and then in 3 weeks when the demand per server goes back down to normal levels, with people logging in and out at all times...you have 300 extra servers that are all ghost towns. All so you don't feel like you were cheated for a few days of early access.



    Please, let me know where to send some of my grandson's extra pacifiers...I'll be happy to help you feel better!


    Yes, yes, 1,000 times yes.

  3. It is still time your pc is running for without you even playing anything which = more electricity used with if you havent noticed it is expensive these days hence i'm frustrated because I have waist a load of electric and money just to login to a server which when your in a guild etc you want to be on the same server as them.


    If you have problems paying your electrical bill due to your computer being on I suggest you stop paying for subscription-based games because you obviously have your priorities completely screwed up. :rolleyes:

  4. Hey there!


    You're welcome to create a new character on a PVE server, which would probably benefit you a bit more. This way you can play without fear of being killed by other players and still enjoy the rich story within Star Wars: The Old Republic!


    Hope this helps,



    Congratulations on completely missing the point of this thread, and pretending to be a CSR...

  5. Brilliant idea! Staggering the launch by pre-order date, much after the fact! Now almost all my guild is in and playing without me, their guild leader.


    I guess I was too busy wasting my time beta testing the game to pre-order right away, not that I was told that it would make a difference how soon I would be able to access the game.


    Months of work organizing a guild, including a whole prelaunch program wasted because you damned idiots decided to make the launch unfair and not let everyone in at the same time.


    The game isn't even close to a finished or stable product.


    I can't believe you are actually using the excuse that you were too busy beta testing to pre-order. Pathetic. :rolleyes:


    BTW - I pre-ordered in November and I'm playing now.

  6. I am sorry but I need some clarifying. I payed almost $170 bucks canadian for CE and half the reason was the exclusive in game items from the VIP shop. Now I see that you can buy your way into it with a tiny amount of 1 million credits? I hope there is still a vender that is EXCLUSIVE to Collectors like you guys said months ago. I hope it's just access to the area and maybe a smaller vender. Because that to me a slap in the face for paying what I did in real money.


    TLDR. Collectors edition (digitally, I know I still get the cool physical stuff) is virtually worthless...Almost 1,000,000 cred :(


    Please someone explain this to me.


    I paid $79.99 for the Digital Deluxe Edition but now people who bought the SE at $59.99 can upgrade to the DDE for $19.99.


    That's $0.01 cheaper than I paid, I want retribution!!!!!



  7. december never had a chance of 5 days from what i can tell so it was false advertising ... they said you had a chance of upto 5 days... with the statement MAY have UP TO this means you had a chance of upto 5 days... where if you ordered in december (up to yesterday you could still preorder with that same statement) you never had that chance, and that is why they are falsly advertising, ty and good night :) ps the ASA in the UK agree why do you think they added 2 more days of time well its because they paniced... and took the banner down when someone pointed out it was still up on twitter?


    Of course they did, it just depended on how fast BW was able to get players into the game.


    As of now we're looking at 4 days of EGA for December pre-orders if BW stays on track.

  8. This is a screenshot of the exact information and advertisement that was required to be clicked in order to even make it to the pre-order options. One couldn't, to the best of my knowledge, even begin the pre-order process without first coming to the screen captured in this picture.




    Don't get me wrong - I understand that this is a very frustrating issue for some people. I'm just sharing my perspective that it seemed really obvious when I pre-ordered through their official website.


    There is an asterik, I like how your screenshot cuts off the text associated with it. :rolleyes:

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