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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. No, you are stuck with seeing the choices that your friends are making in the cinematics.


    What you are suggesting defeats the purpose of the interactive group questing.


    But, you are not being punished if they choose a different light/dark side than you. If you choose a light option, and they choose a dark one, you still get your light side points.

  2. hey guys, i'm experiencing a black screen even as early as character creation. all the buttons for the interface show up but no real video. I tried updating my drivers this morning and it said i was up to date, however my machine is far from new. I am running a:


    Dell Optiplex GX620

    Pentium 4 CPU 3.40 GHz

    with 2G Ram

    while my graphics card is: an ATI Radeon either X300 or X500 series.


    Any Suggestions?


    Please make a new thread, it would make it a lot easier for people to find your problem and respond to it.


    I believe there is even a forum specifically for video and sound issues, but for the life of me I can't find it.

  3. So I'm a member at a gaming forum and while trying to organize the guild for it it's EXTREMELY hard trying to get everyone in, as you can not /friend or send guild invites to anyone who isn't online at the time you do it.


    Is this a bug or is it how it's meant to be? CAn't see the reason behind that.


    In every MMO I have ever played you could never send a guild invite to a character that is not currently logged in and playing.


    As for a regular friends invite, not sure. I know it works in other games.

  4. You will get away with it for a while with GPU drivers, but pretty soon you will realize that the latest drivers offer significant performance increases. Take skyrim for example. The latest AMD drivers just gave the game a 10% performance increase.


    And you're exactly right. But in general I'm leery of upgrading my drivers for a game that hasn't (officially) come out yet. :)

  5. You should always use the latest drivers.


    When it comes to drivers and BIOS updates I've always subscribed to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" methodology and it's served me well for years.


    If the newer drivers didn't fix the one issue I was having with 11.9 (flickering shadows) I wouldn't see the need in upgrading since none of them would have optimizations for TOR yet anyway.

  6. This thread is to address some of the most frequently asked questions by new players when they enter a Galaxy Far, Far Away.


    1) When do I get my lightsaber?

    You will get your lightsaber around level 9 or 10, depending on where you are in your main storyline.


    2) When do I get my first companion?

    Around level 8 or 9, depending on where you are in your main storyling. Depending on the class you may find your companion earlier on, but they will leave and come back at a later part in the story line on your starting world.


    3) When do I get to pick my advanced class?

    Level 10. Your trainer is on the space station after you leave your starting world. You have to be level 10 to start this quest. When you exit the ship from your starting world and take the lift up to the main level of the space station there is a NPC on your left (or right) who will have the quest to visit your Advanced Class Trainer.


    4) When do I get to train crew skills?

    On the space station after you leave your starting world (or in Coruscant/Dromund Kaas), this is not level dependent. When you exit the ship from your starting world and take the lift up to the main level of the space station there is a NPC on your left (or right) who will have the quest to visit the Crew Skill trainers.


    5) When do I get my ship?

    On your capital world (Coruscant or Dromund Kaas) around level 17 or 18, depending on where you are in your main storyline.


    These are the 5 most common questions I saw during two beta weekends.


    If anyone has more to add please feel free to post.

  7. New servers are great but some servers are "Full" already. Those people playing there are not likely to just move on to another server.


    I'm concerned that the server my guild was assigned to will be full and we'll have to sit in a 12 hour queue like in beta.


    Unlike the general playing public, we don't really have the luxury of picking whatever server we want.


    I wish those of us in a pre-order guild were allowed in before the servers fill up.


    As has been mentioned numerous times, the server caps are artificially low right now.


    One of the reasons, I'd imagine, is to preserve space for the folks who used guild HQ and are waiting for invites.

  8. Since there is no technical support forum (really?) I figured I'd ask here.


    If you are currently playing in EGA what Catalyst driver are you using?


    I'm on 11.9, I upgraded to it back in October for a beta weekend since it fixed some problems with the cinematics that prevented me from playing.


    I was still using 11.9 during the Thanksgiving beta weekend and with the exception of having to turn shadows off the game ram perfectly.


    Is anyone running Catalyst 11.12? Are they working well enough to upgrade?


    BTW, I'm running a pair of 6870s in Crossfire.

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