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Everything posted by MadDutchman

  1. can trim all the non-humanoid out of that list right now, they will not be in. ever. as for the rest, would be awesome after Togruta
  2. don't use the forums as a statistic of dissatisfaction, those who are satisfied rarely come to the forums. as for your rotations being messed up, all i can recommend is to use it for a few weeks before commenting. Things have changed, we all got to get used to things before running here to the forum. As for the lag, ya, it sucks. It is also to be expected right now. Things will stabilize in a week or 2 by my guess. Depends how much of a christmas break the devs take.
  3. I love the new expansion. Yes it has quirks that should be fixed, bugs that need be squashed, but that is to be expected. So long as bioware gets to it in a reasonable time frame I won't complain.
  4. I logged in right after it came up to get a few last minutes things done, then ran for it. Hopefully they can get this all sorted out soon.
  5. lots of credits? what? 20k? 50k? I paid them too, I don't give a ****.
  6. been here since the closed beta weekends. As depressing as these forums can be, I don't expect to go anywhere anytime soon.
  7. This thread made me all excited for a moment. I'm running an AMD Phenom II X6 @ 2.8 GHz and I occasionally see stutters, particularly in my stronghold of all places. Sadly, none of my cores are parked, swtor just doesn't know how to use 6 processors properly. Now looking into bitraider to see if it has wormed it's way into my ancient install.
  8. My favourite bug was actually pre-1.0 from the second beta weekend. When you first loaded the game it would pop up with a black windowed screen, to be replaced with the 1.x loading screen image after awhile, and then awhile later actually loading. Took a few minutes. If at any time in those few minutes you did ANYTHING, click on it, tab away, whatever, the entire install would break and had to redownload the entire game. I get the shivers thinking what would have happened if that bug made it into the 1.0 build... As for my 1.0 (2.0 as well? took them awhile to fix) was discovering Ashara's agile robes were a midrift exposing piece when they got around to giving her skin (I thought the horrible purple stuff was part of the piece) going mountain climbing on korriban on first inquisitor mission because I didn't realize you were supposed to go THROUGH the tomb of ajunta pall to get to the academy. Then they put a lift in where the rocks I used used to be. listening to inqs asking in chat on korriban where they can exchange khem for vette. (still wouldn't mind this...) stun/electrocute etc 30 m range. Grinding. Grinding, Grinding to get higher level to beat Zash. then discovered interrupts. excessive use of the flare gun. holographic twi'lek dancers everywhere, to be replaced by folk in the slave girl set dancing EVERYWHERE on the fleet. being the ONLY ONE on my server in the days before the automatic forced consolidation. So awesome, so little lag... never had to wait for a second batch of loading every time I go to the fleet.
  9. it was announced at the NY cantina that they were working on a "costume manager" of some kind that would most likely not be ready for 3.0. (in other words, early next year at best) so not only is it possible, it is quite likely.
  10. imperial smugglers don't really work. The Empire view them as scum, a threat to their nice ordered society. That's why they joined the republic in breaking the mandalorian blockade. The republic sees bounty hunters in much the same light.
  11. What level are you? The only way I could see this being a problem is if you are seriously underleveled for makeb. Be careful that you are only fighting the tank and not a wandering strong as well. because I've gone through that mission a couple times now with no issues at all. the mission that comes after, and the archon, now those were tougher, as they had a trick to them.
  12. not to mention really awkward romances. humanoid + very toothy lizard....
  13. yes there is one coming, the Togruta (current ETA shortly after 3.0). The trandoshan will never be in the game as a player character. They have said repeatedly that there will never be a character that doesn't speak basic, with generally humanoid body type.
  14. Ya, there is tons of stuff on the GTN that you can get for dirt cheap. Not sure what your definition of "attractive but not revealing" is but you should be able to find something that'll suit your tastes. could also browse on tor-fashion for quick previews of what things look like.
  15. I haven't had any drop problems with shadowlands, but i have been seeing annoying lag spells, especially in strongholds and conversations. Western Canada here, so it's not the client side ISP.
  16. I am so excited about Togruta. I've been begging for them for years. To those who want wookies and the like, sorry, not going to happen. They kinda have to have a human face and speak basic. Togruta (and with luck, nautolan) are probably about as exotic as we're going to get.
  17. Because of that swtor 2 rumor that states revan was kinda consumed by the emperor when he was defeated at the foundry, where both of their personalities vie for dominance. mind you, I'm skeptical over such rumors.
  18. This bug as been around since this set was released oh so long ago so I'm taking another crack at reporting it. The head piece has the mouth fully exposed, yet it modulates the voice as if wearing a helmet and is really weird.
  19. I can't be sure it's the same bug that the OP is talking abuot, but there has been a long standing issue that I've seen many, many times (and reported awhile ago) where experience does not update properly in the UI. It still is credited to the character (logging out and back in usually fixes it) but the bars do not update. Seems linked to a UI issue where the "proximity alert" icon does not appear when near enemies. My guess is it is a UI refresh issue. Usually fixes itself after a few minutes of play. I have seen this issue on every planet. Most obvious when you are expecting a XP cash in after a mission complete but the bar doesn't twitch.
  20. I agree, would be very cool. Unfortunately this takes more effort for BW to do so I doubt it'll happen
  21. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Revan
  22. The next big expansion I think will have a level cap increase as with Makeb lvl 100 is a little extreme though, probably level 60
  23. If you used the item you purchased it should have unlocked. If you are certain you used the item then contact customer support in the forums or in game.
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