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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. And TBH, I'm kinda glad it will be staggered. Cause if it wasn't, everyone whining about EGA now, would be whining about how every zone is cramped, and they have to camp mobs and such.


    Some people are just born whiners.:)


    Exactly. Everytime I see a QQer whine about someone playing before them I'm reminded of my 4-year old nephew who throws a temper tantrum when his sister gets her bagel 10 seconds before he does.

  2. lolz... if a tweet is holding him back from helping people he needs to find a new job.. Maybe holding a STOP sign at a x-road so kiddies can walk to school


    "a tweet"? Are you really that naive?


    SR is receiving 1,000s and 1,000s of tweets. And the majority of them are asking the same questions over and over and have been answered ad nauseum by BioWare themselves and other people in these forums.

  3. I agree that they were empty for pretty much the entire last two days, but tonight after all the waves got in, the servers have gotten considerably more cramped.


    You have no facts to base any of this on, except what the server status page is showing you (ie artificially low population limits).

  4. BW know's what they are doing, best launch ever :). Soon we will all be ingame. Few years swtor awaits, can't wait!


    Much to the chagrin of all the whiners here on the forums, BioWare really does.


    I have a coworker in California who has been playing since the 13th and this morning he said so far his server (Begeron Colony) has been awesome. Totally stable with no lag, the same with other servers he's tried.

  5. seriously though, did anyone else get the game charged to their credit card, then have the money put back a day later only to have the early access fee remain?


    That was origin's method for determining that you have the money for the actual order (stupid logic but whatever), they billed you the entire cost and then refunded it minus the $50 pre-order "fee".


    You will be charged $54.99 or $74.99 when they actually send you the game code.

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