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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. So wait, if that node is worth 800 credits, current street value of about $1, you mean to tell me that Chinese Farmer behind me is going to not take it while I am trying to clear it? You know because her boss, that feeds and houses her at the sweatshop/factory will totally understand her sense of honor.


    Well in that case none of us should do the right thing, amiright?



  2. According to Wookiepedia, Luke's apprentices were:


    Leia Organa Sol

    Kam Solusar





    Corran Horn

    Tionne Solusar

    Kyle Katarn


    Kirana Ti

    Kyp Durron


    Mara Jade Skywalker


    Finn Galfridian

    Jacen Solo

    Anakin Solo

    Ben Skywalker

  3. Well they had a few months to sort out my first order and did not.


    You submitted one ticket after your order, got an answer you didn't like and just gave up.


    You waited 5 months to try again and now don't like this different answer.


    Does it suck that your first ticket was essentially ignored? Absolutely. But it obviously wasn't that important to you since you made little, to no, effort to get it rectified yourself.


    FWIW: I pre-ordered through Origin in November. Within 10 minutes I had the email with my pre-order code for early access. The only place the game shows up is in their stupid origin app. I can't even see my order on their dumb website.

  4. I am on one of the EU servers right now and it's far from full. There are only two instances of Thyton at the moment. Less than 200 people total in Jedi starting planet.


    You have absolutely no clue how many people are on any server at any given time. Please stop pretending that you do.


    And no, any friends you might have playing don't know either.

  5. Hey all,


    I jumped on last night and the game runs, but never got above 10-15 fps. I know my GPU really is not quite supported and is the bottleneck, yet WoW runs on medium to med-high, and I have seen videos of people with my exact model of laptop (same specs and all) running Modern Warfare 3 with a solid framerate, so I am perplexed if SWTOR is just that much more intensive than WoW or even MW3.



    Processor: Intel Core i5 CPU, M560 @ 2.67 GHz

    RAM: 8.00 GB

    Win 7, 64 bit

    NVIDIA NVS 3100M (512MB DDR3)


    Are there any performance settings I should check outside of the game client? Anything else I can try to be able to play this? I really don't want to cancel my pre-order.


    My Lenovo T410s has very similar specs (M540 @ 2.53GHz and an NVS 3100m) and it did not do well with the beta client, it really bogged down at the lowest settings.


    As for MW3 and WoW, I certainly do not get "solid" frame rates with either of them and both at their lowest settings @ 1440x900.


    WoW runs ok for questing but 5-mans and raids are in the single digits for FPS. As for MW3, on some maps the game is unplayable period.


    The bottom line is you don't have a gaming video card, you have a business video card designed for reliability and not gaming performance.

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